Ventura County Star from Ventura, California (2025)


FINE Reward if returned to 153 Wall singer. St. Apt. D. 2 LOST ONE TOY TYPE BOSTON BULL, female.

Six months old, black with some white on head. Answers to name Bebe, Return of or information as to whereabouts will be liberally rewarded. V. A. Walker, Casitas Springs.


Box 309, Foster Pk. 3-SPECIAL NOTICES BELTS SUPPORTS FOR MEN Belts, supports for rupture, back strain, abd. support. End. by physicians, Ph.

6683, Chas. C. Conn, free demonstration. 3 EXPERIENCED TREE SURGEONS. Dantrees, tops and limbs removed.

gerous Pruning, cavity work. Call Ventura 5351, L. F. Mayer, Apt. No.

11, 1326 Ventura. -BUSINESS NOTICES BICYCLE SHOP WILSTED'S BICYCLE SHOP Repairing, Supplies, Keys Made 39 So. Oak St. Phone 2892 CARPENTER RELIABLE CARPENTER WORK. 50c an hour.

Geo. W. Locke, 605 Poli. Ph. 2708.

CLAIRVOYANT THE GIFTED LIFE READER OF SUMmerland on State Highway opposite the little church gives special readings for $1.00 No charge unless you are benefitted, and find him superior to othere. Hours 11 to 8. CONSULT Mme. Stepp. the wonderful Indian reader.

1451 E. Main. Ph. 6278. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, COATS LINED shirts made $1.

182 So. Fir St. ELECTRICAL SERVICE FREE RADIO TUBE TESTING. ELECtrical parts and repairs. Ferguson Electric Ph.

6393. 578 E. Main St. FIREPLACE IF YOUR FIREPLACE SMOKES OR needs repair. Call J.

H. Giddings, 3986 or 1695 Thompson Blvd. Inspection free. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINE SERVICE, HORtons, Thors and other makes. Also authorized agent for Atwater Kent.

radio tubes and servica. Norge Ventura 103 So. Calif. St. Ph.

8481. Keys, Safes, Bank Boxes, Bicycles Repaired Tennis Rackets Restrung WALTER M. JONES 328 E. Main St. Phone 4411 MUSIC LESSONS LESSONS ON BAND AND ORCHESTRA instruments.

Classes and private, George Wright. Ph. 5705. SPIRITUALISTS READINGS DAILY AT 83 N. KALOrama.

Eve. by app't, Ph. 4696, Jean. SHE WHO KNOWS- -REV. MATTIE E.

Sadler, 144 So. Kalorama. Phone 2524. Daily consultation. YELLOW CAB CO.

Taxi, Baggage You Drive Cars 543 E. Main St. Phone 3737 5-AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1932 Ford V-8 Std. Coupe almost new 8100 discount. 1930 Ford Sport Coupe, a real bargain.

1929 Ford Std. Coupe, new tires and new paint. 1927 Essex 4-door Sedan, new paint Cash Paid for Your A Car FRANK FAGAN Lined Hudson- Essex Terraplane Motor Cars Phone 4960 39 W. Main St. Ventura, Calif.

5 A NEW DEAL INVESTIGATE OUR PROPOSITION ON THE NEW WILLYS OVERLAND Parrott and Parrott 50 W. Main St. Phone 4577 WARD'S GARAGE Model Ford Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Coach 165 E. MAIN ST. CASH PAID POR YOUR CAR OR equity.

Johnny Walker, 273 E. Main. 5 FOR SALE OR TRADE EQUITY IN Ford V-8 Standard Coupe Address 1734 1736 E. Mein St. WOMAN HURT IN ACCIDENT Mabel Seeds Spizzy of Santa Barbara sustained slight injuries Sunday afternoon when her car overturned near the east city limits.

woman had turned out to The avoid a car which stopped suddenly in front of her, she told officers who investigated. Mrs. Alfred Davis and Reginald Hammond drove to Los Angeles Saturday to show one of the former's chow puppies in the Los Angeles kennel club show. Rentals Repairs TYPEWRITERS VENTURA TYPEWRITER SHOP 121 So. California 3210 5-AUTOS FOR SALE LOWEST RATES on Auto Loans -Refinancing--Private Sales Financed -Cash for late model cars- Oldest exclusive used car dealer in Ventura CountyJOHNNY WALKER 273 E.


