The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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A': AS A- -K -V vV 'AAA -A A i -i it V' 'mV A- V-'' -Vll il THE LEXINGTON HERALD PAGE rftaper has been invsnted in Fftaes 1 DAIRYMEN PLAN ACTION TRADE BOARD DIRECTORS TO ATTEND DEDICATION WINCQESTERNEWS TOLLERTOORG NEWS ii V-1 --'-I FOE OF UQUOR SELLERS SLAIN 'f Par Barrie can Discuss Move to Change City Milk Code IteU its MILLERSBURG Ky Sept Scott visited Harrodshurg and Dlx River dam Sunday Prof Bruce Morford has returned home after being gone five week touring the western state knd will enter the law school -at tha University of Kentucky -v Mr and Mra F- Biddle Mra Boph! Williams- ahd MUs Emma Sailor 'of Cincinnati ware guests of Mr and Mra Hammond over tha wedk-end iC-Mr and Mrs A Snapp Mr and Mra Snapp of Detroit were visitors in the county over the -'s' Mr and Mra McDonald of Lexington were guests of Mr and Mya 'C Hammonds Tuesday Mr and Mra Brady guests of Dr and Mra 1 Calhoun returned fell dead In the arma of a friend Local and state police expressed belief the killing was In reprisal for Cavanaugh's activities against bootleggers Late today jthey held for questioning Samuel Pastrich convicted last May of operating a speakeasy after a raid which also brought under arrest the police chief's brother Frank Cavanaugh Police believed the assassin waited In the garden near the Cavanaugh home Footprints were found in the garden and many stems were broken Police were without a clue as to the slayer's Identity but said they would question all those whose places the chief raided PoCce Chief of New Jersey Town Is Fatally Wounded While Standing on Front Porch of His Home Fred Bryant' president of the Lexington Board of Commerce has requested members of tha board to attend the dedication services of the Mary A Ott Memorial building at tha Good Samaritan hospital at 2:80 tbla afternoon At a recent meeting of the board of directors of tha commerce body Henry Ott co-donor of the building which has been named aa memorial to hla mother was voted a life membership in tha Lexington Board of Commerce The directors will attend the dedication ceiy monies in a body ONE SUSPECT QUESTIONED Representatives of the Lexington Dairymen's Association Lexington Graded Milk Association Independent Producers Fayette County Farmers Union and the Fayette County Farm Bureau held conference at the home of Wells on tha Xlcholasvllle pike last night The conference called by Loughi-idge- head of the Independent Producers was to plan tha course of action to be followed by the dairymen In" having added to the city milk ordinance a clause to require the proper labelling of milk The clay board of health tha dairy men claim has refused to take the matter up with the board of city commissioners Following the conference Mr Loughrldge stated that action had been postponed until a meeting of the representatives WIUIORE NEWS GANGSTER CONFESSES THAT HE KILLED COLLEGE YOUTH WINCHESTER Ky Sept Mr and Mra Cecil Haggard of Lexington formerly of this city are moving to Daavlll -B Jouett and Mra Hampton Bush have returned home after a visit to Mra Charles Wellington Burt in Michigan' Mr and Mra Wallace' ''-Woods have returned to their home in Frknkfort after -'spending several days with-Jdnk 'parents Mr and Mra Tom Moors' Charles Albert Mahan baa returned home after a visit to hla aunt Mra Adelaide Barnes in Mt sterling Mr and Mra' Zol Amster are visiting in I Cincinnati and Mr Frank Mathias attended' the 55th weddjnsr enntver-sary of Mra Mathlas parent Mr and Mra S' Berne at their home ln Owingsville Mrs -Nelson Strode Haggard left today -for New York where she will spend the winter with -her brother Ollle Sample and Mra Sampla