a A A A A 1 a 60 THE MORNING CALL, Allentown, Pa, Thursday, Ang, ST I BUSINESS-INDUST. RENT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE SUB'BAN -SALE 71 UNFURNISHED APART'TS SO UNFURNISHED APART'TS FT. FLOOR ROOMS BATH EAST SIDE $9,500 Mountainville Split SOUTH SIDE in ATTRACTIVE 6 bath SECLUDED- Colonial storage building. or small distributor. Suitable Located for De7-3819 or this Located near schools, shopping 2 blocks East 309.
Very nice location, modern kitchen. Cement basement, 1 13th Allentoan, condition. Oil HWH. bedrooms. 3rd finer.
Call Wale or 434-1543. acre Ton, Pa. North Call of cuner Route after 32 5 Thruway. Fuller- DOWN fir. 3 Nice size single room, Pome modern of.
Ream Room Kitchen Semi Air MERKEL REAL ESTATE 1301 St. bath. 2 bed Estate quickly settle Brick Case Cod. 2 carame. Asking net 4 LARGE BEDROOMS Bathroom Oil Fired Warm ATTRACTIVE- Center City no Adam Schaffer Bet ween 266 3560.
All brick split level on lovely suburban heating system, Encloses Horne front compare- porch range on Level 4 counter Heal Garage. Paved Driveway, FARMLAND the en large $90 remade me led 50. SICE 2 bedrms. patty sun BRICK Type BUILDING manufacturing fIrs. or 55x100 about 34 acre few of miles from able to this in same block sells for ever on and level.
Family W. Trest of this stone location Vacant. garage lower level a Oil child allowed 797-2445 be 6 Northampton, Shirt Co. 262-2211 or a Spaciousness large living plenty of formal City, water sewerage. Immediate Singer-Hacker Agency any desired nor water.
Pi. BUCHANAN PARK porch. 0 A.M. or 8 8 10 P.M. BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL ur cabinets.
vitra-modern kitchen, dishwasher. with 2 natura large N. PLYMOUTH session. $17,900. Multi acreage negotiated from starting 3 10 at $15.000.
Price (North West Bethlehem) STONEHENGE COURT office immed. vic. of Court wood paneled recreation rms. Extra new Cozy W.W. brick carpet ranch in on liv.
corner 16 DONALD REALTY CO. 515 Linden St. 432-4480 Eve. 395-3091 FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-2808 BEDROOM BEDROOM APT. API.
FROM FROM $118.75 $96.00 Catasauqua Rd. Penna. Beth, $75. Ph. cond 432-1133 fir.
$100 available, Call Ideal Today to add see swimming master 2 other mice size bed- 23rd Eves, call Tilohman 965-4250 799-3160 Multi-List or 437-4621 305-2505 BILEVELS LANARK AREA 7. rm, 2 sty. brick 1st SOUTH WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP pool. Hurry: $27,900. to this, It's big mod, basement, low kitchen, dining room, living house.
4 car garage, 11 acres clear land. Near Monocacy Park, golf course FOR RENT real buy at $15,900 bedrooms, 1 car Henry Haas 797-0705. RI. 22-1 New ages 1430 EVENINGS PRESIDENTIAL CONVERTED each. Two woods and places.
porch ed about tors, auto. stats. On 2 mi. from purchase KENNETH 536-7800. CATASAUQUA 3rd.
bath. Adults CATA. ty pine drapes, rms. MARCUS Coopersburg, COPLAY-4 trance, vate COPLAY: ment, 3 17th or 2 kitchen dry area, private See ESAU T. EGYPT-1st pri.
baseboard 950 W. available, conditioning. schools EMMAUS-4 ENTIRE decorated fio. $75 a.m, 5 JEROME Adi. Stefko nished kitchen Mgr.
Ph. air-cond. 1 Open Downtown 117 S. 4th LEHIGH 2 Luxury NEW Get plex. large area, tile All closet off street hood, 2 near tion month.
S. 1104 NR. TWIN 1st Call for NEW 1-Bdrm NORTH floor closed range, per month. 409 E. use of per month.
KESSLER sunporch 2347 mi, Near shopping laundromats, 12 channel free onsite parking. CATASAUQUA OPEN I DAILY 95. SAT. BY APPOINTMENT MANAGEMENT GRIST MILL-Rental Apts. in rustic stream, beamed picture windows, decks and 4 car garage.
20 years ago with H.W.H. and separate imp. road 12 mi. S. shopping center, for responsible KRATZ CO.
112 2nd St. Nicely decor. la. only $56. Ph.
434-8562. Residential, 4 paneled dinette set, etc. Couple. 264-9585 -Vacant. 2nd bath, yard, garage, yr.
H. SHELLYPa. rooms bath, 1st fir. Also 3 rooms entrance, 2nd fir. Ph.
48 N. 2nd St. 2nd lge. rms. bath, heat Call 1-826-5397 Demila Apartments Cedar Streets, large bedrooms, with dining area.
Tile dishwasher, garbage outside entrance. "TOTAL ELECTRIC Rental from plus outside, Call for inside JOSEPH Agent fI. frt. 3 beau. hath, porch.
heat, couple, 262-5787. ELRAE GARDEN APTS. Emaus 3 now. All electric Adjacent to bus. Ph.
797-4400 ROOMS BATH Adults Only Call 432-4480 3RD FLOORrooms. Private bath, mo. Phone 435-4521 p.m. Thursday. EXTRA SAVINGS Only a few units available COURT APARTMENTS Shopping Center, unfurnished.
Incl. TV cable, many extras. 867-7559. Naturally cooking-HW incl. Hamilton and Garden Apartments 19th 20th Linden Allentown's desirable West Bedrm.
Junior 3 from Thurs. to Sun. 1 to Or Call Res. Mgr. Naturally If's Gas Heating, Cooking, Hot HAMILTON SQUARE Allentown's only PLAZA Bethlehem's bedroom apts.
From $107 Ph. 867-1536 3 Bedrm. MODERN DUPLEX away from the Enjoy this unique apt. living mod. bath, cheerful outside space, large, large parking, fashionable blocks from YMCA Wyoming).
Nothing in compares with this DUNBAR OPEN Hamilton St. 437-5469 LAKES COUNTRY 3 Rms. Bath, Heat appointment, 395-1412. LUXURY APARTMENTS $112.50 2 Borm. Aster Rd.
Allwood Off Catasauqua Road VALLEY PARK EAST MODELS NOW OPEN 1 to 5 Daily Phones. 866-8051 or SUBURBAN REALTY 10TH ST. NEAR newly remodeled 4 porch, private bath, heat hot water HAMILTON 2nd bath, heat elec. KESSLER: 241 N. NORTHAMPTON-1st fir.
gar. yard, pri. Washington 262-3877, For Whatever SERVICE YOU NEED Call Any Of These RELIABLE BUSINESS FIRMS schools. TV, gar. Bus BETHLEHEM 124 866-6311 CORP.
$100 setting with ceilings, fire large L.R.. Convertbrass radiathermo- Allentown, will Lease party. Phone Quakertown, Pa. (Apt. bldg.) priv.
bath, knot. air or 437-1761. floor, lease $65. REALTOR Dial 282-1350 private en. bath, pri262-2851.
fir, apartfurnished. Allentown living room, bath, laun. disposal, LIVING" util. inspection 433-3271 rms. newly TV ant, bedroom apt.
heat air shopping, City or 797-7906. $80. spacious reBack pabetween furcomplete Resident all gas heat. Linden Streets End $109 5 P.M. 432-5216 Water apts.