RENT--MISCELLANEOUS Suitable for grocery, dress shop or ber shop. 1826 N. Ventura Ave. Ph. 5851.

FOR RENT-ROOMS BEDRM. IN PRIVATE HOME. HOT WA. ter, bath, of living piano, radio. Private garage.

Very quiet, reasonable Ph. 2033 or 2022 evenings. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM ADJOINing bath. Reasonable, 157 So. Ash.


automatic hot water. Floyd P. Shaw, 1183 Poli St. 7 COMPLETELY FUR. APT.

FRIGIDAIRE. soft water, garage, laundry. Very reasonable to right party. 2074 Poli St. FURN.

APTS. GAS, LIGHT PD. $25, $28. Hillside marine view. Ph.

2520, MeReynolds. 185 N. Chestnut. LUXURY, COMFORT, SAFETY IN THE Madison Apartments. All singles.

wall heaters, lights, gAS and garage. At new low rates. $27.50 and $30. 952 E. Poli St.

7 2 SINGLE EVERYTHING furnished, including garage. $12. Also store room. 187 N. Garden.

Ph. 3361. RM. FURN. SOFT WATER, electric washer, garage.


$30. Phone 6025. 2167 Channel Dr. FURN. DOUBLE APT.

VERY ATTRACtive, laundry and garage. Reasonable. Adults. 46 N. Santa Rosa.

7 MARQUES APARTMENTS Nice single and double apartments, beautifully furnished, close in, reasonable. 155 Wall St. Phone 5055 MIRAMAR APARTMENTS Desirable single and double apartments. Frigidaire, garage and elec. washer.

Reasonable. 139 Wall St. Ph. 3661. JORDAN REASONABLE place in town.

Every thing furn. Call 916 Poli St. Ph. 4887. MODERN STUCCO HOUSE AND GARage.

Call at 95 So. Anacapa or Ph. 3647. FURN. SINGLE AND DBLE.

APTS. Close in. Reas. 95 No. Ash.

JOYNER -Completely furn. Everything pd. Free pk. Cont. hot water.

Showers. $2.50 wk. Ph. 4661, E. Meta.


Ash. Inq. 145 So. Catalina. Ph.

2844. 7 HOUSES UNFURNISHED. CHEAP. Close in. Inquire at 294 So.


2 bath. block from Main St. Inquire 458 E. Santa Clara St. 7 FURN.

5 RM. HOUSE ON W. SIMPSON. Inq. 105 W.

Center. 7 NICELY FURN. MOD. 3 ROOM BUNgalow newly decorated. Garage.

123 Hurst St. FURN. 3 RM. DUPLEX $10. FURN.

2 rm. duplex $6. Phone 5811. 265 Franklin Lane. FOR RENT-SMALL FURN.

HOUSE IN Court. Lights, water and gas pd. age. $18 240 So. Kalorema.

3 RM. FURN. DUPLEX. GARAGE. Adults only.

792 E. Meta. Apply next door Hotel Leewood or at Hotel. TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. NICELY furn.

home, 2 attractive yard. East end. Ph. 3945. Call 1624 E.

Main St. FOR RENT-96 SO PACIFIC AVE. FURnished 8 rooms and bath. Garage. PALM COURT- RM.

FURN HOUSE, $15. Water pd. 241 So. Palm. 6 RM.

UNFURN. HOUSE AT 835 Church St. Ph. 26412, Gray. RM.

UNFURN. HOUSE. 394 CHRISman Ave. Ph. 3278.

3 RM. FURN. DUPLEX, 38 SO. LAUREL St. Inquire 194 Chrisman.

RM. DUPLEX, GOOD CONDITION, cast end near school. $18 incl. water. 97 Chrisman.

Ph. 2724. FOR RENT- -MODERN HOUSE. 2 single duplex: 5 rm. house.

