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Contest 105 DEADLINE Rummig Garage Bttemtnt Salat Miscellaneous for Sale 30S 304 Awards Nnoael in Presented UettaiauM 114 Household Goods 308 SUNDAY DIAL Jab Opportunities 101 254 1836 OPEN SUNDAY 8 AM 1 PM Job Opportunities 201 Job Opportunities 201 Teachers Wanted 209 lue Cured CHRISTIAN young men dean gutters odd jobs Chad or Bruce 667 3767 Tobacco Prices Up Wonted to Buy 301 Schools Instruction 215 LORIST Display refrigerator three to four doors or more call 254 6136 217 101 Lapel Notices 1 MY 1 VETERANS TV Radio Recording 312 BUSINESS And SERVICE DIRECTORY Massages painting Papering Antiques 320 105 Miscellaneous Services Photography I CT 324 4 1 WEEKEND HOURS SATURDAY OR CANCELLATIONS CORRECTIONS 9 AM to 12 Noon! Secretarial Science DIAL 252 5611 ASK OR THE PHONE ROOM ks cleaned and ind gravel 254 CERTIIED Teacher thru three needed immediately Send complete resume to Box 9367 Asheville NC 28805 YOUR CLASSIIED WANT AD OR ASTER RESULTS? Register Now! Registration by Appointment Mid Quarter Night Classes Begins Nov 3rd Call 252 2486 NEED A man to help you do your fall cleaning in the attic or basem*nt need It hauled away? Call 258 2711 Miscellaneous for Sale CLASSIIED Advertising RJAM SURPLUS Expanding Have prac tically all kinds salvage foods at ten to 50 savings New and used mis cellaneous merchandise Cars and trucks Jam Surplus 60 108 Sweeten Creek Road 34 mile from Biltmore Highway 25 A 274 0877 WILL babysit at night East or North Sec tion References and own transportation Write box 574 Care Asheville CitizenTimes Six and twelve month certificate courses Day Night Classes Early Registration Advisable Phone: 252 2486 (5933) October 29 November 5 1975 SUNDAY 9T011AM REPAIR REMODEL ADDITIONS OR NEW CONSTRUCTION By the hour or contract no job too large or too small Call Larry Low 684 6002 references HOW CAN YOU SPOT tight PHONE solicitor experience preferred local firm 1:30 to 5:30 five days weekall 252 3452 1 RALEIGH NC (AP) lue cured tobacco prices rose on auction markets in the Caro linas and Virginia Tuesday as sales after the Veterans' Day holiday The average jumped $444 to 10504 per hundredweight on the Old and Middle Belt on volume of 8257911 lbs Season totals Became 331814613 lbs at 9837 Eastern Belt markets sold 8 623956 lbs at an average of $10746 up 173 The season av erage is 10109 on volume of 415081046 lbs South Carolina Border North Carolina markets sold 6526902 lbs at an average of $10437 up 241 Season totals became 317 790238 lbs at 9982 CHOOSE A CAREER IN BUSINESS Earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree In Marketing Management Accountancy Secretarial Science A CITIZEN TIMES CLASSIIED ADVISOR KNOWS THE ANSWER CALL HER SPEED QUEEN WASHERS AND DRYERS Specially Priced This Month Limited quanity Convenient terms irestone Stores Tunnel Road Shopping Center phone 2544643 GAS range $6000 bicycles from $10 to $35 radios record player wheel chair $3000 other items 252 8309 ADD BLOWN iberglas Insulation to your attic Cut fuel bills with added gift or warmer house ree estimates and references furnished Call STILES INSULATION 254 0621 anytime PAPER WHITE newsprint for drawing office copy paper memos etc by 11 inches four pound package over 500 sheets $100 plus tax Circula tion Counter Asheville Citizen Times Special sizes cut to your order 30 cent per pound Phone 252 5611 Extension 345 CECILS COLLEGE 40 North rench Broad Ave LARGE QUANTITY aluminum sheets bx 23 (used offset printing plates) Good for in sulation beehive covers barn roofs other uses 10 cents each Earl Ward Asheville Citizen Times 252 5611 CONCRETE WORK REASONABLE 253 9025 I Repairs and ainting chimney roof and gutter 2908 ANTIQUE AUCTION WHITE HORSE AUCTION WHITE HORSE ROAD AIRGROUNDS GREENVILLE SC US 25 BY PASS Coming from North Carolina area (US 276 or US 25) take US 25 By Pass one mile south of travelers rest SC Go approximately 12 miles to White Horse Auction Thursday October 30th 7:00 pm JOHNNY RINGO SELLER We ask your cooperation in observing our classified advertising deadlines This will give us ampletime to process your advertising and give it the atten tion it deserves REGULAR IN COLUMN CLASSIIED INCLUDING LARGE TYPE 'SANDBLASTING Cars trucks heavy equipment machinery boat trailers brass beds etc AAA Sandblasting and Paint Service Inc 254 6495 IS DRINKING A PROBLEM? Try Alcoholics Anonymous Dial 254 8539 10? Parkway Office Building CIRCULATION Department Please telephone early if newspaper was not delivered! ONE USED 200 pound