The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1928 lO a can make the document over to suit Itself. In these circumstances it bad bettor stay out. The unofficial attempt of the German Foreign Office EDITORIAL COMMENT A DhotOKrnph of President Cool- Girard's Talk of the Day to bring it in appears to be a case of love labor lost. "In the event of our participation in the negotiations," JAMES BLVKR80N EDITOR ANtl FIIBSIDKNX tNtOM 1880 to 101 1 Bnttrti at fmtotHct el PiiiudcltiMo lecond clan mattti rimi.isBin BtKiv pat run th nt M. Chicherin says, "we would propose needful amend irixe accepting the gift of a mounted white owl shows Mrs.

Coolidge in the ments to the treaty." He does not specify what these would be, nor is it of any consequence that he should. Tho other signatories, having agreed to the terms, are ckground aaying very plainly to her self as she looks at it, "another thing THE overheated and irascible bus passenger was in a hurry. Looking at his watch he muttered something about a outrage." Then he added: "One man trying to to attract the moths." AUSTIN 8. WINSI.CIW. IlKltHMtT B.

ULAlfKMAN wfi' in no mood to let the last comer make vital changes in them. "We want to abolish war," declares this critic of tho treaty. It is gratifying to find the hitherto belligerent Soviet in this frame of mind. But to 3 Experlenc of that Scranton man who become speculess in a telephone do two mens work and fifty people who pay their fare lose their time. Tina red-faced and perspiring cal booth is not unique by any means.

find fault with Mr. Kellogg's plan because it docs not Ettereou rtiiiauelohla Ttlrphonn for Editorial Nnwa uirl rl offltM era Bell, mttMihouea Irani, Kevalone liri.nil mioo. Ifiir I Uw tiemeiit rail H.ll KlttrnKouiw 600(1. hrratrma. Brua'l Dally Kdlllon nnlv.

br mall. M.00 O'T or 0r month Bunilay Kditlon only lual 111 rmr vour. or yU? D'-r moniii tiall? and Sunday Mil Ion" aMlUaWgL" or 1 dm womb Many a man supposedly talking to his culator added that it is indecent to wife haa found himself in the same predicament. do more than it is intended to do, and aboliBh armaments in the fantastic fashion urged by M. Litvinoff at Geneva, is not the method of becoming a partner to it which a statesman dealing with realities would take.

Apparently the Soviet is to fumble its play at this time. There was a chance that it might be invited to Bnhar-rtntlona tinTublB In advance Tlie flaw on adilreaa Intiel of nainr. chance of whlr-h in 'IS rmiittenra. No olliar receipt aciit unkaa wouraim. mb the passenger of his time in order that the bus company may earn an extra profit.

He was riding In a Broad street bus, crowded to the last seat, and operated by one man who was driving the lumbering vehicle, dodging -Observe an announcement of i .1 of aubacrllilloB If renewal la Rsmon Novarro in Forbidden Hours he UalW Inquirer DellvftrcKl with Uenee Adoree. Pipe the censors! Herald Tribune Huilalng, burtlfitn fcjtrei. join the other Powers. Now it practically announces tiuine, collecting tares, giving 'Oblf-aico Huri'ini. N.

Russian seer predicted the world that it will not do so unless it can dictate its own terms. cnaiige tickets, directing passengers would come to an end yesterday. Can't If so, its diplomatic isolation will probably continue. Russian be right in anything? anouc connecting lines, opening and shutting doors. "Where in the name of heck are the advocates of that old 'full crew' Detroit H.m-su.

4HH Ar Ithlir Itanih'lph 70.U. gnu IturcBU. 5 'l lilrd it. T(U'ptiu Ki'urnry Mm. Durupi'iii) BiircBU.

1 HffcTrnt jt. afiiidon. l'rU Murmni 1ft nl Ifirun TftHlMJUt. A-lviTttm-iDtfilii tic iwiv wck. payable to Wiriur or A ucnt.

The Inquirer will fit soli tir terrier. Nnwi Ait-Hil and Newshovs at Uiu cut itr con? The Iii'intrr la nn sale nt- I't'arf' Ins llotfls and JMownum tnl In New York br 7 o'riork morning WmlJlnitntt Buwan. 1.340-41 National I'ren UuiMlns. I4ili nni 9 Kta. TttBDhone Umn (.144.