All furn. with overstuffed. Close in near beach. Ph. 3788 or 889 So.

Oak. UNFURN. 8 BED RM. ROUSE: 3 RM. furn.

apt. Elect. washer. Water pd. Reduced rent.

413 S. Palm. Ph. 6105. 8 -BOARD AND ROOM ROOMS $2.

WITH BOARD $8 PER WK. Free parking. 973 E. Main St. BOARD AND ROOM IN WIDOW'S PRIvate home, 8 meals day.

$30 mo Private 1 rooms. 118 W. Barnett. 8 HOME COOKED MEALS, FAMILY style, all you can eat for 35c. Chicken dinner 50c.

Table board $6 week. Mrs. Gibson, 38 So. Fir. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WILL SELL INTEREST IN 40 HEAD dairy with established delivery route.

$1500 income mthly. 231 Lewis. A. L. Pettyjohn, 9-MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU NEED MONEY WE CAN HELP YOU! If you having trouble making ends meet- -SEE US! Our service offers an easy, practical way of solving family financial problems.

CASH LOANS can be secured through us QUICKLY on a plan of MONTHLY REPAYMENTS to suit present day working conditions and salaries. 'Phone, Write or Come In for full Information CALIFORNIA BROKERAGE COMPANY 406 Central Bldg. 735 State St. Santa Barbara, Calif. PHONE 24080 ESTATE FOR SALE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PRESENT OPPORTUNITY Do you wish to multiply your money five times? You will do so if you purchase this property and prices return to their former level.

Meantime it will give you a home and an income on your investment. It is large close-in lot 50x185 located above Main street: improved with a large house divided into three apartments. All in good order with beautiful shrubs and grounds. $500 cash will handle. Ask one of us to show you and tell you the price.


Ray Beene Lane W. Perry Brown Realty Swain Bailey Chet Chaffee L. E. Tristram A. L.

Davison J. D. Woods If you wish to make money, read our ad each week. FOR EXCHANGE FOR VENTURA PROPerty: 5 A 260 ft. frontage on Ventura hiway 101.

way between Ventura La A. good business property with restaurant and gas pump. Equip for 2000 chicks, fruit trees, well water tank. 15 lots in all. Write full particulars.

Box C57, Star. 10 HIWAY ACREAGE 2 in country parcels with domestic close irrigating water at small cost. acres, no house, 280 ft. on State Hiway, 400 ft. depth $1600.

5 acres with State Highway frontage, small Calif. style dwelling $3000. With E. LAGOMARSINO 63 So. Calif Phone 4646 10 12-REAL -FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE CLEAR 40 A.

GOOD LAND S. Mo for acreage within 10 mi. of Oxnard. C. Ridenour, 1 Montalvo.

12 13-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HONEY. 75c 10 LB. pail. 1722 Thompson. 2587.

13 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-3 FRESH HEIFERS, T. B. tested. Also 1 older cow and registered Duroc-Jersey Brood sows. C.

W. McKinley, Vineyard 3 mi. No. of El Rio. 18 FOR SALE TEAM OF YOUNG WELL! broke mules.

Madison Ranch, West Saticoy. 13 13-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DROPHEAD SEWING MACHINE, COIL springs and bedstead, boy's bike, R. I. R. chickens.

Cheap. 216 Warner St. FURNITURE USED FURNITURE Bought, sold and exchanged. Largest, most complete stock in county. JOHN F.

BOWLER Phone 3225 43 So. Palm St. POULTRY FAT WHITE HENS SPECIAL 20c LB. on foot. Also red hens.

Opposite Mound school. Ph. 26123. 13 NOW IS THE TIME TO EAT TURKEYS for they are cheaper than for years. Plenty of them.

Nice fat corn fed. Fillmore Turkey Ranch, G. P. Boardman. Ph.

276W. 13 BERRIES GRAYS BERRY GARDENS Red roasters, young ducks, No. of Foster Park. Santa Ana Rd. Ph.

26412. 14-WANTED-MISCEL LANEOUS WANTED TO BUY WILL PAY CASH for Diamonds, Watcher, Jewelry, old Gold, Gold Teeth. Hymes, 270 E. Main. 15-HELP WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework.