Lynwood Mansfield of Flayette Ind is the guest- of his mother TWO AVIATORS FAIL TO LOWER SPEED RECORDS BERXARDSVIXXE 'j Sept Police Chief Charles Cavanaugh Sk foe of liquor sellers was shot fatally from' ambush while on the porch of his home today Two revolver bullets missed their mark but tbs third entered the left side of his chest punctured both lungs erased the heart and came to their home in Marlon Ohio tha past week v- Mra John Thorn returned Lexington Saturday after a visit with relatives here The Millisreburg Garden Club will meet in the Rotary Thursday with Mra Jones aqd Mra RoyEndlcott hostesse Mr and Mra Byram Vlmont were week-end guests of MaysvUle relativea Mr and Mra George Howard and son of Cincinnati were tha week-end guests of Mr and Mra Howard The Rev A- Cox and family of Ashland and Mra George 1 Arnett of Huntington -W Va were gueeta of Mra Llle Patterson and family the past week Dr CL Fisher of Caatlewood Va is the guest ot Millersburg friends on his way from tha conference at Winchester i Alexander Bruce returned this week from several weeks visit with his aunt In Iew York'''" Walter ly returned Sunday from attending tha fair at Vance-trarg and" re orta a good show stock and a successful fair A aeries of services will begin at the' Baptist hurch: thia week with the Rev Ebt rbardt pastor assisted by the A Taylor a for-er pastor of: this church Tha tv Mr Taj lor la novc located at Brookhaven Mlaa Misses Chi Istine and Elizabeth Hill visited in Cincinnati Wed-nesday ir 'v Mra --J: Jefferson viaitinf In Frankfort inday Misg Fann a Flzer of Lexington ia thegueal of her sisters Mra Patterson anl Mra Hosklna DENVER Colo Root OPl John Markham 21-year-old self-styled Illinois gangster confessed to Chief of Police Albert Clark today he killed Stanley Moores -21 student at the Michigan College of Mine whom he picked up as a hitch-hiker Markham told Clark that Moore became suspicious the automibel Jn which' they were riding had been stolen shouldn't I have killed him?" he asked was going to turn me CLEVELAND Ohio Sept MV-World and American speed records for' land airplanes for men' and womeis withstood the' assaults of Wedell of Patterson La and Miss Maudo Irving' Talt of Spring-field Mass at Cleveland' airport today1- v-' Mlaa Talt failed by only IK mtyea ah hour to equal the women's woeM and American-record of 21014 held Ty Mlas Rutb Nichols lew' York society girl' but Wedell fell far short of both -world and American marks -t I ENERGY GROWS LOUISVILLE HERALD-POST SOLD TO JOHN GALLAGHER Mra Lulu Lyon at her home on South'Mein street DEATHS AND FUNERALS LOUISVILLE Ky Sept I Sale of the Herald-Post Company to John Gallagher of New York was- announced here today following a meeting of the creditor Gallagher's bid was submitted more than a week ago and offered $176000 and assumption of mortgages amounting to approximately $140000 TWO EMPLOYES OF PLANE COMPANY HURT FATALLY 'y'r 2Vew Rooms for 01d at so Jtfttk Cost and Trouble gpselal to Tha BavaM WILMORE Ky' Sept 6 Mr and Mra1 CL Garvey were weekend guests of the sister at Popular Grove in Owen county Mr and Mra Robert Cole spent tha weekend: with Mr parents at Wept Liberty Kentucky Mr Ludie Day Pickett has 'aj her guest Miss Mao Davis of Houston Texaa Miss Davis -will go from here to Washington to Visit the Picketts there Mr Leroy Pickett who teaches at Greendale school spent- Monday at his home her R' Akers and family have returned- to their summer home at Ohio after spending 10 days at their hom*o her- Mr and Mra 8 Stout' Mr and Mra Edwin Mr and Mra John Rank' Mr and Mrs' -A Mra J1' Gammage motoreL-up tha river Monday afternoon from Brooklyn bridge for a picnic Messra Jessie Greene Estlll Scott were ini Danville Tuesday on