434-1213 finest a month, Apt. BLDG. congested comdwg. with separate din. abundant basement area, neighbor(So.
12th new construc-2000 at $130. per EVES. or 435-4265 CLUB provided $137.50 Drive 867-7100 Agent TURNER-2nd ennew elec. furnished, $90 floor, 3 furnished, $50 7th 434-9534 rms, bath, ent. $60 mo.
TOWN APPLIANCE 434-7267 BRICK POINTING CHIMNEYS, GARAGES Fireplaces, homes repair work. Free estimates. Call Pete Julo 433-0810. pointing, water proofing, chimney repair, masonry work, etc. Stephen J.
Korich, Gen'1. Contr. 797-4594. CARPENTRY CARPENTRY Repair remodeling. Free estimates.
PHONE 395-5432 after 4:30 P.M. CONCRETE WORK A-1 WKMPS. Patios, roofs, sidewalks, walls, porches, steps, 434-5882. KENTOM GENERAL CONTRACTORS ALL KINDS OF CONCRETE WORK Satisfaction guaranteed, fully insured. Free estimates.
395-5711 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1-A ALTERATIONS Kitchens, garages, rec res. construction. patios, tile, roofing, alum. siding, store fronts. T.
J. ROGENS SON, Bethlehem 866-1212 BLACKTOP PAVING 20c a sq. ft. Free seal coating with every paved job. All free estimates.
Call 262-5310. CARPENTRY CEMENT WORK- Pa. fios, roofs, porches, Reas. rates. Free estimates, Call 797-1093.
GARAGES Patios, sidewalks, brick work, porches. Ph. 435-7635 before 9 a.m., eves. after 6 p.m. J.
P. Contr. IF YOU WANT BETTER CUSTOM KITCHENS CALL 797-3424 REMODELING-Int. rec, kit. porches, patios, etc.
Skilled craftsmanship Paul S. Evans. Bldg. 264-9159 -262-6646. REMODELING YOUR HOME? WE'LL DO THE COMPLETE JOB- FREE EST.
JAMES HERMAN CO. 264-0707 LANDSCAPING DICK'S LANDSCAPING SERVICE- Residential Commercial, Mowing bed work shrubs trimmed. Fertilizing programs. Perpetual Lawn Care. 432-7684 or 1-2 Bedroom Apartments Open by Appointment Phone 434-4578 Evenings 395-2868 STIMMEL GRAUL Naturally It's Gas Heating Cooking Hot Water STUDIO APT Large living large kitchen, private bath, floor setting, walking distance to downtown.
$50 per mo. BOB YEAKEL-REALTOR 4095 Tilighman. 395-3777 SUTTON PLACE N. West End, 1025 N. St.
Lucas St. 2 bedrm, apt. to carpeting throughout. Heat, hot water, air cond. garb, TV incl.
$139.50 NORMAN MILLER 432-6827 Day or Eves. ULTRA-MODERN-2 2nd fir. apt. featuring carpet, air-cond. Priv.
balcony, off master BR. Laundry facilities off street parking. Beautiful kitchen. $135 per month, Call: 435-9420. UNFURNISHED FURNISHED 1.
big bedrm. apts. Ultra mod. thruout, fully area, loads of closets, security foyers, air conditioned, separate dining laundromat, more all information utilities included. $126 up.
call TALCOTT AMELIO Hamilton Cedar Crest Blvd. 437-5501 WEST END Near Allentown Hospital. rooms-sun deck, zoned heat. $110. Call 435-1286 after 4 p.m.
HOUSES FOR RENT 59 B.R. Mod. mod. bath, auto. 1 block from school.
Vacant. Call 867-4311 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. RM. CORNER HOME Vicinity 6th Tighman, new oil burner, hot water heat, perfect condition.
Refs. req. Write Box 126, Call-Chronicle. WATER rms. bath, auto.
heat $55. a month. LEE R. KAHLER 434-6186 2445 ALLEN Large, desirable house available August 15. Rent $150.
For lease. Call 433-3101. EXECUTIVE SPLIT LEVEL In West End, 3 ultra-mod. din, liv. rec.
rm. Beautifully decorated. $250 per month. H. SAWYNA 437-3584, 797-5289, 432-3376 NORTHAMPTON 5 rms.
bath. All improvements. Newly redecorated. Nice vard. Apply at 680 E.
20th St. ROSE GARDEN This lovely 3 bath, 2 story Colonial home is perfect for the executive. Entrance foyer, living rm. with fireplace, dining rm. with open deck, ultramodern kitchen, rec.
patio, garage. $225 a month. Further details upon request. BROWN-Realtor SALES -MULTI-LIST 439 STATE ROAD, EMMAUS 967-2133 Sat. Eves.
435-5173 SMALL-2. rm. house. Partly furnished. 18 Kernsville Road, nr.
Orefield Post Office. Call 432-5114 for info. TOWN HOUSES 2 baths. liv, din. rm.
Central air cond. $170. Ph. 435-5620. H'SE TRAIL'S FOR RENT 60 FURNISHED 2 bedrooms.
10 ft. wide. Few minutes north of Allentown. Adults only. 432-9422.
RENT OR BUY- 60x10 Expando, 3 Wall to wall carpet. Refs. Call 767-5608. FARMS FOR RENT FARMHOUSE Barn meadow. Beautiful setting.
Plenty of room for horses. Interested parties write P.O, BOX 101, Breiniasville, Pa. RENT 62 BLOCK OFF UNION BLVD. New Warehouse and Office Space 4800 Sq. Ft.
at 844-48 N. Gilmore St. 2400 Sq. Ff. at Cor.
of E. Cedar N. Graham Sts. 1800 Sq. Ft.
at 715-17 E. Congress. Sa. Ft. at 1133 N.
Graham St. will Alter To Suit Your Needs Also build to suit your needs in East Allentown, city water, paved streets. 435-1491 C. J. NOTI BUILDER 433-4451 6 LARGE ROOMS Formerly used as a doctors office.
Can be used as insurance office. Phone 432-8998. 6TH HAMILTON STS. Office air conditioned, wall to wall. carpet, elevator, all ianitorial services included reasonable.
rent. EARL S. KESTER CO. 519 Linden St. Realtors 434-5216 9TH HAMILTON STS.
Air beautiful, office suite from $29 mo. Parking avail. 1-6 rms. NGD 435-9063 Hamilton St. very desirable location for any retail business.
For information apply: MONROE F. NEWMAN 23. S. 9th St. (Multi-List) 433-5121 WELL DO LANDSCAPING SHRUBBERY TRIMMED Grading, seedina, fertilizina.
Weed killers, flower bed work. Fully exp. 437-2729. TOPSOIL FILL DIRT CALL AFTER 5 P.M. 395-9141 PAINTING PAINTING Interior or exterior.
Work guaranteed, free estimates. Ph. 435-2351 or 435-7351. PATIO ROOFS ANY DESIGN PATIO BASE 434-5882 KENTOM GENERAL CONTRACTORS RENTAL-SERVICE UNITED ALLS We rent most anything, garden tools, ladders, floor sanders polishers, tables chairs, power tools, air compressors etc. 1110 Airport Rd.