Inquire Box C59, Star. 13 1. HELP WANTED MISSION CAFE SIDE GLANCES By George Clark VITAL STATISTICS NOVEMBER 28. 10:48 p. 3.6 8:58 6.6; 4:28 1.9; p.

Low 2:29 a. NOVEMBER 29. 6.5; 11:44 p. 3.5 High a. 5:14 p.

9:48 Low 3:14 a. 2.1; NOVEMBER 80. 2.2; 6:07 p. -10 a. 6.2; Low 4:03 a.

NOVEMBER 28. Sun Sets. 4:47 Sun AM Moon Sets 5:17 PM Moon Rises 7:40 NOVEMBER 29. Sun Sets. 4:41 Sun 8:49 AM Moon Sets 6:25 PM Moon Rises NOVEMBER 30.

6:45 Sun Sets. 4:46 Sun Rises 9:47 AM) Moon Sets 7:37 PM Moon Rises MOON'S PHASES Full moon Last quar New moon 1st qua 12 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Nov. Nov.

11:28 pm 11:58 pm 4:48 pm 10:50 pm NEW WELLS BEGUN and Kennedy, No. 22, VenLiveromer tura, and Kennedy, No. 28, Livermore tura. Oil V. L.

W. 26, VenAssociated tura avenue. DIVORCE SUITS FILED Buckheim vs. Arthur BuckMaybelle beim. MARRIAGE LICENSES Coronado, 28, and Maria CotTelesforo nejo, 19, Ventura.

Jurgen Luth. Barry JoseJoseph phine Medley, 18, Santa Barbara. Allen Furnes, Santa Paula, Edgar Myrtie Bell Hutchins, 38, Oxnard. and Russell Christian Melohn, 23, Morro Bay, Madeleine Baker, 26, Pond, and Ruby Calif. Howard Ethelbert Andrews, 23, Pacific Palisades, and Jean Bryden Stewart, 22, Santa Monica.

Kenzi Kato, 27, and Hanako Tagami, 18, Oxnard. Herman Liborius Koester, 41, Oxnard, and Anna Steidle, 44. Los Angeles. Walter Davis Taylor, 32, Hollywood, and Mildred Evelyn Crotty, 30, Burbank. Samuel Smith Rolph, 45, Los Angeles, and Dora Conradt Austin, 34.

San Francisco. Thomas Oliver Reed. 39, Norfolk, and Ona Jaques, 39, Lynwood. Philip Earl Blair, 21, Santa Panla, and Ida Emmogene Peterson, 19, Costa Mesa. Bernard Raymond Davis, and Elsie Carola Willie.

33. Compton. Howard Ethelbert Andrews, 23, Pacific Palisades. and Jean Bryden Stewart, 22, Santa Monica NOTICES OF INTENTION TO WED Jose Cervantes, 32, and Agustina Cervantes, 39. Santa Paula.

Andrew Jackson Adams, 26, and Verna Viola Liggett, 20, Los Angeles. Darcie Clovis Powell. 22, Santa Paula, and Ellen Lucille Bright, 20, Moorpark. Chong Chock. 25, and Im Kahn Chang, 22, Angeles.

Auck. Harold Sucese Johnson, 42. and Sade Lanzit Segall, 43, Los Marius Everhardus Gerhardus Kloezeman. 25. Alhambra, and Deloris Jean Rutherford.

26, Pasadena. Friday, Nov. 25. Reconverance: Sec. 1st Bk.

of A. to Paul Lehmann, et ux. Trust Deed: Paul Lehmann, et 11X. to Sec. 1st Nat.

Bk. of L. A. Reconveyance: Ventura Abstract Co. to Adella Weaver, et conj.

Rel. of Sec. 1st Nat. Bk. of L.

A. to H. L. Bither, et 11X. Grant Deed: Adella Weaver, et conj.

to Martin Flynn. Deed: Est. of Giovanni Ferro, Dee d. to B. C.

Ragland, et ux, Trust Deed: B. C. Ragland, et ux. to Bank of America N. T.