hnalneaa Mr and Mra Max Schaeffer'- of Newport -were week-end guests of Mrs-Schaeffer's parents' Dr and Mra Jones They were dinner guests of -Mrs Penlston of BrooWyn bridge Sunday Mias Rutla Hoettinger and her mother left Monday for Boston Maas where Mias Roettlnger will he in school at RatcliffL Miss Dorothy McAteo 'has returned to her home after a'few days visit wit' Mr a GlUlspia At the Methodist chhrch conference which convened at Winchester the Rev Warner Davis was 'returned to Wilmore as paator for the ceming year -vv David Funeral- services Farley 77 years old who died at his home 426 South Spring street Monday afternoon will be held at 11 1 o'clock this morning at the grave in Htllcrest Memorial Park Instead of Thursday as previously announced Dr Porter pastor of- Immanuel Baptist church will officiate' Pallbearers will be EL- A Gillespie Gus Gillespie Wallace Eddington Peter Petr William Keefe and Wllltam Burk Miss Mona Trimble has returned from several days stay at Cumberland Falls '4- Miss Clara Taylor Spencer en-talned wlth: a bridge party at her home on the Boonesboro road Prises' were won by Mias Jessie VaftMeter Miss Carolyn- co*ckrell and -Mias Pheobe- Fluty: Guests were: -Mlsa Jane Day Auxler Miss Frances Boxley Miss Dorothy Jean Brook Mlaa 1 Clara Bush-Mias Wilma Bush Mlaa i Mary Bean Mlaa Mary Eleanor' Clay Miss JPffeohe Fluty Mlaa Ella Hag-gard Miss Sadie Hunter- Miss Holliday -Mlaa Elizabeth XJele- Miss Joan Moffett Miss Peggy Clelland Mlaa Mary Sue cobee' Miss Mettle Taylor Miss Jessie Van Meter Mlaa Fat Van Meter and Mlaa Belle Holloway 1 fc- Lost Somewhere In Paris diamond platinum-' pin Reward return Mra Hinton Adv i' BUFFALO NL Sept 8 (Aft Paul Boyed pilot- ot Williams vllle and Stanley Wokl engineer: -of Buffalo" were killed today in the crash of an'- airplane' on the outskirts of tb municipal airport- The men were employed by the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company Inc in Richer Blood It la so easy and Inexpensive to change the color scheme of soy room with Hat Wall Finish comes In a wide variety of cheerful colors and may applied in so many YOUTH KNOCKED DOWN BY THUGS ROBBED OF $276 on- from LOUISVILLE Ky Sept Two armed men-seised $276 CYNTH1ANA NEWS Thera is no remedy known that is so promptly effective for setting rid of that 'tired down condition as QUININE and IRON properly combined la Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic GOODING RETURNS' Joseph Lenahan 10 employe of the Southern Independent Oil and Ret fining company after knocking him down In an alley here today The youth was taking the money to a bank- MRS 0 JONES HURT MeOrackaa Lexiagtse HsnlA-) aiae wmte it you nave never used on your wills tns S74-J Not a secret or potent medicine the formula is printed on the carton before tty it out in just one nd i room and see what a marvel MISTAKEN FOR SQUIRREL ous difference it makes Let -usf heip' you select the colon Mrs Jones 4 years old oft Richmond road is- at tha Good Samaritan hospital suffering from broken kneecap received In an automobile accident near Williams-town Monday Mrs Jones wgs on her way to Cincinnati at the time of the accident Gooding secretary-treasurer of the Smith-Watklns Company Inc returned to 1 Lexington yesterday from- Rochester Minn where he recently underwent a operation at the Mayo -Brothers cimic Mr Gooding plansto spend-' the next five' weeks with his parents Mr and Mra'H Froman at Ghent before returning to Rochester for another operation- Get a bottle today and note how qnickly your appetite and rigor retain XEW ALBANY Ind Sept 8 M9 Mistaken for-a squirrel William Faith 19 of Mauckport aa shot while hunting yesterday and It took a physician more than' three hours to remove the