437-4071. REUPHOLSTERING RONALD GOSTONYI'S UPHOLSTERING -We restyle, restore old antique, furniture. Modern furniture upholstered bar rails. For free estimates, 797-5481. ROOFING AND When your cracked, blistered, dry roof leaks, good lasting repairs made, rain or shine, 262-7112.
Aft. 10 p.m. 435-8901 ROOFING Spouting, concrete work plastering. Call for free estimates. Ph.
395-5191 or 395-4024 after 5 p.m. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANING Septic tanks cleaned, Free est. CONTINENTALS 432-7406 or 432-7417 CESSPOOL DIGGING Tanks, drain fields, installed Cesspool, septic tanks, toilets remove all solid matter. Also well drilling. Phone 759-3290.
HENRY YESKA SON, NAZARETH SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS A-1 REPAIR SERVICE $2.95. All work quaranteed. All makes. Fullerton Sewing Center 264-9777. ALL MAKES MACHINES Service $3.
Motor lights for sewing machines. L. METZGER, Orefield Ph. 395-1976. STORM WINDOWS DOORS STORM WINDOWS $10.95 Full in.
comb. doors with full length piano hinges. enclosures $29.95. Discount prices in comp. porch awnings.
Aluminum: siding, $26,50 sq. Bank terms. JAMES HERZOG ALUM. PRODUCTS 210 Gordon St. Ph.
Ph. Jim Thorpe 325-2109. A 3-Line Ad for 7 Days Costs Only $7.98 DIAL DIRECT 437-5571 Office space second floor Colonial Theatre Building approximately 2100 Sq. 1. Can be rent.
ed as single unit or divided into two units of 5 offices and offices take over balance of lease until March 1970 call Bernard Frank at LARGE Modern air-conditioned office space available. Call 868-1006 for Joe. MODERN rm. Suite of offices. occup, Colonial Theatre Office Bldg, adi.
to Courthouse. City Hall P.O, PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Newly re decorated. Union Blvd. Ideal for doctor, lay lawyer, real estate, etc. Phone Molinaro, 433-4639 for appt.
SALES ROOM OR OFFICES 1326 Chew St. cor. 30x60, toilet base ment, low rent, 432-5411. STOREROOM FOR RENT 5500 sq. on N.
7th Street Pike South of 2 Guys. Air conditioned, ample parking space. Phone 434-9264, Hallmark Construction. WANTED TO RENT 63 35 BEDRM, HOME- -Approx, Aug. 28 for 6 months Write or longer.
Call-Chronicle Physician's family. Box 269 3 BEDROOM HOUSE In vicinity of Allentown. Call 868-9952. NEED MINIMUM OF 3,000 sq. ft.
of storage space within city limits to or trucks. Emmaus. Must be -accessible Call 433-2771. WANTED- 6 or 7 rm. house to rent in or vic, of -Allentown.
5 adults. Refs. upon request. Ph. 797-0177.
WANTED to 1,500 sq. ft. of floor space. Suitable for small knitting mill in Allentown or vic. 435-4404 aft.
5:30 p.m. RESORTS FOR RENT 64 ATLANTIC CITY- Picker's Cottage. 19 S. Vermont Adults Ave, Rooms, chidiren Also up to Apts. ten.
$10.00 $20.00 weekly. $50 up. AT PROMISED LAND LAKE New hskg. units, sleeps-2-4, fully furn. TV.
Rent 717-676-3838. wk. or day. Ph. Kistler Cottages FURNISHED CABIN For rent by week or weekend wooded area along stream Nr.
Wyalusing. Ph. or write C. Spencer RD 1 New Albany, 18833. OCEAN CITY, N.
Rms. $35 wk. Hskg. $45. Pool.
Free park. Coffee. Bellevue Hotel, 8 St. Seaside Hotel 6 St. SAYLORS LAKE Sleeps 5.
Near lake. TV. Free lake swimmina. Linens. $75 week.
Also daily weekend rates. Phone 717-992-6300. PARKING-GARAGES RENT 65 1 CAR GARAGE VICINITY 6TH CHEW PHONE 435-3635 831 WALNUT ST. Space for medium size $8. ALBERT ROSENFELD 437-5014 GARAGE FOR ENT For large trucks, storage or commercial business.
$40 per month, Call 432-9877. GARAGE Space for 6 cars, vicinity, 627-631 Hazel between 9th 10th, Tilghman Allen. Call 433-8588. INSURANCE 68 ATTENTION BEAUTICIANS NEW LOWER COST LIABILITY INSURANCE AVAILABLE. S.D.
BUTZ AGENCY 435-9595 MORTGAGE MONEY 69 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS- -In any amount. To Buy, To Build, to Refinance. LEE R. KAHLER 737 Turner, 434-6186 F.H.A. YEAR MORTGAGES And construction.
or other mortgages. M. LOWY, 39 N. 5th: 432-2422. MORTGAGE MONEY AT ONCE No red tape.
Very reas. Finance Fee. Call J. W. Kessler, 241 N.
7th 434-9534. HOUSES FOR SALE 70 TWIN BRICK- With ultra mod. kit. bath. Excel, cond.
Reduced to $7,000. DESH REAL ESTATE 435-8015 L. C. Schaffer 298-2115 1-A LARGE Ranch home. West end of Allentown.
3 lot 2-car 180 garage. 20x30 liv. 2 fireplaces, x120. Price $39,000. Call 866-9226.
1-A NEW -Forced builders sale. 3 bedrm. ranch home. Water sewer. Tweed Salisbury Twsp.
Available immediately. Call 866-9226. -New stone 4 bedrm. Cape Cod, 2 full ceramic tile open stairway, fireplace, modern, kitchen, Located new development Treichlers. $30,000.
Call Rob ert Drey, Bldr. Call 264-9233 2 GREAT BUYS! GOOD -GOOD LOCATION 331 N. 8th St. Brick row, 8. bath, gas heat, modern kitchen, large lot, with trees flowers.
228 So. 13th- Brick row, 6 rms. bath, HW heat, oil, closets, gar. MONROE F. NEWMAN 123 So.
9th St. (Multi-List) 433-5121 2 Lovely Homes 745 Glick Cedar Crest Gardens Ranch, Stone, brick aluminum, rooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, live fireplace, Parkland schools, immaculate beautifully decorated. MEADOWBROOK 2904 Edgemont Drive, 2 story, 8 rooms: live fireplace, baths, 4 bedrooms, rec. room, 2 car garage, basement. For details call CEDAR CREST REALTY L.
E. CAFOUROS, REALTOR Member Multi-List 666 Cedar Crest Blvd. S. 434-4817 STY. BRICK ROW bath, H.W.
oil heat, 2-car gar. $8500. Call 434-8840 STORY BRICK ROW N. Lumber, 3 B.R. bath, L.R., D.R., Ige.
mod. kit. w-plenty of cabinets. Oil H.A.H. Excel.
cond. $7900. ROCKET REALTY 435-5761 or 433-5825 STORY FRAME Row house. Storm windows. insulated siding.
4 rms. new bath. Attic, new roof. Nice yard, Block car garage. 120 E.