S. A. Trust Deed: Harry C. Fulton, et ux. 10 Corporation of America.

Crop Chat. Harry C. Fulton, et ux. to Corporation of America Grant Deed: Ricker R. Nideffer, et ux.

to John A. Leason. Assignment: W. P. Harmon, et al.

to Topa-Topa Oil Co Grant Deed: Marie Sweet to Mrs. R. B. Allen. Abst.

of Judgment: William Hudson VE August R. Mollman, et al. Notice of Non Venio Oil Co. Trust Deed: Herbert Walker, et tO Bank of America N. T.

S. A. Deel. of Homestead: George Darland, et ux. Decl.

of Homestead: Mary La Fouge. Deel. of Homestead: Elizabeth Craft Not. of Default: Bank of T. S.

A. to Mrs. Hattie V. Burtnett." LEGAL PAPERS Saturday, Nov. 26.

Order Confg. Sale of Real Estate: In Matter of the Estate of Moses Fine, Dec'd. Deed: Est. of Moses Fine, Dec'd. 10 Winifred Richards.

Trustee's Deed: California Trust Co. to California Trust Co. Charles Baracos, et ux. Grant Deed: Mabel Fitzgerald Bright, al. to May H.

Lewis, et ux. Not. of Default: H. H. Eastwood to Manuel Mata.

Chattel Kenneth R. Sikes 10 fontales, Peoples Finance Thrift Co. of S. B. Abst.

of Judgment: Isabel Kelley, et ux. vs. Roy Rust, et al. Grant Deed: Guy R. Faulkner, et ux.

to Emery Albright, et tix. Grant Deed: Santa Paula Loan Inv Co. to Gabriel Rubio. Reconveyance: Title Ins. Tr.

Co. to Anna C. Talbot. Grant Deed: Helene Clifford Bank to of Hueneme. Grant Deed: Mary L.

Glenn to Hattie Crismore. Miss Dorothy Langford spent Thanksgiving and the week-end in Ventura with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.

Langford. Miss Langford is a student at Pomona college. Hacienda Hotel 400 Farrell St. Francisco, Calit. Rates $1.35 per day with detached bath $2.00 per day up with private bath FREE GARAGE Cow les, Prop LOCALS Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Patterson and daughter, Betty, returned home Saturday from Wasco, where they had gone to spend Thanksgiving with a daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Gil. They left Ventura Thursday morning. John Donaldson, student at the University of Southern California, spent the holidays with his aunts, Mrs. Martha James and Miss Rache Allison, in this city. Kodak prints, all sizes, 4c each.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Niles Studio, 996 E. Main F. C. Doty and daughter, Alice, Mrs.

Gordon Mathews and Miss Jessie McDermott drove to Los Angeles Friday. Mrs. Max Gowdy, of Santa Ana, is visiting her aunt, Miss Hallie Atmore Ventura, for several weeks. Mrs. Fannie Lunnen, Mrs.

Elizabeth Edmondson, Mrs. Florence Johnston, Mrs. Martha Condon, Mrs. Etta Nicholson, Miss Velma Nicholson, and Miss Coletha Nicholson, all of Oxnard, attended the Eastern Star meeting in Ventura Friday night. Whitchurch the Cleaner.

48 S. Chestnut St. Ph. Mary Hahn Froerer returned to her duties in the city building inspector's office today following a week's illness. Tony Rodriguez, 28, of El Rio, was arrested by Deputy Sheriffs William Suytar and Carl Wallace on a charge of disturbing the peace at John Castro's place at El Rio.

S. H. Bledsoe of 137 Harrison street was arrested Saturday night by Special Deputy Sheriff Downey on a charge of disturbing the peace at dance at Pierpont Bay. Bledsoe, 20, is a mechanic. Mr.

and Mrs. Norman Sherwood attended the Los Angeles kennel club dow show at the Hotel Ambassador in Los Angeles this weekend. Legal Notice Subgrade Finisher 6.00 Teamster 4.00 Asphalt Plant Dryerman or fireman 7.00 Mechanic (trouble shooter) 6.40 Concrete Pavement mechanical finisher Operator 6.50 Any classification omitted herein, to be not less than $4.00 Overtime Work: One and one-half daily rate. Double daily rate for Sundays and Holidays. Each bid must be accompanied by 8 check certified by a responsible bank and payable to the Order of the City of San Buenaventura, California, in amount not less than ten percent of the total amount of the bid 88 8 guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract, if same is awarded to him.