Now York AdverMalnt Biir. 0 Fast 40th Street. Teleuboae Italian reformers are beginning to law gag at pictures of our lightly clad Hollywood queens. Roman ascetics are The Liquor Issue Is Fictitious Half a dozen readers ot The Inquirer have united in R. RED HOT PASSENGER re Mnniiwrti.t will not MVMinfo evidently tilting at the shadow and M' sending the following communication to us: overlooking the substance.

There's the ferred to that bitter fight made in the Pennsylvania Lecislature "In the recent Senatorial campaign you supported Lido for instance. to nave an extra brakeman or train Mr. Vare. a Wet. against Mr.

Wilson, a Dry. In the u. r.aiiif Vrtk man put on passenger trains In this Two young men are going to dance coming Presidential campaign you support Mr. Hoover oiaie. from Providence to Boston.

Well, it aa a Drv aeainst Mr. Smith, a Wet. Will you please i publication, of all now IoVnl othirwlB credited to tlila pnper auil lo tb lorm bow. explain this seeming inconsistency on the part of The pilMUHllou nerau. takes all kinds of people to make a world, and we presume the cataloguing of the various brands of fool has not Advocates called that the "Full Crew" bill, while opponents named it the "Extra Crew" bill.

"Why thut bus driver," exploded the hot and belligerent passenger, "does more work in a duy than any live AUGUST 8, 1028 WEDNESDAY Inquirer? Does The Inquirer believe the lm Amena-ment and the Volstead act can be enforced, or does it believe there should be a modification to permit beer yet been completed by a long shot. Henry Ford's philosophy as em not greater, say, than 2.75 per cent, alcoholic con Lioimiieu in mis mate. Nobody contradicted him. hut every tent?" body could see that the bus driver A Real Drive for Better Streets Mayor Mockey' order to the Ho Works to rpeed the Jwuiince of contract, for rtrcct construction and repavine calls for an unpreced. nted There is no inconsistency, seeming or otherwise.

braced in his recent statement that If the experience and judgment of men over fifty were taken out of the world there wouldn't bo much left probably was nusy as a boy fighting bumble The Inquirer supported George Wharton Pepper for 1. 1 i ufniupeu mnt uie tut man come from Boston, "llow docs Mitten get away with thin?" Iia i. the Senatorial nomination, not Mr. Vare, ana it refused to look upon the wet issue as anything tangi amount of work ot wis Kinu uuiu.B i hnnn tbn tizcns. for ble, considering that Congress was as it is today imnuerea ort tue Ous with the parting shot: the vear.

wm oe uuv" i It mean, employment for many thousand, men made me miss my "Your delays train." a speedy relief from we oimuinra' conveniences 01 rau The available appropriations approximate W00.O0O, gave the new graduates many a dirty luugh. "Today (August 1) Is the first of the days on which one may send a one-mine letter from one ocean to the other for five cents." Boston Transcript. At that, however, we've been turning the trick for a good many years for the very modest amount of two cents an ounce. MOSES was Baid to be meek but in that he had nothing on the 2,500,000 daily passengers in in addition to which uouncii win i fi aaa ir.uii wnrk. J.

he Mayo overwhelmingly opposed to any change in the Volstead act. It does not support Hoover "as a Dry," but because it is of the sincere belief that of all American citizens he is best equipped to take over the Presidency. It is of the opinion that the liquor question should not have been thrust into the Presidential campaign. Both national conventions sought to avoid doing so and both pledged themselves to enforce the amendment and the law. It remained for Governor Smith to thrust the vino anotner jw order mean, a triple multiplication of th.

our public vehicles. Everybody cau see that the wait be tween ears is now longer. ordinary work schedule, dui wi ,...1 oit with is avoidance Everybody can also see that the av tical. une mcvur traiHc blockades by simultaneous closing of erage number of strap-hangers per car goes up all the time. subject to the front and to assume an attitude which is positively meaningless and designed merely to trick Halts at street crossings are longer hiRhways leadinR to tne same scheduling of the work to be done should prevent any Paris chauffeurs have been ordered to stop blowing their horns from midnight until five o'clock the next morning.

H'm. A Paris night unpunctuated by the ylpe-yipe of those piercing on given routes. Then the one-man nuisance further delays passengers. 'iratlie is not speeded, compared the unwary. It makes no difference whatever whether we or anyone clso thinks that the Amendment can be enforced The situation is not one of theory, but of a condition, with ten years ago, but slowed down.