commercial cube icemaker one new commercial 56 cubic fort glass door refrigerator one used eight foot commercial sett service ice cream case New Scotsman icemakers with two year warranties MOORE RERIGERATION 70 Charlotte Street 253 9431 LAND THE SKY DRIVING SCHOOL SERVING ASHEVILLE BLACK MOUNTAIN ENKA CANDLER AIRVIEW ARDEN SKYLAND HENDERSONVILLE EDNEYVILLE AND SALUDA REGISTER NOW OR CLASSES BEGINNING DECEMBER 6 PHONE 258 0425 ELECTROLUX SALES AND SERVICE Authorized Dealer 635 Merrimon Avenue Asheville NC 253 8724 MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE Person needed for our ranklin Building Material Center for Administrative management Experience in Inventory and credit control necessary Good salary with profit sharing opportunity Contact Bob Jones West Building Materials 30 Depot Street ranklin NC (704)524 2415 Ji OR SATURDAY "ML KIIf A Sunday and Monday RED A SMITH 298 3021 Has openings in all departments We offer excellent working conditions all first shift work opportunity for advancement better than average earnings a full service cafeteria other bene fits Marimont has earned a reputation for offering steady employment During the recent slowdown in the economy we were able to offer full employment If you are interested in a job that you can count on: Contact us Mondays through ridays at the plant from 7 am to 4 pm HIGHWAY 226 Soutti at 1 40 An Equal Opportunity Employer MAPS US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RAISED RELIE Mountaineering South 344 TUNNEL ROAD AVON DREAMING A GREEN CHRISTMAS? Earn money for those extras you want selling AVON products to people who are already "Sold" on Avonl or a territory close to home Call 253 8592 or write AVON Box 621 Skyland NC 28776 DISCOUNT Prices on new and used pianos and organs 692 6515 after 5:30 692 7034 OR SALE or trade Gretch guitar Country Gentleman and deluxe reverb amplifier? 5650 Alto sax Martin made about 1922 gold plated over silver and brass 5150 298 6674 THE DAY PRECEDING PUBLICATION! REMODELING ADDITIONS roofing guttering ceramic tile patios decks new houses built DRIVER'S TRAINING CLASSES conducted by certified instruc tors Teenagers and adults enroll now for fall classes beginning any Saturday mor ning 8 am till 10 pm or Monday evening 7 pm till 9 pm Call Anderson Patrol Inc 252 6318 RRORS The ttmeS Publishing Com party wilt t) responsible Iff 're run ot ul for only onp (f insertion (jsS where Jhe prrc'S alfprt value Of i A4ertis should nnt ly the newspaper ifTiinpdi atety of BAKER Experience necessary no Sunday work Apply in person Hallmark Cafeteria Westgate Shopping Center Asheville NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the es tate of Elon Leburn Greene deceased late of Buncombe County North Carolina this is Jo notify all persons firms and cor porations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un designed on or before the 15th day of April 1976 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This the 13th day of October 1975 Bruce Greene Extr 66 Gibson Road Asheville NC 28804 "WHITTIER Three com munities in Swain County received top honors Monday at Community Develop jpept dinner meeting held at the Whittier Community Center here: The top winners in overall comm unity judging in the Division A category (com munities having fewer than 75 families) were Creek first and Grassy Branch second Whittier was top winner in Division (75 to 150 families) Creek also won top honors in the youth judging (the community with the most outstanding youth program) and' Grassy Branch was first in beautification Approximately $400 in cash awards were provided by business firms and or ganizations of Swain County Meanwhile Cherokee County winners were announced earlier at an awards banquet at tie Hanging Dog Community Center Unaka was named top winner in Division A followed by Texana in second place In Division Ranger was first with Creek second Hanging Dog won top honor? in Division (more than 150 families) with Bellview Peachtree and Hiwassee Dam as runner ups The youth win der was' Hanging Dog WANTED! Ambitious and Alive Men or Women to become part time Rawleigh Distributors Call Mrs Geller 667 9589 resh Start 76 Cecils College Winter Quarter Begins Jan 5 1 976 Earn An Associate Of Applied Science Degree In: Business Administration Accountancy MarketingManagement 44 The Asheville Times Wednesday Oct 29 1975 NEW PIANOS 5695 up practice pianos 5299 up used organs 5395 Madison Music 253 9768 PAINLESS PIANO LESSONS "An Exciting New un filled Approach lo Learning to Play the Piano" Dunham's