The check will become the property of the City of San Buenaventura if the Contractor fails to sign the contract within ten (10) days after the award. Plans and specifications may be had st the City Engineer's Office, 120 South California Street, Ventura, upon payment of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) which amount will be refunded upon returning of the unused plans and specifications within ten (10) days after date set for opening of bids. The City shall have the right to retain all bids for a period of fifteen (15) days for examination and comparison reserves the right to reject any all and bids. GEORGE V. HARTMAN, Mayor of the City of San Buenaventura.

RUTH E. MEILANDT, City Clerk of City of San Buenaventura. 11-23. 25, 26, 28, 29, 30. 12-1, 2, 3, 5, 6 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an action is pending in the District Court of the United States in and for the Southern District of California, Central Division, in which United States of 'America, ex U.

S. Equipment a copartnership, is plaintiff and Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, a corporation, is defendant. That said action is brought upon that certain bond given to the United States of America by Carpenter Brothers, as principal, and Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company as surety, October 30th, 1930, to secure the payment of materialmen and laborers for work done and materials furnished under a contract entered into between the United States of America and the said Carpenter Brothers, Inc for preliminary construction work on Anacapa Island LightHouse Reservation on Anacapa Island, California. Any person having a claim for material or labor furnished under said and that he has right to intervene have for any work or a material furnished contract 15 hereby advised that said action is pending therein for the purpose of recovering judgment for any claim which he may under said contract. U.

S. EQUIPMENT CO. By HENRY FURER Plaintiff. Man Confesses He Slew Young Girl U. P.

Leased Wire to The DOYLESTOWN, Nov. Frances Rempfer, 15-year-old high school girl, death ah she embraced and "kissed the man she loved, Charles Arnwine, 25, twice married, confessed. The confession, police said, solved the slaying of the girl whose body was found Saturday afternoon beneath a mattress on a dump heap a mile from her home. Almost 24 hours of constant questioning preceded Arnwine's admission. He broke down finally, tangled in a web of conflicting statements.

"I put my right arm around her "and neck," Arnwine said hysterically, drew her to me, and as kissed her I shot her through the breast." He contended they had planned a suicide pact, which he failed to carry out. "She was in love with me," Arnwine said, "and I liked her, too. Her folks hounded her; wouldn't let her go out with me. She couldn't stand it any longer so we decided to die together." But after Arnwine had shot Frances, he couldn't go through with the pact. "I lost my nerve," he explained.

Frances, daughter of a Newtown printing shop foreman, had been missing from home since Sunday, November 13. Arnwine, on complaint of the girl's father, had been held since Thursday of last week on a statutory charge. The slayer is the father of three children. He is divorced first wife and estranged from his second. REG.

U. S. PAT. 1932 NEA SERVICE INC "I'll eat another one, if you will." Legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of theCity Clerk by the City of San Buenaventura for furnishing materials and the moving and replacing of buildings on META STREET CUT-OFF, Section No. 1, up to 7:30 o'clock P.