Cumberland St. $6,200. Phone 434-6314 for Appointment 3 BEDROOM Brick ranch, northwest end. Gas heat, W. to w.
carpet, rec. sewer, owner occ. Imm. poss. 437-2567.
3 BEDRM. RANCHER 11 baths, rec. all electric, Whiaehall $26,900. 1112 W. Highland Ph.
435-6823. 3 BEDROOM RANCH $14,950. Beautifully: planned with large kitchen, dinette, large living spacious utility rm. carport. Features no draft radiant heat.
City sewerage, a lovely 80x100 ft. lot. Located in Fullerton (Echo Hills). Call' now to inspect, quick MERRITT MILLER 925 N. 19th St.
(Multi-List) 437-1771 Eves. till 8, Sat. till noon. 3 MILES NORTH OF MALL In. Coplay, Ranch, L.R., D.R., modern kitchen, modern bath, 12x25 family room.
2 bedrooms. Patio. -Huge well shrubbed corner lot, 14x30 attached garage plus carport utility room. Only $14,250. In Hokendauqua, Brick Ranch in a lovely neighborhood with beautiful lawn shrubbery.
Featuring a sunken living dinina room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms. modern bath. Full basement. Attached garage. Water sewer connected.
FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-9808 BEDROOM COLONIAL year old. All electric. Aluminum siding, Brick. Poured concrete foundation. Aluminum storm windows screens.
Living room, dining room, kitchen. Paneled family room with fireplace across one wall. Picture door looking out on covered patio. Lawn landscaping. Fully paneled tile: basement recreation room.
Water softener, wall to wall carpeting throughout. baths. One with glass enclosed stall shower. Owner being transferred. $31,500.
Call 435-6817 all weekend or evenings. BEDROOM COLONIAL 3 full baths, center hall plan, large formal dining room, fabulous kitchen with indoor-outdoor breakfast area, 20 ft. paneled family room, fireplaces, central air condition. ing, all appliances, many more custom features, complete with landscaping on 150 ft. lot in Springhouse Farms, South Whitehall's prestige address.
Don't miss this magnificent home. Open daily. $52,300 ROMA CONSTRUCTION CO. 437-4628 5 BEDROOMS- NORTH END Brick, row, excellent conditon thruout, contains 9 rms. new tile bath, gas HWHeat, new roofs thruout, 2-car brick garage.
Vacant. Only $9,500. NORMAN MILLER 433-7188 or 432-6827 5 NEW Homes under construction SPRINGHOUSE FARMS "Allentown's Prestige Address" Bedroom ranch, sunken living room, baths, family room $41,750. 3 B.R. stone aluminum ranch, 2-car, outstanding floor plan $37,850.
5 Bedroom Cape Cod, baths, separate. suite for Mother $50,800. B.R. Colonial home, 3, baths, fireplaces, oversize lot, fabulous! $52,300. 3 B.R.
ranch, brick, baths, family room, air cond. $41,250. These outstanding homes are now under construction, several are almost plete. Excellent location: From Cedar Crest Blvd. drive West on Trexler Blvd.
along the golf course to Springhouse Road, turn right to models. OPEN DAILY. For complete inforination call: ROMA CONSTRUCTION 437-4628 BRICK TWIN excellent condition. 21. story.
house, close 10 Harrison lot with nice yard, entrance hall, large utility heat. rm. with Reasonable extra taxes toilet. New $11,900. oil.
VINCE BROWN REALTOR SALES SPECIALIST MULTI LIST 439 STATE ROAD, EMMAUS 967-2133 Open Sat. Eves. 965-5264 116 SO. 16TH ST. Roomy 3story twin, L.R..
D.R.. La. modern kit. 34 11. baths.
entrance hall. Full ment, porches. good frontage, nice yard. 432-0573. 207 S.
17TH ST.2 story brick, featuring B.R.S, baths, garage, excel. cond. Asking $15,900. MAURICE 435-8242 448 N. JORDAN ALLENTOWN Large kitchen paneled living bath, convenient oil fired heat, a new roof, plus automatic dryer included.
At $8,500. Morris 767-5267 767-4117 767-4862. $500 DOWN- -NO SETTLEMENT COST746 Pittston St. 6 to car. pets, oil heat $8300.
I MAURICE KNAFO 435-8242 600 BLOCK N. LAW ST. 11 baths, modern kitchen, Reasonable. Ph. 433-4888.
617 CEDAR STREET 21 Story brick row type home with rooms on 1st fir. 2 rooms mod. bath, 2nd fir. Oil fired heat. Deep lot to alley.
Vacant. Price $6,900. NAOMI A. REALTOR 629 Turner St. (Multi-List) 435-1521 631 N.
NEW-6 baths. Asking $8200. SOLITO REAL ESTATE 433-5920 437-5206 800 E. CHEW ST. PHILLIP RONCA SONS 1000 Itaska St.
Beth. 867-9425-868-0218 828 N. 24TH ST. THIS IS A MUST Just riding by this charming brick air conditioned ranch home will never show you the spacious interior for you to appreciate the geunine value that is offered. This elegant home consists of 7 baths, plus loads of extras including a 16x32 ft.
family 12x12 ft. cedar storage area Ige. covered patio. The new price is $33,900. appointment, call O'BRIEN REALTORS 433-8881 434-4047 876 MAIN STREET GUTHSVILLE Parkland School District story home with 4 rooms, bath hallway on 1st 5 rooms bath 2nd fir.
Presently set up with a kitchen on the 2nd fir. Deep yard. Bus service to Allentown schools. NAOMI A. CUTSHALL 629 Turner St.
(Multi-List) 435-1521 1120 -Is a fine brick row home having 6 rms. bath, Alum. windows doors, patio, fireplace oil heat. $9,800. $14,900 CENTER VALLEY $14,900 Alum.
3 bedrm, ranch with location. Now vacant. Gas heat, city water gar. SAUCON VALLEY REALTY 838-0451 1137 N. 16TH Level.
3 beddin. kit. baths, den, Basement. foyer, liv. Gar.
Fenced yard patio. Many extras. Vic. of Trexler Jr. Hi.
$22,500. Owner leaving state. Call 435-0493. $50,800 5 BEDROOM Cape Cod, baths, huge living room, formal dining room, air conditioned, many custom features. Located in beautiful Springhouse Farms, South Whitehall Twsp.
Open for inspection daily. ROMA CONSTRUCTION CO. 437-4628 A H-A-N-D-Y L-0-C-A-T-I-O-N WALNUT near 11th; a well-conditioned 3-story brick with (5 bath; mod. oil-HW Heating furnace with hookup; fairly new roof: city sewer; a house easy to convert: Call today, Marlene Saltzman, R.E.C. REAL115 N.
8th, 434-9502 or 437-5993. ABUNDANT CHARM QUALITY In this 3. yr. -built Split-level in Prime WEST END. Elegant liv.
rm. din. rm. ultra mod. 3 spacious beautiful huge paneled rec, base't.
Indry. Ther- covered patio, Gar. mopane, HILDA windows GOLDMAN- thruout. REALTOR $29,900. 520 N.
19th St. 433-3183 or 432-7266 AFTON VILLAGE Custom ranch, 3 BR. 11 B. Ige. rec.
Ist fir. nicely shrubbed. $22,500. Firm. 797-2228.