Music House 298 4011 Asheville Mall OR SALE: Complete Dale and Howell super eight millimeter must sacrifice $75 Call 667 8645 CLASSIC HEALTH CLUB II has a new location Is now open for Business Offers a Swedish Massage Open from 10 a to 12 pm Monday thru Saturday Directions 19 23 West of Candler third road to the left past Mountainview Drive in first block building on the right 667 J369 SAUNA Bath and Massage open seven days a week phone 692 1188 Henderson ville COLOR TV CLEARANCE Overstocked on used sets loor Model Colors starting at 59950 Black and White's starting at 52500 DISCOUNT TV MAIN STREET LETCHER 684 3589 Cash and Carry Only COMPLETE stereo component system includes amp turntable speakers two tape decks call after 8:30 pm 684 3328 ONE CBRadio SBE Cortez with antenna 23 channels call after 10 am 298 1601 QUALITY TV SERVICE" 178 Westwood Place 252 3641 Reconditioned Color TV's from 59995 New major brand TV's ull warranty one year in home service cost plus ten percent 316 i Musicol Instruments OL WANTED CHRISTIAN MEN Must have car and good references Travel in Buncombe and adjoining counties Call 253 4804 or 253 9208 for information Thursday and riday October 30 31 WANTED: Part time secrefaty ive hours per day 9 to 2 Insurance typing filing general office Send resume to Box 0 895 Care Asheville Citizen Times Roofing Siding Guttering A 1 ROOS GUTTERS SPOUTS CLEANED REPAIRED and INSTALLED MEADOWS 252 4291 ROO leaks stopped gutters and down spouts cleaned roof estimates outside painting Phone 254 7564 ANY TYPE of excavating land clearing pipe work concrete or block work call 253 2460 night 645 5318 BRICK and block masonary Call 274 0478 BULL DOZER WORK specializing road work and land Clearing phone 274 0051 CALL me for complete home building ser vices 25 years experience remodeling and Additions a speciality free planning and estimates we also do painting roof ing and concrete work Call 253 7262 PRESEASON BARGAINS Mud and snow tires at unbelievable low prices Bias Bias belted and radials IRESTONE STORE 215 Patton Avenue Asheville RAILROAD Salvage oods 'new shipments each week guaranteed Savings food stamps welcome 740 Haywood Road 254 1570 THREE ROOMS URNITURE Bedroom suits 519995 Living room suit 59995 Dining suit 57995 All three rooms can be bought together of separately Down payment only 54096 monthly payments only 52408 on all three rooms See at Carolina urniture Outlet 123 New Leicester Highway Store hours 9 to 6 daily USED ODD occassional tables 510 to 560 odd desks 525 to 550 single or double beds mattresses and springs 540 and 550 complete single metal beds mattresses springs 530 complete GLOBE RNITURE 26 Broadway 252 7462 fWANT TO BUY OLD BEDS Pay 575 to 5100 Other old things Call 298 5106 WANTED: Attractive girls for local escort service Call 298 7830 WANTED: Construction Supertintendent for Commercial Building Division Must be experienced benefits available salary commensurate with ability Send resume and references to Box 890 care of Asheville Citizen Times RECEPTIONIST Nice downtown office Lots of customer contact Will teach payroll to accurate typist No Saturday 590 Review three months 252 641 1 Kogen Personnel HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for old gold and silver INKELSTEIN'S 7 Southwest Pack Square NEED URNITURE Antiques or mis cellaneous items Basem*nt attics gar ages pay cash or will sell on con signment Every Saturday Night Cook's Auction 253 3722 252 6069 TOP PRICES for good used furniture anti ques tools and glass TEAGUE'S URNITURE 252 1716 or 252 1061 NORGE heavy duty automatic washer sold new 5300 Real buy at 5150 Excellent condition 254 5962 QUAKER Oil Heater with thermostat heats five rooms good condition 540 298 5443 RANGES 36 or 40 inch electric or gas refrigerators freezers automatic washers or wringer washers dryers oil heaters all good condition from 535 up 252 5720 725 Haywood Road RERIGERATOR Real Good condition 550 214 7083 SEARS Coldspot Refrigerator automatic ice maker like new 5170 Call between 10 and 11 am 254 9803 REPOSSESSED STEREO CONSOLE Assume payments on beautiful walnut finish stereo console with amfm radio BSR turntable eight track tape player pay cash balance of 592 or assume pay ment of 51200 monthly or free home trial call 253 1101 Tewing MACHINE repairs parts for all sewing machines with expert service CAROLINA URNITURE OUTLET 123 New Leicester Highway SEWING MACHINE Service work guaranteed or money back all makes call 253 7178 SINGER stylist sewing machine 5115 Like naw Large fan 57 Baby dressing table 