French instruments of aural torture is going to make the city like anything but The Amendment is a part of the Constitution. Like it old home week. SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT Copyright, 1928, by The Philadelphia Inquirer Sstrup-hutigers multiply with the years. The minutes of millions are stolen every day. This lost time of our 2,500,000 daily passengers is what makes the street; railways in Philadelphia so profitable "Probably the funniest thing in the field of photographic reproduction," ob or not, the fact must be faced that it is there to Btay for the good and sufficient and convincing reason that thirteen States can prevent any change in it and that the Solid South and most of the West are adamant compared with ninny other big cities, serves an exebango, "wn the portrait of Honest Tom lieeney in the pose of Letters to the Editor against repeal or alteration.

Hence the Smith sugges. The Ihinker." There seems to be HEARD ELIHU ROOT say on the tion of leading the country into "something better" is some misapprehension about that pho I floor of the United fetutes henute A medium for th Interchange et Uieful Information on Matter ol General Interest to aurh an extent at The Inquirer's apace limitations permit. Exchido purely personal tubjecta ana advertising matter of any kind from queries or comments. Siun full name and address, though not for publication. NO ANSWERS BY MAIL.

political trickery, for it can not possibly amount to that every important ruilroad com- Column tograph. It was not The Thinker Tom posed for; it was The Tinker. anything. neted directly with every other. 1 was reminded of that the other Beer of a 2.75 per cent, content? We doubt if such There are times when the five- evening at dinner when tulking with passenger stipulation for the reur scat the vice president of Pennsylvania content could be held to be intoxicating, and perhaps the Supreme Court would so determine.

But it isn't 2.75 beer that the Wets are seeking. They want bever WIIIIAM PACA. SIGNER SENATOR BERKELBACK lurgest book publishing company. Editor Everybody'a Column: 1 hava baen Editor Everybody'a Column: Waa William of a P. R.

T. iuteistttte bus leaves us in serious doubt as to whether women have after all really discarded hips. lou could not guess, said he, 'the route over which we send big con ages with an actual kick in them, and Buch beverages Birkelbach, of the Thirty-aecond Ward, thia oity, aver a United Statea Senator I P. L- signments of school books to the thev can not obtain legally. The 18th Amendment, est The prohibition orator who says forbids intoxicants, and definitions of intoxicating The name is not listed among former He was speaking of heavy ship United States Senators troin Penn liquors "when made by Congress must be made for.

ments in the summer, when speed is gas and booze won't mix should have seen the wreck we passed recently on the White Horse pike. the purpose of enforcing and not relieving. The sylvania. Possibly you refer to William H. Berkelbach, of Philadelphia quotation is from an opinion sought and obtained by not a factor.

Well, I thdu guess right, because this is the route from Philadelphia to Chicago: Via water to Norfolk, and from who served in the State Senate at What the matrimonial world needs The Inquirer from George S. Graham, the able chair told that William Faca. ona of the aigners of tha Paclaration of Independence, waa of Italian anceitry. la Una truel J. B.

William Paca, signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born at Wye Hull, his father's country seat, iu Harford county, Marylund, Oct. 31, 17-10. lie was the second son of John Paca, an eurly settler of the province. Innumerable biographical works consulted fail to mention his ancestors' nationality, but it is presumed that he was of English ancestry, as most of the early settlers of Maryland were of English birth and the first census of 1700 lists Paca as one of the group of nomes which includes Packer, Paca, Paker, Paceher. etc.

These seem to is more women who save old love let Harrisbuig from 1901 to 1004. SPLITTING PARTY TICKET Hiero hv train to th Windy City. Subway Delay To the Editor of The Inquirer: It might be of interest to you to have a reply to Mr. John Lisman's letter of recent date which I have finished reading and am very much surprised at the contents. I think I can speak with some knowledge of the subject as I happened to be employed on the McGnv ern and both Keystone contracts, also by the Department of City Transit und uui able to inform you that there was no possible chance of the subway ou Broad street being reody to operais lust November, as the road and tin-mil systems were not completed until some time in March of this year, lti'JS.

Further, the first cars were not delivered until the 25th of August, and they were not in condition to start until the P. R. T. had finished them nt the Fern Rock Terminal. Of the ISO cars delivered not one would have been safe to run on the road for passenger traffic until the contractor and tlie P.

R. T. had finished with them and up to July of this year, 1928, they were still working on these curs. The responsibility of the delay on these different subjects would be easily found by any corporation iu the couo-try and quickly remedied, I am sure. The one glaring fuct in this case il that their is too much theory and not man of the Judiciary Committee or the House or Kep ters and fewer who are continually "Tliiit." said the book man.