ALTON PARK Brick ranch, 6 to carpets, porch, new roof, spotless MAURICE $13,500. $1,000 needed. KNAFO 435-8242 ANOTHER NEW LISTING 4 Bedroom Colonial Located in new section of Emmaus. living dining modern kitchen, baths, game room 2-car garage. Plus patio large lot.
This home can't be beat for $24,900. Be the first to see. Call: BOB YEAKEL 4095 Tilghman 395-3777 BEAUTIFUL Quality-built 46' rancher. Built on your only $13,990. Pay.
ment $90 monthly, Includes carpeting, laundry, family, garage. We can help you building lot. Valley -Sub. of Hess Aluminum 395-2026 BEERSVILLE BUNGALOW Abuts large swimming pool, 3 rooms powder room. Screened porch.
Fully furnished. Well, water. Price $4,500 TERRY REALTY 432-6246 BETHLEHEM WEST END. Twin, 6 rms. hath.
New oil heat. Immed. possession. Reduced to $7900. 435-8015.
DESH REAL ESTATE 868-1048 BRICK TWIN WEST END $14,750. Highland St. near 19th, 6 rms. tile heat. City sewerage, garage.
Clean bath, powder rm. on 1st floor, HW oil good condition. Quick possession. Call now, get set before school starts. MERRITT MILLER 925 N.
19th St. (Multi-List) 437-1771 Eves. till 8, Sat. till noon. BUY OR BUILD NOW! SEE YOUR REGISTERED BUILDER LEHIGH VALLEY HOME BLDRS.
ASSO. CALL YOUR REALTOR About MultiListing Service or call M.L.S. Office, 240 N. 5th St. Ph.
434-7124. CAPE COD NEAR CEDAR CREST Bedroom Cape Cod in near perfect condition. Beautiful modern kitchen with dishwasher, double oven, garbage dispospossible separate dining pretty living ceramic tile bath powder paneled basement game room with fireplace, separate laundry total elec. heat, well shrubbed lot, 2-car ga: rage, city, water sewerage. This home is a real terrific opportunity at only $19,990, Only $990 down, $121.87 monthly, low settlement fee.
THE FARR AGENCY til 9 p.m. 866-0774 CATASAUQUA-2 houses for the price of one, live in one, rent one. 434-6459 GANGEWERE 797-3582 CATASAUQUA-25 W. Race St. A very nice large home with automatic gas H.W.
Heat. Nice bath, 8 rooms. Large lot. Only $8,000. FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-9808 CATASAUQUA-Spacious brick twin, contains 5 excellent location, incredibly low down payment to qualified buyer.
Only $9,500. CLEMMER Realty 435-9950 or 435-1230 CENTER CITY $8,500. Neat and clean 3 bedroom brick row with oil heat, modern kitchen, slate roof, aluminum storm doors and Owner transferred. ROSCOE Q. JARRETT 26 So.
7th St. (Multi-List) 433-3245 Hersh Evenings 435-4894 a COMPLETELY RENOVATED 4 bedrm. sgl. incl. wash, dryer ref.
80x130 lot. 609 S. Fawn Ph. 435-1895. Country Atmosphere Surrounds this story 10 room home.
Property is in good condition. Very attractive kitchen. Located approximately 8 miles West of Allentown. Ideal for large family, or also suitable for 2. families.
by FAIRWAY DEVELOPERS of Shep herd Hills, Rt. 222, Wescosville. 395-2501 E. EMAUS AVE. Total electric ranch.
3 bedrms. liv. ceramic bath, deluxe kitchen. dinina 797-2667. area.
oversized garage. $17,900. Call E. SALISBURY TWSP. Bethlehem Route: 3, Church 2 auto, heat, all on 1 fir priv.
driveway. Call 437-4062. TALCOTT AMELIO Hamilton Cedar Crest Blvd. 437-5501 EGYPT $6,000 For the Handyman Frame Single 7 rooms bath with hot water heat. Needs repairs.
TERRY REALTY 432-6246 EGYPT Not the Largest But one of the cutest, 135 Harrison St. 6 rooms tile bath. Oil heat by City. water sewer. Should see terion to appreciate, Price $12,900.
L. REALTY 432-6245 EMMAUS MODERN COLONIAL BORO LINE SECTION: oil city sewer: garage: $17,990. Call Renee Bauer, today! REAL EST. CENTER 434-9502 or 965-2363 EVER SEE A DREAM This appealing brick single in the fine north west end is a dream. delightful rooms laid out for easy living.
1 bedroom bath on the 1st floor bedrms. on the 2nd. Beautiful landscaped grounds. wonderful buy, excitingly priced $19,500. BERT SCHOFF 923 Turner St.
(Multi-List) 437-0783 EXCELLENT SCHOOL AREA 4 bedrooms, baths, rec. ultra-mod. kitchen, fabulous closets, garage. Airconditioned. 934 N.
Berks St. (Bet. 23rd 24th Sts.) $33,500. Open daily. EXECUTIVE COLONIAL 5 BEDROOMS West End Spacious rooms formal room- -family room -recreation baths-3-car garage Exquisite priced right $36,500.
LARRY KNOBLACH 411 N. 7th St. Realtor 435-3531 Evenings 432-8368 FOUNTAIN HILL story brick coated end of row with recently painted in1st terior, 3 rooms with hardwood firs. on level. 3 bedrooms bath on 2nd fir.
Oil heat. Front porch. Reasonably priced for family with children. JOHN S. NEMETH 262-7100 FULLERTON 2 BR.
$14,900. Large L.R.-D.R., eat-in new tile bath, pow, ww. carpet. L.R., D.R.. hallway, 1 car city W.S..
JACKSON REALTY 100 N. 9th St. (Multi-List) 434-7211 FULLERTON $8,500 Near Mall Twin-763 5th St. 6 rooms bath with hot air heat. City sewer water.
TERRY REALTY 432-62461 HAMILTON PARK Cape Cod 2 Ige. carport. Oil heat, well shrubbed paneled family sewerage, $15,900. 2 434-8650. HANDYMANS' SPECIAL $300 DOWN -NO SETTLEMENT FEE Vacant brick, 7 bath, hot water 2 heat, needs decoratina.
Allen St. near 4th. $65 per mo. pays all. Pr.
$5900. S. DUNBAR-OPEN EVES. 1104 Hamilton St. 437-5469 or 435-4265 HOMES FOR LIVING SOUTH ALLENTOWN SINGLE 5 story residence.
A must for the large family wishing to buy an inexpensive home in need of some Hot water oil heat, full basement, easy financing to qualified buyer. $8600. WEST END SPLIT LEVEL Near the Municipal Golf Course. Located on an 80x130 ft. well shrubbed lot, this lovely home contains 3 baths, family garage is priced right at $25,900.
HIGH ON A HILL With an outstanding view, stands this cozy house meant just for you. 2 Bedrms. bath, large living modern kitchen, garage. New baseboard oil heating system. Wall to wall carpeting.
$13,900. Call or visit our office for your free copy of our issue, of "Homes Living" monthly pictorial. KLINE, BORTZ WORKMAN, INC. Service 111 Cedar Crest Ph. 434-9491 OPEN DAILY 9 TO 8 SATURDAY TIL 3 HOUSE With terrific, view, overlooking Route 100.