buckshot' TASTE LI HARRODSBURG NEWS 0 NOMINEE QUITS 'r' BUYS EMBASSY' V-4'- TPUMOC REPORTS HOME ENTERED ft' 1 r- Williams was aa additional attraction Thos in the cast were: Mra Lee SlmA Mfe Alice Wilker-son Mra Coleman and Franklin' Z- Mra Charles A Hardin of this place was boat to the Missionary Society "of Chriatian Church -this afternoon Mrs Whiter Martin was the' leader -of the program During 'the social hour Mra Hardin served refreshment Mra Bason Moore received an apolntment today aa Democratic chairman of Mercer- cnunty- Mra Moore will perfect-her plans for organization for the: precinct-: at an early data The high and graded schools' of Burglq Mercer county opened-to-' day with about $50 students pres flit BERLIN Sept (B Ambassador signed a Frederic Ssckett foday Overstreet Hardware Co Special to Tbs Heraldl FRANKFORT Ky Sept Jack Patrick Salyersvllle Republican candidate for the bouse of representatives Knott and Magoffin counties today' resigned his nomination which he won in the recent primary in a letter sent to Miss E1U Lewis secretary of state mrnm tt Wfcs? GmVi Teale-Cvmt Sra WkL rrt at 11:11 Kaos Central (ludirt Tima 1:11 Easters Standard Tima CMsrnMa Braadcastlsc Irsta Statios WLAO sr WNOX Mrs Fannie Sibbrei Of 285 South Ashland avenue reported to city police yesterday that her home had been entered some time Moih day night and a containing $10 gnd a gold watch had been taken CYNTHIANA ky Monday September 14 will' be registration day for voters who for any reason have not previously registered Mr a Gossett and her guests Dr and Mra Reuben Zllar of Denton Texas and Mlaa' Jessie Dean Ripy of Ft Worth Texas and Mra -L Jameson motored to Frankfort today Whaley Jr Dan Pedilcord and Virgil Feddlcord have gone for a motor-trip to Niagara Fail Canada and other point-- The woman's missionary society of the Christian church will hold the September- meeting Wednesday nlght at 7:10 o'clock at the church Mias Bettle Cromwell will be the leader and -the-subject: will be the 'Kentucky Highlander After the program a social hour will be held -Misses Hattie Katherine Alexander Martha Wood Lee and Ernestine Thorne are among those who will leave Wednesday for Mld-iy to attend the Midway Orphan achooL Judge Frank Dqffy1- who was authorized by the fiscal -court to offer $400 to Jessa McKee Xbr one-half acre of land on the old Lain pike for a rock quarry was successful In securing the tract Mlaa Annie Shawhap of Georgetown la the guest of Mra Eliza-Collier and family contract for the purchase of Bluech er palace as a new home for the American embassy- in' Berlin The purchase price was American architects are to come to Berlin to renovate the palace ISpecial The Kweld HARRODSBURG Ky Sept The Club of Harrodshurg stared a successful home- talent mlnstreal at tha opera house here Tuesday night for tha benefit of the Parent-Teachers Association The proceeds of tha entertainment were given to this organization to equip the- cafeteria of the Harrodshurg school' Those taking prominent parts In the- jninstrels were: James Price William Garnet Dean John Harblson 'Louis Bonta Edwin -Adam James Champloxv -Vernon Gibb Sky Bonta- Judge Charles Com acted aa interlocutor A one-act farce' entitled under the direction of Mra 322 Weat Short 5t ent Lexington Ky COLORED NOTES DR MITCHELL DIES A mower reaper which when pulled one-way operates1 as ighthand mower- and when pulled in the opposite direction becomes a left-hand The Leslagtou Herald Catered Ds-4M Brsddaridae Wrest Leer A Ceeb- 'URBAN Ohio Sept Dr Frank Mitchell 86 the oldest member of th Ohio Methodist conference died' at hia home here to-' day Ha was a native of Cincinnati and for-more tban 60 years had been a pastor and presiding elder In the jV- i Vv