512 667 1935 MARIMONT urniture Inc Maridn NC an upholstery division of Henredon urniture Industries OIL BARRELS 55 gallon capacity 53 each Call 274 0769 OLD MOUNTAIN CHESTNUT RAILS for sale Locust posts call after 6 pm 704 682 6934 COMMUNITY LANDSCAPING Service complete yard and shubbery work serv ing Buncombe Henderson Counties call 684 8887 After 4 pm JUSTICE TREE SERVICE TreeShrubbery bulldozer and brush clipping Wood for sale 253 1211 LAWN Mower winter checkup and storage service contracts now available Beaverdam Lawn Mower and Saw Servic 853W Merrimon Avenue 255 0515: RYE Tree Service complete yard 'care lawn mowing seeding spraying prunning removal free estimates safe professional work 258 0266 SPECIALIZING in fine grading and seeding and mulching large or small jobs free estimates 645 5463 254 59U TREE work view clearing lots gutters cleaned firewood construct rail fences Repair basem*nts 645 5342 645 7632 Bargains Inc Men's dress shoes and boots 5299 to 5895 Women's shoes 5195 to 5796 Children's shoes 5195 to 5495 Nurse's shoes $299 to 5495 Men's (Herman) Boots 51495 Men's Harness Boots $1095 Men's all leather (including soles) dress shoes 5995 Combat boots (Munson Last) Army Spects first quality new 51995 56 College Street Open 9 till 5:30 COMPASS metal detectors il models books and accessories Jackson minute cleaners 180 Charlotte CONSTRUCTION tool box water type 530 China cabinet buffet table with two chairs 560 One 20 gallon aquarium two ten gallon aquarium stand designed to fit all three all accessories all for 575 Stereo electric fireplace bar and record rack built in eight track tape pfeyer AMM short wave long wave record changer 5400 Call after 4 684 6276 DECOUPAGE Art end craft supplies lessons too Come and brouse don't be bored be crafty MI NI CRATS 645 Haywood Road West Asheville 253 0595 DRUM sander belt sander single bed library table 891 Haywood Road 253 8685 Movers Storage MINI STORAGE Individual Storage rooms low as 56 per month PERSONAL: Household furnishings BUSINESS: Equipment furniture supplies end records BOATS CARS CAMPERS ETC Smith arms Inc Storage 628 J381 PARTIAL LISTING: Three china cabinets two brass beds three round oak tables three half and half secretaries several early trunks two spinet desks many lamp and center tables (some in walnut and cherry) magnificient walnut marble top sideboard early crotched mahogany princess dresser Governor Winthrop desk nice pie sate with tin doors several nice beds two oak bookcases several sets of chairs two tea carts several nice oak chests dressers and washstands two extra nice walnut cheses (one marble top) two nice lap desks two oak kitchen cup cupboards several walnut candle "stands manly pieces of wicker two three door ice boxes nice walnut marble top dresser several early baskets magnificent Childs bentwood rocker 'Lin coln rockers and many other rockers also very large variety of glassware and including many pieces of Nippon Bavarian Germany and other signed china and several pieces of stemware in Crystal Many items are not listed as this will be a very very large sale you dare miss this one! Sale starts promptly at 7:00 PM Viewing from 4:00 pm until sale time a LOVELY AUTUMN DRIVE to YANCEY COUNTY COUNTRY STORE Burn sville NC 37 miles Northeast on IK SALEH 10 TO 50 MANY ITEMS Daily 9 5 Sunady 11 5 WILL babysit in my home weekdays only West Asheville area call after 6 252 3725 WILL Babysit In my home good care low rates 274 1525 WILL keep baby in my home evenings call 274 0770 after 4 pm EXPERIENCED babysitter will do babysitting in her home references fur nished 255 0564 West Asheville area CONCRETE work reasonable free es timafes 667 1535 DOES YOUR Chimney Need ixing? Any and all Masonary Work ree Estimates cail 252 5132 EXPERIENCED CARPENTRY at reasonable prices Done yquyway Remodeling repairs rooms Jarages painting ree Estimates 274 2869 GIVE your home a clean fresh look Painter needs work Exterior interior references sober 298 0389 PAINTING interiorexterior free es timates reasonable rates guaranteed work material of your choice call Leon 254 0184 PAINTING and paperhanging free es timates Burnett Painting Co 667 l02s or 667 8816 PAINTING and small plaster patching clean "and reasonable Please call Mr Gillis 254 0377 PAINTING interiorexterior free es timates quality work quality materials one room free with every three painted Johnson 254 0721 RELIABLE BAsem*nT WATERPROOING CO No Excavating ree estimate All work guaranteed Call 258 2585 or 704399 7095 WATERPROOING Sterling Construction Company Basem*nt