Can four counties from patio. story brick, 8 baths, 2-car garage, rec. util. large patio, porch, large lot, $30,000. Immediate occupancy.
Call for appointment. 215-845-7114 if no answer, call 215-679-5882. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 4 Bedroom 21 bath Colonial. ALLEN CREST DEVELOPERS 1121 W. Highland St.
435-5010 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5 Bedrms. 3 baths ranch, clean as pin, 18 x27' master library. 24'x 16', rec. rm. with formal dining kitchen 14x15 with all mod.
conveniences, huge living rm. with fireplace, Call to see it anytime. PARKLAND SCHOOLS Split level with 3 Ige. beautiful view. Mod.
Ige. tiled bath, rec. Idry. gar. Move before school starts.
Only $14,900. HALYNA SAWYNA-REALTOR 2224 Liberty 437-3584, 797-5289, 432-3376 IN Just min. W. of city, 7 Rm. stone single oil HAH, new bath Ige.
lot. $9700 CARL H. MYERS AGENCY 395-5411 395-4319 965-9101 797-5616 IT'S A CUTIE N. CATA. -Liv.
Big 2 closets, Basement, oil HW.H. Water Sewerage. Asking $13,500. Matt Orban Real Estate 437-5631 KUTZTOWN Priced to sell. 6 Room Colonial Rancher, ideal residential location.
Attractive financing. Immediate occupancy. Phone 1-201-859-3662. Lehigh Parkway View Immediate Occupancy Sale by Owner $16,300 7 room split level including, 3 bedrooms, family room, garage, city sewers. Walk to elementary school.
3057 Sussex. Road, Alton Park. Call 432-0306. LITTLE JEWEL $500 DOWN NO SETTLEMENT FEE Vacant, 5 mod. tile bath, hot water heat.
HW A-1 cond. thru-out. Nr. 5th Walnut. (500 bik.
Hickory St.) $65 per mo. pays all. Pr. $5900. S.
DUNBAR-OPEN EVES. 1104 Hamilton St. 437-5469 or 435-4265 LITTLE LEHIGH ACRES EMMAUS 902 Lawrence Drive, 4 baths, family 1 car garage GEORGE W. KONESKI 965-9633 965-9615 MEADOWBROOK New 3, 4, 5, Bedroom Homes $34,500. up, city water sewer.
Brookhaven 434-4836. MOORES Super Stores, Inc.r introduces INTERNATIONAL HOMES Models from $36.42 a month, 120 months or $3013 cash price. 1635 Airport Rd. Allentown ON YOUR LOT FROM $10,990 DIRECTIONS: Route 309 By-Pass Emaus Ave. Exit Proceed toward Emmaus and Lifetime Homes.
LIFETIME HOMES 717 DALTON EMMAUS: 967-3364 GREEN ACRES Come South on Ott Street Move In Soon COLONIAL $25,950 P.P.&L. awards these homes THE GOLD MEDALLION, symbol the most livable homes in the world. Flameless electric home heating, certified wiring for full housepower, prescribed light for living, flameless electric cooking, flameless electric water heating and dishwasher. 4 BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM LAUNDRY LOT SEWER INCL. Jos.
KRUEGER REGISTERED BUILDER 437-4173 433-1865 MOVE IN Before school starts. N.W. Bethlehem, 1136 Beverly 4 Baths, Den, Newly remod. 868-0541. NEAR AIR PRODUCTS eat-in WEST OF kitchen, ALLENTOWN formal dining story 2 brick, living 3 3 rms, with fireplace powder rm.
on 1st 3 Lge, bedrms. bath on 2nd fir. 2 Lge. rms. on 3rd.
Oil HWH, full ment, 2 enclosed porches 1 open porch, small barn on beautifully shrubbed lot 80x330 ft. $20,000. A. GRAMMES-Realtor 1. 433-5286 Eves.
395-4895, 145 N. 9th St. A NEAR LEHIGH COUNTRY CLUB Gorgeous center hall Colonial Split Level home you would be proud to own. Charm. ing living room, formal dining room, lovely bedrooms, 2 ceramic file baths, fabulous kitchen with dining area.
family 2-car with woodburning fireplace. attached garage. Low, low price. $32,900. PILLSBURY ROTH 965-9867.
Eves. Sun. 965-4444 or 797-2114 Ritrs. 544 State Emmaus NEAR- -Whth. Hi School, Br.
Ranch, large Din. 3 bed bath, gar. full basmt. $22,900. Ph.
434-1266. NORTHAMPTON BI-LEVEL Brick Aluminum. 80x100 lot. Finished rec. baths, modern eat-in large liv.
ina room. bedrooms, laundry room. Garage. $18,500. FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-9808 NORTH CATASAUQUA TWIN- 5 rooms bath plus Attic basement.
No central heat. Only $4,000. Will finance. FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-9808 NORTH END SPECIAL $500 DOWN NO SETTLEMENT FEE Vacant, Needs brick, 6 decorating. bath, Liberty automatic 11th.
$65 pays all. $5900. S. DUNBAR- OPEN EVES. 1104 Hamilton St.
437-5469 or 435-4265 ONLY $400 DOWN FOR RELIABLE BUYER Near 13th Chew Sts. Features extra large living room, dining kitchen, 5 hardwood firs. State roof. $10,500 NORMAN MILLER 432-6827 or 435-9495 OWNER SELLING-2629 Penna. B.R., cor, st.
alum. Ranch. L.R., D.R., mod. 11 baths, aft. gar.
432-8229. OXFORD PARK Single with large living 2 nice bath, real nice kitchen with eating area, dining rm. or storage attached, garage, expandable 2nd floor. Large lot, radiant hot water heat, many extras. Price $13,900.
BOB YEAKEL 4095 Tilghman 395-3777 PENNSVILLE Contemporary split level with 2 car gar. living den, modern kitchen bath, hot air oil heat $9900. WESTBROOK PARK Yr. old home in excellent condition. Owner moving out of town.
3 ceramic bath, birch kitchen. gar. New owner can assume present per cent FHA mtg. Price $12,900. LEE R.
KAHLER 737 Turner St. (Multi-List) 434-6186 PERFECT For retired couple, young couple or summer home on West. Rock Road, South Mountain. 2 bedroom trailer, with utility room 1 car garage built on plus covered patio. Lovely lot 50x356 $7,000.
PAMPERED BEAUTY bedrooms perma stone Ranch custom built. Excellent condition. Living room, dining room, spacious kitchen, 2 car garage. water. Beautiful view.
Home Park, Cementon. $21,500. Deutsch Realty Co. 771 Hanover Ave. 437-3524 Eves.
797-0154. ROYALTY HOME EARL NUSS CONTRACTOR ROUTE 329, 2 MI. W. OF EGYPT 799-3322 SAGAMORE HILLS New Brick and Aluminum split. 3 or bedrooms, paneled rec.
room, fireplace, 21 baths, garage, situated at Western border of Allentown Municipal Golf Course, excellent buy. Open Daily p.m. 395-3251 SALEM BUILDERS 2415 Pennsylvania St. MODEL HOME Open daily 9-5, Sun. 2-5 Phone 433-6603 ANY STYLE ANY PRICE SALE OR RENT Coplay twin, sty.
full basement, all imps. Double car garage. lot, Call bet. 3 6 p.m. 262-4723.