V' -h j-: Funeral- services for Mrs Lula Clay who died Monday at her residence 2X5 Adams street will be held at Consolidated Baptist church this afternoon at 1 with Rev Cary Scott officiating- Inter meat in family lot in No 2 cemetery' The body- has been removed from the John Hawklna funeral parlor to the residence THIEF? SOUGHT ft EWING NEWS The Woman's Improvement Club will meet at the Pine street day nursery this afternoon at 6 TIFFIN Ohio Sept 8 UP) Another was -being sought -here tonight The Salvation Army told police that a large' quantity of clothing gathered during-the summer to care for the needy and indigent this winter had been stolen from the--army's headquarter v- -t -5- V- pnd pride The- Young People's department of First Baptist -church was host to a reception last night in honor of the students who- are preparing to leave for their various schools and-colleges THE GREATEST GEORGETOWN NEWS For Rent Four-room house -with bath gas and electricity 885 Ross ave price per week Phone Ashland 6S87--Adv in the history of Lexington Sftsetal to Tha Btoiq- -EWING Ky': Sept Misses Mary Virginia Jefferson of Dover and Helen' William) of Mayslicki were guests of Mr and Mra A Williams Saturday Mr and Mra Roberson and daughter Miss Virginia and Mias Julia -Burns were' in MaysvUle on Friday Dr and Mra Claire Suit of Kansas City Mo were guests of their relatives Mra Grover and daughter last week -Mra Bert Earl who has been ill for several is Improving a Mr-and Mra-: James Johnson of Falrvlew spent Sunday with Clete Johnson and family of Lexington -Mlaa Julia Taylor of MaysvUle was the guest of Mra Owen of the county Sunday and Monday Mrs 1 Bradford of the county has returned home after a with her daughter Mra Edward Foe of Covington -v A Williams spent Sunday with hla slater Mra Charles JeffersOn and family of Dover Mason county a Newell REFRIGERATION BUSINESS rhaae SSL -i is to keep them amrsto: HER t': v- V- 'v Long 'lines of fresh-faced little boys 6t demure little girls are marching to school today s- STheL cheerful ri frocks of the little girls the solid white and colored -shirts of the -boys" deserve frequent earefid- launder- LV: Mrs- Lizzie Pryor has received a telegram announcing the- death of her so Frazier Pryor in Dayton Ohio Tha body will he brought to Lexington Funeral arrangements will ha announced later' The Date: today wed sept 9th and every day same hours until entire stock is sold Mrs Malacha CL Lucas' has accepted -a position at Lincoln Institute Lincoln Ridge Ky where she will be instructor in musle have charge of the dormitory Mrs 'Lucas has had' a large class Jn piano here She will go to Lincoln thia week 1 preparatory to the opening which will be on September 16 v1 Johnson left Monday Williamsburg morning for GEORGETOWN Ky Sept' Dr George Waggoner director of public relations of tbe Kentucky Utilities Company was the speaker at the regular luncheon meeting of tbe Lions Club today Dr Waggoner spoke on tbe Dr A Tolman is president of the club -1 Superintendent Lancaster was the principal speaker at the meeting of tbe parent-teacher aaaa elation of Garth city school held this afternoon with the president Mrs Porter presiding Mr Lancaster spoke on the rela-tlonsbip of parent and teacher from the standpoint of the teacher and hla talk was followed by a round table discussion In which the relationship from tha standpoint of tha parent was discussed Officers for the coming year are: president Mrs Porter vice president Mrs Gaines secretary Mrs Offutt Blackburn treasurer Mias Adelina Cubbage The Time: 2 7 PM 'till 5 PM 10 Rev Dickerson will preach for the Danville Christian church in their fall rally Sunday Houston-ville Stanford Junction City and Morehead are cordially