Waterproofing 253 8916 ree Estimates No obligation LOST: Eight month old pdp half Shepherd half Collie leather collar "Baba" Beaucatcher Mountain and Kenilworth Reward offered 254 5807 LOST Weaverville Highway white male Poodle wearing red collar and black chihuahua wearing brown collar Reward offered 254 5583 LOST Medium size red Golden Retriever in Monte Vista section answers to name of "Benji" Call 667 3615 LOST Gray Persian male cat missing since Wednesday In Royal Pines Reward 684 3323 LOST backpack In Black Mountain's Campground Call 278 36B4 LOST in Candler Monte Vista Road Area emale Huskle Elkhound mixture gray call 667 4473 OUR foot compass from Old ship Three foot telegraph from old rench ship All brass Also two minibikes 5100 for both 669 2905 GARAGE door service electric door operators new and used our 14th year tree estimates in your garage Electric Doorlift Company 252 7066 anytime GOLDEN TOUCH AND SEW Assume payments on Singer Golden Touch and Sew Makes button holes sews on buttons monograms appliques does 100's of decorative stitches all without at tachments Includes self winding bobbin Pay cash balance of 58800 or assume payments of 51000 monthly ully guaranteed for free home trial call 253 1101 GOOD safe for home or office 5100 253 9434 INDOOR LEA MARKET Dealers reserve your space 178 Clingrhan Avenue Asheville NC LADIES brown coat mink collar size 12 new 535 Call 253 3948 between 8 and 2 pm only Experience In ood Preparation Sanitation ood Buying No Sunday work Apply in person: Hallmark Cafeteria Westgate Shopping Center Asheville NC COMMISSION salesman for construction and equipment rental company Prefer someone who lives Canton Waynesville and Bryson City area Call 684 706)between 8 am and 5 pm DESIRE woman to keep two children in my home and do light housekeeping weekdays 686 3913 DINNER COOK APPLY IN PERSON: COUNTRY KITCHEN 5 RIVERSIDE DRIVE EARN EXTRA INCOME Need five ladies over 21 to model and sell celebrity jewelry No in investment no collection no delivery Call for appoint ment from 9 to 5 274 7167 Monday through riday EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY: Large corporation has outstanding sales open ing for a sales representative Individual must be local resident with managerial ability ambition and show progress for age Business or sales background help ful In requesting personal interview please submit resume stating personal history education and business ex perience Write Box 1241 Asheville 26802 An Equal Opportunity EmployerM EXPERIENCED waitress apply Happy Hill Restaurant Carpet Rug Service CARPETS steamed cleaned deodorized anti static etc all work guaranteed free estimate Joey's Carpet Cleaning 298 5049 Carpet and Janitorial Ser vice carpet steam cleaning any hall and living room $1995 any size guaranteed work Old County Home Road 255 0099 PROESSIONAL rug and carpet sham pooing done in home or office Monday thru riday 9 am to 4 pm phone 258 0325 for an appointment Price as low as $25 for a small fully carpeted home NEED CASH Will buy most anything What do you have? Whole estates furniture appliances gold silver jewelry factory surplus etc You name it We'll probably buy it Day 253 8214 Night 645 5632 CASH 5 OR Small Pianos Organs Clocks Tools and urniture 253 9768 (5909) October 15 22 29 Novembers 1975 ADVERTIsem*nT OR BIDS SECTION I Pursuant to Section 143 129 of general statutes North Carolina sealed proposals tor furnishing city of Asheville North Carolina with Memorial Stadium Aluminum Plank Replacement of existing wood seating (material only no in sulation) In accordance with specifications conditions and instructions will be received by the purchasing depart ment ot the city first floor City Hall Building until: 11:00 o'clock AM Monday tne 10th day ol November 1975 at which time they will be publicly opened and read in the council chamber of the second floor of lhe City Hallv Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications for the equipment supplies or services desired may be ob tained at the office of the purchasing agent City Hall Building during regular office hours The City of Asheville North Carolina reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to accept the bid or part of a bid considered to be in the best intesest of the city LT ASHEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA By: Phipps Purchasing Agent Bid Request No 310 (5932) October 29 1975 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Notice is hereby given according to taw to all parties in interest and citizens: That