SALISBURY TOWNSHIP full alum, screen storm windows. Owner transf. $26,400. 437-1795. 1524 Paxford Rd.
2 Ige. bedrooms, Ilv. room, semi modern kit. din, room above has 1st fir. gar.
Rec. room laun. dry room. H.W.H, oil Alum. storm sash, elec.
range. City water, deep lot. 435-8015 DESH REAL ESTATE 868-1048 SALISBURY TOWNSHIP New listing, Cape Cod, L.R., Fireplace, mod 3 B.R., bath, 2-car gar. For quick sale. $13,500.
BUTZ CO. 965-9845 or 967-1581. SMALL NEAT 3 bedroom row on Warren St. Hot water gas fired heating system, full basement with powder rm. small rec.
12x24 living dining rm. kitchen. Fire escape from 2nd floor, with kitchen plumbing all ready to make into 2 unit apt. If desired. $6900.
STIMMEL GRAUL 116 N. 8th St. 434-4878 After Hours 435-1729 SOUTH OF EMMAUS 2 story brick twin. Both sides. Ideal for 2 families.
Each side contains large kitchen, living 2 bedrms. Large lot, 1 car garage. Needs some work. Both sides for one low price $5,500. DONALD REALTY co.
23rd Tilghman Sts. (Multi-List) 437-4621 Eves. Call Carl Pape 965-4250 S.W. bedrm. Colonial, 7 mo.
old, all alum. siding brick, Liv. din. paneled fam. rm.
W- glass patio doors, bathrm. powder rm. OPEN HOUSE Model Open Daily 1 to 8 P.M. 401 LEHIGH HOKENDAUQUA WHITEHALL MANOR CONSTRUCTION CO. 264-4271 CLEARVIEW MANOR Open House 8 8 Daily Sun.
12 8 5 Models, 3 4 -5 Bedrooms $24,900 up Overlooking Allentown's st End Directions: Left at Charcoal Drive-in on RI. 222, 2 blocks West 309 on Kressler Road. Phone 433-2811. P.P.&L. awards these homes THE GOLD MEDALLION, symbol of the most livable homes in the world.
Flameless electric home heating, certified wiring for full housepower, prescribed light for living, flameless electric cooking, flameless electric water heating and dishwasher. LOT OWNERS HANOVER HOMES Complete on Your Lot NO MONEY DOWN 18 MONTH WARRANTY Prices As Low As $10,990 4 MODELS OPEN DAILY 12-8 Off Rt. 22 Thruway at Cedar Crest Blvd. Send For FREE Brochure HANOVER HOMES 1419 Leicester Place Allentown Name Address city State Size of Lot. Phone 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES PHONE 395-2046 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, 1 living car room, family room, laundry room.
garage. Sale price $23,500. MOLINARO SON 433-4639 STONE BRICK RANCH WEST END- PARKLAND SCHOOLS Features 20 ft. birch kitchen, oil living baseboard 3 ceramic bath, HW heat, St. drilled well, 30 ft.
carport, secluded. Only $22,900. NORMAN MILLER 432-6827 day or eves. TALL TREES WOODED LOTS 1. PARKLAND DISTRICT A brand new brick aluminum bi-level nestled among trees for absolute privacy.
Home contains 3 bedrooms, aftractive living room, dining room The ultramodern kitchen has a dishwasher beautiful cherry finished cabinets. Finished family room with fireplace, 1-car garage sun deck overlooking mag nificent view. 2. SAUCON VALLEY This home has all of the most desired features the suburban home buyer of today could wish for. A nearly new all Brick Colonial Style Ranch Home, nestled on the side of a hill overlooking the beautiful Saucon Valley.
3 bedrooms, baths, fabulous kitchen, formal paneled family room with fireplace, dining room, electric heat 2 car garage. $34,900. 3. SOUTH MOUNTAIN Charming Brick Stone home surrounded by oak trees. Knotty pine paneled living room with fireplace.
2 bedrooms bath, modern kitchen eat-in area, recreation room in basement. 1 car garage. Large private patio off kitchen. Quiet neighborhood. $14,900.
FRETZ REALTY INC. REALTOR OPEN EVES. 965-9077 THE COMPLETE HOME No Hidden Extras 5 Styles to choose from $16,150 to $19,900 ANCIENT OAK Off Rte. 222 West near Trexlertown. Price, includes large landscaped lot, ev.
erything you need to move in, MODEL HOMES OPEN DAILY Mann Homes, Inc, Phone 395-3341 Hours by Appointment 432-4488 THE MARKET PLACE FOR REAL ESTATE WEST CATASAUQUA Here is nice Twin with many recent improvements. Extra large living room nice large kitchen, completely new bath, 3 bedrooms. 2nd bath in basement. Modern heating plant. Garage nice yard.
City sewer. Vacant. Settle estate Only $7,500. NEW LISTING Attractive all Brick Bi-Level in a nice wooded setting. This home has many outstanding features such as flagstone entrance foyer, live fireplace, completely finished recreation room, full tile bath, 2 powder rooms.
All this plus 3 large bedrooms, living room, formal dining room, an ultra-modern eat-in kitchen with daylight ceiling. Would you like more information, don't delay, call right now. FRETZ FRETZ REALTORS ALLENTOWN Open Daily 8-Sat. till Noon 4th Susquehanna Sts. 437-4881 FREE AMPLE PARKING TROXELL Side) 3 bedroom brick rancher.
Modern kitchen. Carport. $19,500. AL SOLITO REAL ESTATE 433-5920 437-5206 TWIN ON 65 FT. LOT Now's the time to provide your family with the ideal 6 bedrm.
home with 1st fir. laundry powder rm. den. cellent location, near shopping conveniences. Lovely lot, partly, fenced for small children.
Priced to sell at $17,900. PATT, WHITE CO. 821 Linden St. Ph. 437-5568 SUB'BAN HOUSES-SALE 71 4203 Tilghman (Multi-List) 395-2082 WEST END STONE FRONT BRICK Row with 5 BR's 200 block S.
17th. A real handy location. ONLY $12,900. NORTHWEST-5 B.R.s baths. BRICK.
End of row. H.W.H. Oversized gar. w-loft. Excellent.
JOE ONLY PREMES REAL ESTATE $11,900. 1225 N. Cedar Crest Blvd. 437-4424 WEST END SUBURBAN SINGLE Brick shingle 3. bedrm.
rancher on shrubbed lot. Modern kitchen, colored tile bath large liv. new paneled rec. outdoor patio, oil-fired baseboard water heat. Entire home air conditioned, city water sewer, Parkway Manor section.
(100 block Beverly Drive) $19,700. Call 395-9345. WEST END. TWIN 14x18 L.R. with fireplace, 12x14 D.R., kitchen, 3 B.R.'S bath, full bsmt.
car 9x14 1st office or den $13,900. M. S. TURKO AGENCY 437-4697 WHY BUY THIS 3 STORY? 1. End of row, bright and cheerful.
2. Comfortable-summer and winter, 3. Modern furnace- -modern kitchen. taxes and maintenance. Convenient-541 Green St.
Priced right at $9800 DAN JARRETT-Multi-List 100X220 HILLTOP Wooded lot with a gorgeous stone front Split level. 3 Brs. 2 baths, family room, formal D.R., large modern kitchen, basement garage. Located 7 miles N. of ABE Airport.