invited Many times we have gone to school ourselves to learn how to keep long life in clothes to make white ones snowy and to preserve and brighten colors: Years of experience have tanght' us that-pure soap and soft water as the Peerless Laundry uses them will do this work best The Place: MOISE CO 234 EAST MAIN STREET where he will College The-series of meetings which has been in progress at Mt Plsgmh Bap-tist church for two weeks closed Sunday night Tha 'Rev Duprees returned to hia home In Jeffersonville led Monday Mr and Mra Clifton Walla and two boy of Cincinnati were -the guests- of Mra PurceU over the week-end -V Mr and Mra-iJ Pepper Mr and Mra-J Thompson and Mra The Stock Closing out the $1500000 stock of the Moue Co A two weeka revival began Monday night -at Scat Second Street Chriatian church with strong sermon by the paator Elder Hayee who will preach a special sermon each night Services begin each evening at 7:60 Consecration services will- be held Wednesday and Friday mornings from Ham until noon It is a matter of pride with mother to have her children our task or pleasure is to take the work from her shoulders -to make her independent v-' -v 'v i ssejntjsKgss'O' donsistinor of This stock consists of Cope- ionsisnng or Electric RefrigenLtonf sizes Radios Laundry ettes Electric Washers Electric 'Ranges Electric Heaters Bed Wairmers Hair Curlers Electric Toasters Electric Irons Desk Lamps Floor Lamps Table Lamps Electric Fans Ventilating Fui Gas-Steam' Radiators Office Fixtures and many other articles too numerous to -F of washday worries 1 Js -t ft- e- rf' v' 'Try one 'Try one of the individualized services listed here enjoy the thrill of clean clothes done the Peerless Laundry way 1 Frazier Pryor formerly of this city died at the Veterans' hospital in Dayton Ohio' The body arrived in Lexington over the' I -and Monday nigh Land was taken to the Claughton Funeral Horn He la survived by his mother Mra Lizzie Pryor five sister Mr Mamie Thomas Misses Cora Phylls and Emma Pryor Mra Lyle Coleman all of this city five brother John Henry of Dayton Frank lease and Willie Pryor all of Lexington and Otis Pryor of Ravenna Ohio Funeral will be announced later OototondinffPootogoo Every evening git tbe pandtfand '-'Jfi 1718 Thomas Taylor of Utteringer town died' at Cynthlana on the Quincy Ward farm after a lingering illnesa He la survived by hla wife Mra Hattie Taylor son william Taylor: sister Mra Lua Anne Evana brother James Barnes and other relativea Funeral serv The Reason: a new business in the middle west has turned thia $1 5000 stock over to us to sell to the highest bidder we have contracted to empty his Jmilding by September 15th and in order to do this arrangements have been made to finance those who are short of cash and wanf to buy a COPELAND ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ON THE DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN 1219 kfiddcfi September 13 at 3 ice will be held at tha Utterlnger-town Baptist church todayat2 Somber 14 at 3 tn (J conducted by Rev Byrd Burial in family lot at Winchester ji Sale conducted by the Auction Department of 14 at 930 A James Brooka died early Sunday morning He is survived by his daughter Mra Willie Mae Whiting? FuneraLaenrioea will be held at the Claughton funeral home today at 1 conducted by Rev Carey Scott Burial in Greenwood cera tcry THE ALLENDER GO The Auctioneer: Garland yUF1 (Xcdrporat9d Phmioi Ashi335-6396 i- IV John William of 288 North Upper street died at St hospital Tuesday evening The body was moved to the Claughton funeral home He leaves wife Mra Vina Williams Tha funeral wlU ha announced later i-1 i s- i f- t- A-- i 1 A if' 1 fij i trW--'' S' "i.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.