according to the procedures and re quirements contained in GS 160A 364 a public hearing will be on the 13th day ol November 1975 at 3 00 pm in the City Council Chambers Asheville North Carolina concerning the adoption of an or dinance directing the Housing Officer to proceed witn the demolition and removal of 22 Club Street 40 Curve Street 29 Gray Street 23 Trade Street 71 White awn Drive and 77 White awn Drive and otherwise comply with the provisions of me Housing Code of the city of Asheville at which time and place the City Council will place on its agenda for the first reading of said proposed ordinance after said public hearing This 29th day of October 1975 William Wolcott Jr City Clerk BAsem*nT garages hauled Will haul di 4984 COMPLETE HANDIA small jobs Carpentr repairs attic insula work Reasonable HAULING tree work yard rooting guttering and home repairs Specialist 683 9571 252 2159 SILVER COINS BUYING ALL US Silver coins 1964 and before US Silver Dollars and Kennedy half dollars 1965 to 70 Please call for current market quotes TREASURE ISLAND COIN SHOP Tunnel Road Shopping Center 255 8280 for silver gold gem sfones turquoise handicrafts antiques gift items 258 0610 WANTED USED urniture pianos cut glass old china antiques entire estates basem*nt junk Penland's 253 7712 WE BUY non working color TVs call 667 4526 WE BUY GOOD USED URNITURE RERIGERATORS TV'S HEATERS WRINGER WASHERS STEREOS ELECTRIC STOVES OX RELIABLE URNITURE CO 40 LEXINGTON 254 2932 OR CONCRETE Driveways walks patios basem*nts 30 years experience free estimates call Trans Carolina Concrete Company 254 7211 GRADING field dirt and loader work reasonable 254 7766 253 5578 HOME IMPROVEMENT roofing guttering free estimates Rudd's 254 6237 or 667 5580 SEVEN dining room suites slightly damaged in shipping solid pine and birch chance to save big 254 1215 ANTIQUE WHITE pie dresser mirror and night stand Perfect condition cost $650 sell for $300 252 3593 days 253 8176 evenings 30 INCH White rigidaire range S7J call 254 2668 ANTIQUE Mahogany three piece bedroom 5250 Chest and dresser 570 43 Edgewood drive 254 5966 Sack VINYL SOA and two matching chairs with Cherry end tables $125 Call 253 1 164 after 6 pm: LOWEST PRICES IN WNC irst quality blankets 100 polyester kinasize queensize full size florals and prints BUY AT THE HOUSE THAT TRUE DISCOUNTS BUILT irst building on right past post office Swan nanoa 6M 3015 GANT'S ALL JOBS GUARANTEED SNELLING and SNELLING Where New utures Begin 254 0921 irst Union Bank Building APPLIANCE REPAIRMAN: Work on all kinds of appliances Experienced only reply Salary commensurate with ability Cairnes Electric Company 3278 Asheville Highway Hendersonville 692 5736 DRIVER and 20 foot van with liftgate for lease or hire Leicester 683 3044 END YEAR SPECIAL Experienced bookkeeper first two months for price qf one all new ac counts cail now 252 2107 MEDICAL SECRETARY Medical transcription insurance billing recep tion etc References furnished Phone 253 0771 WOULD like to do typing for individual or i ess In my home 254 6826 WOULD like to do housework for two days week 5210 per hour Own Transpor tation experienced 258 0911 CHILD CARE in my home Weekdays Beverly Hills Section Call 298 5644 CHILDCare center now open in Swan nanoa area all ages 686 5427 EXCELL ENTchTtdca re Oteen Church Road 298 6276 EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE IN HOME CALL 298 5504 (5908) October 15 22 29 November 5 1975 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of fhe estate of Marie A Bennett deceased late of Buncombe County North Carolina this is to notify all persons firms and cor porations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 15th day of April 1976 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment This the 13th day of October 1975 Royelta Adams Admrx 88 Michigan Ave Asheville NC 28806 THIS WEEK ree pick up and delivery for portable TV service Color and black and white Sparks Electronics behind Dreamland Drive In 258 2128 TIRED POOR RESULTS WITH SHAMPOOERS? Rent Steamex Carpet Cleaner Now at most Ingles Markets 252 5381 TRAILER axle wheels and tongue 511000628 2136 TRUCK load pottery sale Giant vases statues pedestals plaques incense burners figurines much more actory direct prices 5300 to $2000 Dyers lorist 204 Weaverville Highway 645 7974 TWIN beds kitchen table and chairs mens lounge ladies upholstered chair fireplace screen miscellaneous Ill Lakeshore Drive 669 2019 TWO Selgler oil heaters for sale 274 3432 USED Juke Boxes for the home call 684 0746 for information anytime