"is the resentatives, before whose committee all bills relating to liquor must go. And here is another quotation looking up new loves. cheapest way and the one we use. Editor Everybody a Column: If a peraon votea a atraljrht Republican ticket and from the same source: "if Congress were to declare some content of alco EEJIS Ukely now mat wnen ion- alao votea for Al Smith or other Demoorats, la Mi ballot void! I. 3.

0. The first swim of tho year gets son burned. The Prince of Wales got London gress next takes up a tariff bill, Philadelphia will be on deck to hol to be necessary before the beverago could be con No. The Legislature in 1910 specifically provided for thus splitting! sidered intoxicating that was unreasonable or not urge a tariff duty on Bibles. based in fact or palpably contradictory of human ex And why not mis country now party tickets.

A cross in tne party smuiro does not invalidate a cross op tailors by the cars recently when he appeared at Olympia to view an exhibition of antiques without a waistcoat be of English origin and at the time of the taking of this census there were two heads of families in Maryland by nr nits morn Bibles than any oilier perience and knowledge the Supreme Court would un posite the name of a candidate of country and it also reads or buys annually irreat many more. this name. doubtedly say that such action on the part of Congress as the estern World has it, a The fact that Williom Poca was ad was unconstitutional." vest. That is an interesting sartorial serious tie-up. Trivate and Stale Surplus Grows The banking resources of Pennsylvania Increased me than in the last fiscal year, the gT.est aUal Win since the Banking begun keeping records ceeding $00,000,000 was paid to 4.200,000 depositors.

The figures are based on the reports called for June JO. Since that time some of the few unfavorable features have become favorable. The August 1 report of mu-tual nTs banks in Philadelphia, for stance, shows th the heavy withdrawals of the previous months waled. The money was probably used for apecu, latin?" the stock ma.ket. Not all of has come ba but the fact that the tide has turned encouraging.

Meanwhile the State Treasury with a steaddi mounting surplus is apparently setting the pace for private citizens. Opposition Defaults Panaman Election The manoeuvring of former President Bclisario Terras to upset the Panaman elections on Sunday went to th extreme of keeping his followers from the pulle and withdrawing his party's candidate, Dr. Jorge L. Boydrfrom the contest. By doing this he seems to We forfeited all claim to public sympathy.

It In difficult in the circumstances to see how the Oppositionists can gain either moral rnatenal ad-v-ntuge. The Constitution of the Republic of Ian-an provides for the selection of the President by a free cCion. Porras, who, by the way, became an a. -vocato of free elections only after his grip on the poll- machinery had been broken, has led his party de- "herateW away from constitutional methods has aouS ntervcnUon by the Urtited States, external con-trol of the elections and has threatened revolution as alternative. When all these threats and demands afled and the United States served notice that it was in created in a fair election, but would intervene against any revolutionary coup, Porras went to he other extreme and withdrew his followers from the cm, est at the polls.

If the candidates of his party Imd been beaten by fraud or intimidation on the part the Government party they might have had rea-sonnUe ground for complaint. But they have deliberated defaulted the election to Don Florence Har-mo'iio Arosemena, who was elected the sixth of the Republic without disturbance and with a light VArosemena, incidentally, is a curious counterpart of Herbert Hoover, an engineer by profession, who has had little if any participation in politics and whose professional undertakings have carried him to any tmrts of the world for considerable periods. It is to hoped that be will prove worthy of his eng.neer-W record in the office he hns attained as head of the Panaman Republic. The United States will, of course, have a close interest in his regime because of its vital contact through the Panama Canal Zone, which bisects the country, and its duties as guarantor of peace and security of this Nation which it has fostered for a quarter of a century. The Old Clock Has Not Gone With It mitted to the Middle Temple, London But cheap priutshop labor of Europe competes quite as directly on Bibles nirninxt tho hit hlv-nsid American nrint- Recently we printed a communication in which the student after he was graduated note to be sure, but the dispatches neglected to touch on the point of real importance.

Did the Prince stick to question was asked whether Congress did not have from Philadelphia College may further shoD labor as does the cheap steel mill indicate thnt he decided on London for the power to fix any content it might see fit ntty per lalior of Germany and Belgium com nolo with Bethlehem Steel labor. his braces, or wear a belt? cent, or even ninety-nine per cent." The above quota-; enough practical knowledge connected some other party. However, that is not the best way to split a ticket. Election boards have a tendency when counting ballots to separate the straight party ballots from those which are split. It is possible that in the former pile may inadvertently lie placed ballots on which certain candidates hnve been cut, because a cross in the party square is misleading and the cross for an opposing candidate might not be readily seen.