$21,900. FRANKLIN GRAVER 262-98081 LANARK AREA Magnificent bargain 1 or 2 family home. Convenient to everything, rooms, enclosed porch on 1st fir. 5 bedrooms 1 bath on 2nd fir, plus attached frame building, oil hot water heat, city water. approx.
acre lot. Price $15,900. ELMER M. WAGNER 797-4203 Real Estate 262-1373 Eves. 797-4307 282-1736 797-0129 MODERN Ranch.
Attached basement, 2-car gar. Lge. 31 pool. BR. Kennel.
L.R.. 1 acre. Finish, $32,000. 683-7297 OWNER SELLING 3. bedrm.
ranch, ige. living rm. with fireplace, alum. storm screens, dishwasher, water soft. ener, breezeway, car gar.
Acre corner lot. Southern Lehigh School District. $20,300. Call 967-2466. SPLIT LEVEL West end, full basement, low taxes, Lot 140x120.
All Home A-1 cond. owner transferred. $27,900. Call 433-2513. REAL ESTATE WANT'D 73 1-A REAL ESTATE SERVICE- List or buy through FRED COBI REALTY.
Call Richard Henry, 434-2201. ARE YOU THINKING OF us for a friendly chat, Your home may be just right for one of our many clients. No obligation. HILDA GOLDMAN-REALTOR 520 19th St. 433-3183 or 435-3837 CASH BUYERS For 4 better residential ties in Allentown, Emmaus or suburbia.
Also for choice country properties or farms. SALES SPECIALISTS -MULTI-LIST VINCE BROWN- REAL TOR 439 STATE ROAD, EMMAUS 967-2133 Evenings 965-5264 CASH BUYERS- For, city suburban properties, twins or singles ranging from $10.000 to $25,000. HARRY G. BENDER 45 N. 10th St.
432-3870 COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE SAMUEL J. McCLENAHAN 437-4962 FULLERTON 433-4886 QUICK SALES ASSURED On country homes with several acres, large farms, wooded or clear building, sites List within now. 15 miles North West of Orefield town. 395-2818 SNYDER REALTY THIS IS A VERY GOOD TIME To offer your home for sale. Let us put your home "On the Market." 437-3524 DEUTSCH REALTY, 'ALTWN.
APART'T HOUSES-SALE 74 2 LARGE APARTMENTS LOW DOWN PAYMENT Fully occupied brick building, near Imme- Court House. Perfect condition thruout. diate possession. Only $9,900. ALBERT ROSENFELD 7th Walnut Realtors 437-5014 2 OR 3 FAMILY APARTMENT NORTH END Convenient location, oil heat, nice yard.
Reasonable price. quire today For details call DAN JARRETT-REALTOR 821 Linden St. Ph. 437-5560 4 UNITS FINE INCOME. $13,900.
All occupied, tenants will stay, 636 Tilghman oil HW 3 car garage. Hurcall at once. JACKSON REALTY 434-7211 817 LIBERTY ST. Former Calvary Church property for sale. 2770 sa.
ft. space. Ph. 797-4993. CATASAUQUA Good income.
Gross $3,224, Can have $17,000. 6th Howertown Road. Phone 264-2628. NEW LISTING TOP NOTCH 2 unit apt. on Washington excellent condition, kitchens, remodeled, 1st floor completely remodeled, possibility of making 3rd floor into 2 rm.
efficiency apt. Paneled playroom in basement, 1 car garage. $13,500. STIMMEL GRAUL 116 N. 8th St.
434-4878 After Hours 437-0122 NORTH END-3 UNITS ROW brick, rms. bath on 1st floor, 3 rms. bath on 2nd floor, 2 rms. shower bath 3rd floor, HW Heat, open colored patio, nice front porch, 2 car garage. Price $12,900.
KESSLER REALTORS 241 N. 7th St. (Multi-List) 434-9534 SPARKLING NEW-16 UNITS 4 Apt. 4 units in each, with ultra modern Gold Medallion all electric kitchen, centrally air conditioned, flameless elec. heat, 11 tile baths, liv.
rm. with halcony, din. rm. 3 wall to wall carpeting, private storage in basea ment, fully occupied. $7,740 income from each 4 unit bldg.
Price $58,750, or all: 4 bidgs. $235,000 2224 Liberty 437-3584, 797-5289, 432-3376 "HALYNA SAWYNA- REALTOR HOME BUYERS THE JAMESTOWN 111 4 Bedrms, Baths, FROM Living Room, Dining LESS Room. LOT. $23.900 WM. BLAIR 797-7491 1-8 P.M.
3 BEDROOM RANCH Priced From $12,490 Models Open Daily 10 A.M.-8 P.M. RI. 100, Fogeisville, Pa. BRUCE HOMES 395-4037 432-1905 PARKLAND FARMS NEAR HOLIDAY INN (West) 1 BLOCK NORTH OF INTERSECTION RTE. 22 309 P.P.&L.
awards these homes THE the GOLD most livable MEDALLION, symbol of 3 BEDROOM RANCH homes in the world. heating, Flameless certified wiring electric for home full 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL housepower, prescribed light for living, flame- Now Available less electric flameless cooking, For Immediate Delivery electric water heating dishwasher. and WILLIAM TRAGUS DEVELOPER KLINE, BORTZ and WORKMAN, Inc. 111 CEDAR CREST BLVD. (Exclusive Sales Agents) 434-9491 LOT OWNERS DEUTSCH HALLMARK 3 bedrooms baths from $15,750 on your lot See Deutsch model homes 15th Pennsylvania Allentown- Send for FREE plans book 2 blocks south of Route 22 I DEUTSCH HOMES Open daily 12-8 p.m.
Call 433-7554. 771 Hanover Allentown 18103 DEUTSCH CUSTOM Name Address HOMES BUILT Zip. I City LOT OWNERS You Can Believe This It's The Truth! 3 Bedrooms, Custom Kitchen, Frigidaire Wall Oven and Range Top, Luxurious 11 Separate Dining Room, Large Living Room, Finished Family Room, Adjoining Powder Room, Laundry Facilities, Ample Storage Area, Large Garage, Double Thick Insulation, Dual Pane Insulated Windows. Brick and Lifetime Color Siding. Total Flameless Automatic Electric Living 10 Warp Free, Fully Insulated Magnetic Refrigerator, Weatherstripped Front Door (no storm door needed).
No money down, $90.21 per month, mortgage payments stop in 25 years. Does it make sense to pay off someone else's property? How much money are you saving, paying off those endless monthly rent receipts? All you need is your lot-Tiffany will do the rest. Look us over see for yourself why Tiffany is now in sales and construction. There is no obligation, except to those you love, and your future security. awards these homes THE GOLD MEDALLION, the most livable homes in the world.
Flameless electric home heating, certified wiring for full housepower, prescribed light for living, flameless electric cooking, flameless. electric water heating. TIFFANY HOMES CORP. A large organization of dedicated experts who are concerned with building that one important home, your EXHIBIT HOMES OPEN EVERY DAY (Go South 1 Mile at Junction of RI. 115 512) Mile South of Caesar's Diner on RI.
115. Call or Write for Free Plans and Prices TIFFANY HOMES Box 311, Wind Gap, Pa. 215-863-6036.