WAREHOUSE SALE: lea Market Specials Service Station Equipment to Antiques odds and ends Open daily 10 3 179 Roberts Street 253 1449 for infor mation WHEELCHAIR used call 274 0365 EXPERIENCED LUMBER AND HARDWARE SALESMEN AND YARDHANDS OR ESTABLISHED LOCAL RETAIL LUMBER COMPANY WRITE BOX 899 CARE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN TIMES LIST AGE AND EXPERIENCE ALL REPLIES KEPT CONIDENTIAL EXPERIENCED Volkswagen mechanic references required 253 5576 ULL or part time sales people wanted for confined territory to sell national electronic products for the car and home to dealers Product such as CB radios scanners tape players etcWVrite to Box 700 care of Asheville Citizen Times ULL TIME licensed real estate salesman Top commission Experience preferred Call Bill Scroggs Hearthstone Realty 254 6167 GENERAL office: Accurate typist bookkeeping Great spot for right person Willing to work move up 5433 Call Mrs Tolbert 254 0921 SNELLING and SNELLING GENERAL Office: Public relations Sharp personality plus! Type good phone voice growth unlimited 5390 up Call Mrs Ensley 254 0921 SNELLING and SNELLING GOT THE ''No Money tor Back to School" Blues? How about a part time iob that will make you 55000 to 510000 per week? We need ten part time and five full time girls this month 274 0604 10 to 12 noon Monday through Thursday HOUSEKEEPER in Miami la three adults only own room TV swimming pool pleasant conditions CalUol lect 704 387 4430 Beech Mountain before noon or after 6 pm HOUSEMAN position available must be able to do light maintenance ringe benefits excellent working conditions apply in person Howard Johnson Motor Lodge 190 Hendersonville Road to Mrs Hickman MANAGER Trainee: Aggressive Assis tant Manager Learn all areas of management Personnel buying ship ping rapid growth 56700 Call Ms Hilz 254 0921 SNELLING and SNELLING MAN to work at Grocery and Service Station prefer retired or semi retired living quarters furnished apply in per son Economy Oil Company Alexander NC 4 to 8 pm MAN WANTED for hardware Good at fixing things must be hard worker honest and dependable Very good future Ask for Don 684 2343 or 254 ITTYrtd Sale Wednesday thru riday North 121 Barnard Avenue Clothes glassware toys lots Qf miscellaneous RUMMAGE Sale You name it 107 Hazel RMill Road off Westwood 9 till 5 29 30 and 3L WEAVERVILLE garage sale "Wildwood Acres Thursday ri)AY Livingroom suite clothes things of all kinds call 645 3519 EXECUTIVE' ESCORT SERVICE Now open at 1013 Tunnel Road Escorts for parties dancing dining and all oc casions Call 298 7830 EXPERIENCED child care in my home days and nights near Sand Hill School 667 853 before 4 pm EXPERIENCED child care in my home New Bridge section 645 4467 EXPERIENCED child care In my home off Charlotte Highway Parkway Bridge 298 4748 HAVE child birth through one year on first shift opening for child one year to two years second shift very reasonable rates 667 0146 1 LUNSORD DAY CARE LICENSED BELMONT AVENUE 252 8975 Things for Rent a HALLOWEEN COSTUMES for rent call 253 6137 COMPLETE RENTAL CENTER Call Dreamland Rental Service for all types equipment rentals 253 9657 ALES REPRESENTATIVE National Company expanding wants ex perienced sales representative to sell heavy duty saws to wood cutting and plywood mills Territory Carolinas and Virginias ee paid $15000 plus com mission DUNHILL PERSONNEL Executive Park Suite 104 254 6105 SECRETARYRECEPT1ONIST or Kogen Personnel Sunny disposition Better than average typist with flair for composition Up front spot No fee of course! Call 252 6411 TELEPHONE sales telephone solicitors needed Experience preferred Salary and commission 9 4 5 days week Evenings available Also need neat reliable persons with auto for collection and delivery 253 4627 THE WACKENHUT CORPORATION is now accepting appliacations for full time and part time Security Guard positions Call 254 4847 for appointment 8:30 am till 5 pm TWC is an Equal Opportunity Employer UNUSUAL "OP PORTUNITY L80 School related sales work ten to 30 hours per week School church PTA or club work helpful Excellent earnings and op portunity for advancement if accepted Please write Charles GArner Division Manager 474 Haywood Street Asheville NC 28806 WANTED men for washroom work See Mr Moody Moun tain City Laundry 207 Coxe MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS? ANO ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS Positions available In our production Engineering department and quality control testing department Some ex perience desirable Apply to the Personnel