On the other hand, where the ballot contains no party cross, it has to lie examined carefully for every such work because of the family English relations or connections. RELIGIOUS STATISTICS Captain Fronk Courtney, the Brit I believe there has never been a tariff on Bibles. The sentimental argue that this is one commodity that should ibb aviator who came a cropper in the with the undertaking. H. H.

MACAULAY, Philadelphia. August 5. Gladly Corrected circulate around the world free as air. However, the labor factor in making ocean on his attempted flight from the Azores, wasn't just "lucky," as the man in tho street seems to think. Courtney Editor Evervbody'e Column: In etatlstice siven In Evervbody'e Column the number of Catholica la placed at 18 604.160.

I underatand thftt Catholica olasaify all Catholio ohildren aa church membera. Is thia oorrectf Should they ba Included In Bibles is no different from that in pro during any other factory output To the Editor of The Inquirer: prepared in advance for just such a 1 notice under today date an edi contest. RELATED that Mr. Stotesbury contingency. He had a piano whose uuderstrueture was seaworthy up to a I Therefore, while the ballot you describe is legally sound, there are reasons for using the other had informed a collection of young bank employees how to grow generous limit, and he carried radio tion from Mr.

Graham is a complete answer. So tho situation is just this: Congress has no authority to enact legislation fixing a content that "human experience" finds intoxicating unless the 18th Amendment is itself amended. A good many more than thirteen States are rock-ribbed against any change of that amendment. Governor Smith has succeeded in arousing such intense hostility in the South and West that the next Congress must inevitably be even more strongly dry than the present one. The Governor, therefore, were ho chosen President, would discover that his own party members of Congress would be arrayed against him and he would be powerless.

We are not arguing the subject. We are giving information for tho benefit of the uninformed. The liquor issue is fictitious, to suite, his position. Our opiuion is that the flier was forehanded rather rich "Buy them when cheap and sell them method, WILD QUERY than merely fortuuatc. Editor Everybody'a Column: A and are A deficit of $100,000,000 in postal revenues for the fiscal year of 1021) is to receive equal aharea under a will, and if A ahould die hie ehiidren are to take hit ahare: but there ia nothinv mentioned aa to who la to take the ahare of in case of death, Who will receive B'a torial appearing in your morning paper entitled "A Veto for the Stems Heating Franchise." i'ou will mite the name of our company is quoted.

As a matter of fact, this company i not now nor never has been interested in the sale of steam from a maio central plant for heating or other purposes. Neither is it interested in any franchise or bill which may have bees before City Council, and this editorial, although only appearing this morning, has brought to my ears a ntimlwr of unfavorable comments and criticism. I am under the impression that the matter intended by the subject of tha newspaper comment was the franchise which the Philadelphia Steam Company seeks and you cau possibly verify this from Edward H. Reuss, who is. I think, president of tin estimated by the Postmaster General.

atatlaticsl A. S. At one time Dr. H. K.

Carroll, of "The Christian Heruld," compiled a religious census and said that if Catholic children were to be numbered among church members in comparative lists it might be well to reduce the number of Catholics by 15 per cent. Whether or not 15 per cent, had already been deducted from the list from which the number 18,604,850 was taken is not clear. MEDICAL SCK00I.S OUTSIDE PHIIA. Editor Everybody'a Column: Fleaaa Hit medical achoola In Pennsylvania outiido of Philadelphia. 8.

The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is the only one in Pennsylvania not in Philadelphia, so far as this department knows. I when they go up. Philadelphia's dean of bankers Is ever ready to oblige in that way. He told his friends at the Philmont Country Club of another instance. When the stock market was skyrocketing recently a Philadelphia financial reporter called on Mr.

Stotes-burv at his bank office. "What is this market going to hmuirpH tho renorter. It may be less than this when the returns are all In; the full effect of re ductions in rates and increases in com pensation to the railways is yet to be discovered. The deficit seems pretty "I'll tell you exactly," answered the aharef P. What will become of B's share depends upon whether died before or after the testator.