M. on the 7th day of December, 1982, in accordance with the specifications and plans (where made) on file at the office of the City Engineer Notice is hereby given to bidders that under the provisions of Chapter 397 Statute of 1931, State of California, the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, which will be awarded to the successful bidder, and schedule of said prevailing rates is incorporated herein as follows, Craft or Type of Workman or Mechanic Needed to the Contract Execute Asbestos Workers Bricklayers Hod Carriers Carpenters Carpet. Linoleum Workers Cement Finishers (Helpers) Electrical Workers (Helpers) Engineers, rollers, mixers, Glass Workers Hardwood Floormen Housemovers Housesmiths, Architectural Iron Reinforced Concrete Iron Workers, Bridges and Structural Laborers, building and cement Lathers Millmen, Planing Mill Sash and Door Millwrights Painters Plasters Hod Carriers Plumbers Roofers Sheet Metal Workers Shovel Operators Cranesman Firemen and Watchmen Shovel Oilers Sprinklers Fitters Steam Fitters Gas Fitters Pipe Fitters Stone Setters Stone Cutters Stone Derrickmen Tile Setters Tile Helpers Truck Drivers, 15,500 lbs. or Truck Drivers, over 15.500 Ibs. General Prevailing Rate for Work Per Diem One and one times daily Double daily rate for Sundays days Each bid must be accompanied check certified by a responsible payable to the order of the City Buenaventura, California, in less than ten percent of amount of the bid, as a guarantee the bidder will enter into the contract, if same is awarded to check will become the property City of San Buenaventura if the fails to sign the Contract within (10) after the award.

Specifications may be had at Engineer's Office. 120 South Street, Ventura, upon payment Dollars which amount funded upon returning of the cifications within ten days after for opening bids. The City shall have the right all bids for a period of fifteen for examination and comparison, serves the right to accept any or Job items bid and reject and reserves the right to reject all bids. GEORGE V. Mayor of the City of San RUTH E.

MEILANDT. City Clerk of the City of San tura. 11-23, 25. 26, 28, 29, 80. 12-1, 2, 3, 5, 6.

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that will be received at the office of Clerk by the City of San for furnishing materials and street work on the Meta Street up to 7:30 o'clock P. on the 7th day of December, 1932, ance with plans and specifications at the office of the City Engineer. CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Item No. Item Specified 1 Cement concrete pavement 7" 9" section 335,108 13 2 Light cement con crete pavement 58,188 3 Excavation for 12" Legal Notice Sub-base material 5,585 cu. yds.

Excavation for 6" Subbase material 2,980 cu. yds. 5 12" Sub-base place 149,425 sq. ft. 6 6" Sub-base place 160,400 sq.

ft. in 7 Cement concrete sidewalk 94,287 sq. ft. 8 Driveway 11,232 sq. ft.

8-A Driveway 6,240 sq. ft. 9 Curb 14.900 Lin. ft. 10 Half curb at driveways 1,682 Lin.

ft 11 Cement concrete for structure in place 35 cu. yds. 12 Special catch basin at gineer's Station 73 to 8,13 1 each 13 Special catch basin At Hemlock St. 1 each 14 Standard catch basin 8 each 15 Single culvert under pavement area 494 Lin. ft 16 Single culvert under sidewalk area, including openings 515 Lin.

ft 17 Double culvert under pavement area 610 Lin. ft 18 Double culvert under sidewalk, including openings Lin. ft. 19 Culvert 24" 245, Lin. ft 20 Culvert 18" (complete) Lin.

ft. 21 Moving Light Systems (complete) Oil Macadam pavement 183,576 sq. ft. 22 -A Bituminous Treated Surface (Alternate bid item No. 22) 183,576 sq.

ft 23 Tons Asphaltic Concrete Surface type A. 370 Tons 24 Re-install 18" Culvert (as shown on plans) The City will furnish the selected disintegrated material for sub-base as more explicitly set forth in the special provisions. The foregoing quantities are mate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City does not expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to inor decrease amount of any crease of the work as may be class or portion deemed necessary or expedient. All bids arg to be compared on the basis the engineer's estimate of quantities of work to be done. Bids will not be accepted from contractor who has not been licensed in ACcordance with the provisions of Chapter 791, Statutes of 1929.

Proposals may be rejected if they show any alterations of form, additions not called for, conditional or alternate bids, incomplete bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind. A common-law bond will be required for the faithful performance of the conin the sum of the estitract of the contract; and a mated amount further bond in a sum equal to one-haif of the estimated amount of the contract; must be furnished AS required by the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, Act to secure the payment of the "An claims of persons employed by contractors public work and the claims of perupon sons who furnish materials, supplies, teams, implements or machinery used or consumed by such contractors in the performance of such works, and prescribing of certain public officers with the duties respect approved May 10, 1919 as amended. Failure to execute contract and file bond as provided herein within acceptable eight (8) days after the bidder has renotice that the contract has been ceived awarded shall be just cause for the annulment of the award, and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. Award may then be made to the next lowest responsible bidder, or the work may be re-advertised or may be constructed by day the City Council of the City of labor, as San Buenaventura may decide. Notice is hereby given to bidders that under the provisions of Chapter 397, Statutes of 1931.