If he died before, his legacy would lapse and not go to his heirs. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY MASSACRE Editor Everybody'a Column: Pleaa tell ma aomethinr about tho mauacra in the large to the taxpayers who have to meet the bills. But the postal service head of JJrexcl, "nut 1 want you to quote me correctly." The reporter said he would and Mr. SlotoHlmrv then outlined nrecisely is not to be considered primarily as source of revenue. Efficient operation is a more important factor.

company at Thirtieth and Kace streeis, what the stock market would do in the FKOPERTY TAKEN FOB BOAD (O. E. Philadelphia. Uoou urouer verification of this, I Perjury Varies in National Codes A striking difference between the French and American attitudes toward perjury is disclosed in the doubts raised by Puris lawyers over the extradition of Harry Ulackmer, wanted here by the Federal authorities in connection with his income tax. In this country a false oath is a serious offense.

Even when only technical violation of the law, involving no serious consequences, it, may bo severely punished, as in the Earl Carroll ense. We commonly recognize that truth is the foun future. "It will fluctuate." was his nre- If unnecessary damage has been done illction, and who can say that be did STORM AT THE BEACH would be very glad if you saw tit to make a correction of this in your public print. to your property when a portion or it was taken by condemnation proceedings for a road, report the matter to not describe it accurately 1 GIRARD This is the sea, the sea, curved like ft shell borough commissioners. OPTION AND BENT COURSE IiMjACCOUNTANCY Editor Everybody'.

Column: If I take: dation of our court procedure and that any temporiz, Philadelphia Hteam nesting J. IVERSON BOSWKIA President, AH 8-22 Lancaster avenue, Philadelphia, August 2. Barber Shop Tips St. Joseph's College to Provide Four ing with the sanctity of the oath weakens the whole out an option on a reiidenoa and live in It, muat I pay rent on it up tho time Attempts to save the old house in Pittsfteld, Massa- San Jacult Valley in California. I.

B. There is no San Jacuit Valley in California. Your question was referred to the California State Library at Sacramento and the assistant librarian, Mabel H. Gillis, kindly supplies this information: "There were many massucres of whites by Indians in the early days. Therefore, we are unable to decide which one your correspondent had in mind.

The nearest guess is 'the San Joaquin Valley. But as this is 200 or U00 miles long and embraces a number of counties, we will have to have more Information before we can answer tho question intelligently. Please pardon the delay in answering your letter. We recently moved into structure ot justice. Years' Training A new four-year course in account when the caih aettlement I.

made I NEW JERSEY ancy will be offered this full by St. The seller is entitled to rent uo to To the Editor of The Inquirer: In yours of August 8, appears a let-ter from Mr. W. G. Rinaldi in regarfl Franca evidently limits the definition to bearing false witness in court.

There is a question whether it extends, to an affidavit on an income tax return. While an untrue declaration of that kind is subject to heavy Joseph's College, Fifty-fourth street liiiitta where duo miliar o'f his earlier poems, "The Old Clock on the Stairs" have failed; the city will use the site for a new school. Kven in theso days of increased appreciation for buildings with historic associations the hand of progress intervenes. itsplf is in the Crnigio house at Cam the date of settlement. The property is not legally yours until settlement to that most un-American hatnt in and City Line, it was announced yesterday by the president.

Rev. William penalties in France, the proceeding is not regarded as T. Fallon, S. J. This course will come "tipping." Nutive Americans, esrept in the Eastern States, indulging in tmi practice, are not all representative nf Ilia Nntinnal in toll is made, although it mignt ne equitably yourB.

DIRECTOR'S LIABILITY Editor Everybody'a Column: la a a prosecution for "perjury." Inverted on its rim, mother-of-pearl, C'hrysoprase, turquoise where its lips uncurl; 1 Its voice a never-ending miracle. Timeless, yet measurer of time, its swell And ebb a dance to singing stars, its whirl Of spindrift sown where trumpet winds unfurl 1 Wide-bannered clouds deployed by Uriel. The standards muster, marshalled at the suu's Sudden decree, and answer, cheer for cheer, Column to column, at his thundered word. Circling the sky, the galloping courier runs. The squadrons charge the white-plumed horse with spenr On spenr of rain, and lightning-flash bridge, where the poet lived so many years and where the new State Library Building and Popular sentiment in France would doubtless this construction of the extradition treaty.

For under the bachelor of science course in business administration and will include four years of proctical and theoretical tor of a corporation In Delaware liable for training, qualifying students for the mo sBiuraj process is still prog ress." MINING MAGAZINE (R, A. nr.) the Irench people do not take kindly to their income lax. Despite drastic fines for evasion, less than five payment of dobt. in case of inaolvenoyl B. 3.

S. Under the laws of Delaware a di standard certified public accounting per cent, of the population submit returns. Thus com rector of a corporation is not personally liable for the corporation's Write to the American Mining Congress, Washington, for information mon opinion would assert that the charges against Mr, Edward A. Couglimi, a graduote or the Wharton School, I mversity of debts, such as notes given? to the bank concerning a mining and engineering Ulackmer were mitigated by the French restrictive definition of perjury and more particularly by the respect. Any native American tipping is a survival of old ante-bellum dujs when the negroes got a Saturday halt- holiday, small cash allowance, and patrol puss for absence from -plantation until Sunday night or Hon day morning.

House servants in i old und most hospitable homes of tlie South ill those days were always tippea quietly by the departing and sotistiea guests for services and attention, mon cheerfully given and the tips were re- oeived with profuse and genuine thanks, As to the barbers of today, tie least said about a certain class of tin the better. Some of the "bummfst magazine covering a particular section for loons. If a director has not personally endorsed nny of the corpor Pennsylvania, class of 1012, will be charge of the course. He will be as sisted bv Rev. William Iiurkett, 8.

J. ot tue country. instinct which employs any defense against the odi ation's notes he need not worry about l'h. who will five a two-year course STANFORD UNIVERSITY (A. B.

the insolvency of the corporation. ous tax, In America, on the other hand, we treat the income tax more scrupulously. We do not like it, of lectures based on modern business administration. Stanford University, California, is a post-stutiou of Santa Clara county. but on the whole we give a moral sanction to its corn-plete enforcement.

ing sword. HARVEX CARSON GRUMBINB xiic utuikiiiK point is t'aio Alto. Biographies of Herbert Hoover dn STUDENTS SING Possibly tho case will eventually turn on the point! not mention that he ever held a pro in the Blarkmer defense which is understood to con fessorship at Lcland Stanford Junior THE COWARD Give NATIONAL ANTHEM CONTEST (H. B. Mrs.

Florence Brooks-Aten, of 55 Park avenue. New York City, has offered the prize for a new national anthem. Write to her for particulars. PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION Editor Everybody'a Column: If tha nom-ItiMa for Froiidont and Vioa Freiidont died before election day. who would ba the Sixty tend that the indictment is partly political.

For cen. university. Temple Undergraduates Conoert it University Old age begins when one has ceased turies international practice has afforded an asylum to dream AUTOMOBILE ROUTES (T. B. and E.

C. Sixty students of the summer school conducted by the Music Education De- I to refugees from that kind of persecution. It has and most careless haircuts I ever P1' were in shops charging high PrK'1' plus tips. A very largo element fattening upon the, country this Not only in barber shops, but awn nt-ho Thw think the natns American Is legitimate prey, becu he puts up with this gouging, preferri to do so, rather than openly show tm The dreams of youth. Those dreams Lehighton.

to Whitehall. N. Y. BtrouilsOurg, Ouigmuns ferry; Port fulfilled. University, gave a concert in Beury atandard bearera of tha party) W.

R. The longings of his heart are strangely rvfton nnwl volfAio tn nrfifMv. ln i shores. But until the doubts are cleared up it will be interesting to see how widely apart stand the Gallic and American races on what might be regarded here Auditorium, tionwell Hull, last nignt. dervis, wurtsnoro, Kingston, Cntskill, Albany.

Mechanicville, Schuylerville, Presumably the party electors stilled, before that Washington nau ins iieHiuium is no doubt that it will be preserved for future generations. Nor is the house in Portland threatened by the destroyer. The best-loved of American poets is not left without a visible memorial. If It Can Have Its Own Way Tho Soviet Foreign Minister lays down in a newspaper interview the terms on which his Government will become a signatory of tho Kellogg pact renouncing war as a. national policy.

M. Chicherin appears to be greatly grieved because it has not yet been invited to join the other Powers in this undertaking. Such neglect, he says, is "unendurable." Nono the less the Soviet is prepared to endure it if tho treaty can bn made "something else than a preparatory tool for war against the Soviet union." His attitude is hardly conciliatory. He charges in effect that hostility to Russia dictated Mr. Kellogg's efforts to advance the cause of peace.

If he believes that, why should he wish his Government to have any part in a conspiracy against itself? His wide experience in foreign affairs euggests the suspicion that he does not believe it. His language further raises the question whether the Soviet really desires to join in a self-denying ordinance which would bind it to live in amity with its neighbors. He intimates that the reluctance to ask Soviet cooperation implies insincerity. The other signatories are not likely to argue this point with him. If" Russia is thus distrustful, her signature would have no great value.