State of California, the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman and mechanic needed to execute the contract. and schedule of said prevailing rates is herein incorporated as follows, to-wit: Craft or Type of Workman Per or Mechanic Needed to Execute the Contract Rate Diem Skilled laborer 5.00 Laborer 4.00 Carpenters 7.00 Cement Finishers 7.00 Engineers, mixers, asphalt, rollers 7.00 Iron Workers 7.00 Shovel Operators 9.00 Shovel Cranesmen 9.00 Shovel Oilers 5.00 Truck Drivers 15,500 lbs. or less 5.00 Truck Drivers over 15,500 lbs. 5.50 Tractor Drivers (30 H. 5.00 Tractor Drivers (60 H.

H. 5.50 Grader Operator 5.50 Blacksmith 7.00 Santa Paula To Get Better Train Service KEYS TAXI On December 11 or 12 the Southern Pacific will inaugurate a better passenger and mail train service for Santa Paula, it was announced there today. Under the new plans, which will eliminate all existing service on the Santa Paula branch line, a train will leave Oxnard at 6:50 a. m. for Santa Paula, and will continue on to Los Angeles.

Another train will leave Los Angeles at 6:15 p. m. on the Santa Paula branch line and will reach Oxnard at 9:25 p. m. to connect with the northbound Lark: The new arrangement will mean that all mail for Santa Paula will arrive in the morning.

-and Rate Diem General vailing per 8.00 10.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 9.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 4.00 5.00 9.00 7.00 700 7.00 7.00 10.00 8.00 9.00 7.00 8.50 10.00 9.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.06 10.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 5.50 Overtime raind Holi- by a bank and of San amount not the total that proposed him. The of the Contractor ten days the City California of Five will be reunused spedate set to retain (15) days and reJob item all others any and HARTMAN, Buenaventura. Buenaven- sealed bids the City Buenaventura constructing Cut-Off, Wednesday. in accordon file Amount Unit sq. ft.

sq. L. A. Stock Market LOS ANGELES, Nov. Angeles selected stock list: INDUSTRIALS BID ASK Byron Jackson Co 2 Claude Noon Elec Douglas Aircraft com Emsco Der Ea 4 Globe Gr 15 Goodyear pfd 30 3714 Taylor' Milling 8 Van De Kamp 5 9 Western Pipe 10 BANKSCitizens Nat Security First Nat 47 48 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKSL A Inv Co Finance 5 Pac Mutual Life 29 Transamerica 5 Western Air Exp 11 1 PUBLIC UTILITIESL A Gas Elec pfd 92 Pac Gas Elec com 281 do 1st pfd Pac Light com 38 San Joaquin pfd 87 So Cal Edison com do pfd do pfd 228, do pfd So Cal Gas pfd Southern Pac OILSBarnsdall Corp Bolsa Chica Pac Western Rep Pet Co Richfield Oil com do pfd Standard Oil Cal 25 Union Associates Mrs.

William Kennedy has returned to her home in Ventura after spending the week-end at the home of her daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lang, in Long Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Burgard had as their week-end guests their nephew and niece, Seymour and Florence Redman of Los Angeles. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT "BUY IT IN VENTURA" Laundry Ventura Laundry Ph. 2141 For Service High grade work week-end specials.

Naturally we use only soft at reasonable prices. Finish, family economy wash, rough dry, water. Ventura Laundry 127 E. Main St. Optometrist Ph.

2087 R. W. Cummings Established in Ventura 29 years. Southern Pacific Watch tor. Fine watch repairing our specialty.

The largest stock of electric clocks, watches, diamonds and jewelry in Ventura Co..

Ventura County Star from Ventura, California (2025)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.