An assumption of good faith on the part of all concerned underlies the declaration of policy which the treaty embodies. The explanations offered by Mr. Kellogg and the reservations accepted by him were clearly intended to prevent any misunderstandings open to an accusation of bad faith. M. Chicherin is not willing to.

accept this view of the treaty. He does not want his Government to come in unless it The students sang the two famous cantatas. "The Deluge" would agree on some other candidates And apathetic eyes meet every gleam ciiiuson j) aiis, vmitenall, N. Collingswood, N. to Cherryfield, Me.

Trenton. New Brunswick, Rah- Constitutionally they have the power. as a fundamental of tho criminal code. Of light beyond the turning of the road. display his disgust.

Real and unsuie. itcd services are usually uc deliberate gouging and grafting is be condemned, in hotels ifpm in your coin and Hadley's "The New Earth." The programme was planned and directed by Sliss Minerva M. Bennett, director Vice President Sherman was renominated with President Toft in 1912, His thoughts sense not imagination's way, Newark, Hackensnck, N. New goad, No future gladness is for him in store, Athletic Training for Pedestrians of the Music Education Department, The accompanist was Miss Ida Mug- but died on October 30, a few days before election. When the Republican electors faced the duty of cast Content he lives each day, nor asks gleworth, pianist, assisted by Horace Ti.

Pike and Richard f.illey, violinists, Finland this year won tho highly complex decathlon ing their ballots for a vice President, is one citing the case of a New or barber, who charged an out-'-'' visitor $4.50 for a haircut and a im'J The out-of-town man in this case, it to tlie judge" to the sorrow of barber, who will probably lose for more. they gave the honor to Nicholas Murray Butler. Doubtless the Biime contest at the Olympics, a combination of ten events which the University of Pennsylvania has recently There's just one thing in life that I adopted in place of the pentathlon. license, as many of his mm and ttoland Hart, 'cellist. Penna.

Vocational Schools Approved 6ra! to TAa Inquirer. HARRISBURG. Aug. 7. The Department of Public Instruction today principle would hold in case a similar fate befell the nominees of a party which had a majority in the Electoral ready done uu mat cy The original pentathlon consisted of running, jump ivuciieup, rort tnester, Bridgeport.

New Haven, Say-brook, New London, Westerly. Providence, R. Wrentham, Boston, Salem, Newbnryport, Portsmouth. N. Wells, Biddeford, Portland, Brunswick, Wiscasset.

Rockland, Belfast, Ellsworth, Cherryfield, Mo. Philadelphia toHntfield, Pa. Lincoln Drive and Germantown avenue to Chestnut Hill; then Bethlehem pike to Fort Washington, Ambler, Spring House, Montgomerville, Hatfield. Hatfield is about twenty-five miles north of Philadelphia. Philadelphia to Lake Hopatcong, N.

J. Willow Grove, Doylestown, Kint-nersville, Eoston, Washington, Hackettstown. Lake Hopateong. N. J.

desire: Your love. And with It heart and soul and mind. But, granted that, I fear my dreams I'd find ing, wrestling, throwing the discus and hurling the javelin. These arts are said to have been among the cases. Xtus sort ui nous create a wide gulf between the JJ born and the alien.

The i who does this cheap and hold-W cssentiul detenses for a soldier who might be surprised College. The problem, however, is a knotty one. You will find it discussed at some length in the article on "Behind the Scenes at the Nation's Capital," on the editorial page of The Inquirer for August (J. timintinced it has approved establishment of agricultural vocational departments in high schools in Oxford. Chester county; Newviile, Cumberland county, and Watsontown.

in Northumber a class oy muincu. Consumed as by a quickly burning fire. Though discontent shall fill my every and can take care ot mm. "fronts" are easily PtiMf there are enough of them without tt land county. It also approved estab by an enemy while carrying messages.

Probably there is less need for military preparedness of that kind today than a set of exercises to develop a pedestrian's agility in avoiding traffic hazards. This would include running, jumping and possibly hurling a nvssile at the hit-and-run driver. ERADICATION OT SPIDERS CW. S. importation ot anj uium i The Bureau of Housing and Sanita more tricks.

a task, For fear of growing old, I shall not ask. AGNES CADI CHITWOOD lishment of rural community vocational schools in Lower Towamensing township. Carbon county, and Wyalusing tion. City Hall, issues literature on Philadelphia, August B. the eradication of household pests.

Distance about ninety miles. township, in Bradford county. 'I.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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