Department at CTS of Asheville for crti sideration CT5 ASHEVILLE INC An Equal Opportunity Employer MH PO Box 100 Skyland 684 6451 MOLD MAKERS IMMEDIATE openings are available for qualified Mold Makers Top pay and good fringe benefits with a large tool and dye job shop located in Columbia South Carolina Call collect W3 796 8850 An Equal Opportunity Employer NEED Extra cash? Why not apply for an interesting and exciting sales position with Sarah Coventry Jewelry You can also earn beautiful Sarah Coventry Jewelry as a hostess 253 4123 NEEDED immediately: Technician Ex perienced in two way radio Good benefits Must be licensed $7200 Call Mrs Hewitt 254 0921 SNELLING and SNELLING NEEDED: Phone solicitors evening work call 253 2557 for interview OWNER OPERATORS potential to 548 000 yearly wives ride with husbands with written permission Malone reight Lines Birmingham Alabama call collect 205 3234721 PART TIME HELP WANTED APPLY PARK DRIVE IN THEATRE ATER 6 PM REMODELING PANELING roofing guttering additions garages or new homes GPETRYKOWSKI 683 3339 REMODELING RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Room additions new kitchens carports painting and paper hanging for those who expect the finest Serving Asheville since 1930 CGLENN SEL CO 253 9641 Construction Service ALL types loader dump truck work Land clearing basem*nts roads stone fill dirt 628 1556 anytime SIZE 13 converse super star white leather basket ball shoes Worn one time sold new 525 Will take 515 Call 667 2952 after 4 pm STUDENT TYPEWRITERS Underwoods Royals reconditioned and new) Hearn and Company 34 Broadway 253 7851 BOOKKEEPER: Good in mattvreat op portunity no typing Depenffsole ready to work days Close in Call Mrs Tolbert 254 0921 SNELLING a SNELLING BOOKKEEPER 'Secretary: Interstate fuel repoijr a must Type DE ex perience 5433 up Call Mrs Ensley 254 0977 SNELLING and SNELLING CAREER IN CAETERIA MANAGEMENT CABINETS vanities gun cases etc Phone 667 8332 for free estimates after 4 CHURCH'S urniture 205 West States Street Black Mountain New used fur niture Low Prices 669 8773 DINETTE suite rollaway bed buffet odd chairs bedroom suite mirrors baby fur niture and other 327 Haywood Road or call 252 2349 or Royal Uniform Service IVE Piece Chrome Craft dinette 5100 Call 298 0918 or 628 2024 OR SALE 16 cubic foot rigidaire refrigerator frost free 5180 Call 669 URNITURE Stripped and refinished chairs caned spindles made general repairs call 298 1247 GE washer and dryer 5100 Call 891 4834 KNOXWOOD RANGE 34 inch Cast Iron S150 Call 258 0356 LIKE new Washer and dryer $135 antique wicker rocker call 258 0430 MAGIC Chef micro wave oven perfect condition used very little $25000 667 3648 MATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS $44 Each Piece KINGSDOWN RESTONIC SEALY Ex tra firm All sizes BUY at the HOUSE THAT TRUE DISCOUNTS BUILT irst Building on right past post office Swan nanoa 686 3015 GANT'S UPHOLSTERY LERMSfo suit you or Bank Cards licens di all work guaranteed freeestimates plenty name brand fabrics tochoose from ree pick up and delivery XTuU ted remnants and fake fur $150 perpound DISCOUNT OAM AND ABRICS 89 North Lexington Avenue Phone 254 8789 ATTENTION MILITARY MODELERS The Military Modeler formerly Mike's Hobby Center will give 20 discount on all aircraft and Armor kits now in stock 152 Weaverville Highway 645 5655 1 LYNJLS acial Salon antf gentlemen Bay Beauty Aids (natural product) for acne and skin conditions 485 Hendersonville Road 2744170 PERSON to do survey work six hours per day five days per week Good hourly pay Must be neat aggressive and own a car or more information apply Suite 805 Northwestern Bank Building between the hours of 9 and 12 am Ask for Mrs McCarley RECEPTIONIST: Much public contact general office duties bookkeeper Got a good personality typing? $433 Call Mrs Tolbert 254 0921 SNELLING and SNELLING MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Mature person with $ales and manage ment ability to sell cameras photo equipment and supervise others ear nings good Excellent opportunity See Mr Ball Ball Photo Tunnel Road Shopp ing Center ROUTE SALES Established accounts Asheville area Good earnings Stable work record and route experience Call 252 6411 KOGEN PERSONNEL SALESMAN needed for rewarding career immobile home sales Must have sales ex perience Excellent pay plan and com pany benefits call 298 7856 SALESMEN: Wanted to call on stores homes businesses and variety stores marketing a new door guard safety lock Excellent potential $2000 month possible Write Continental Marketing Co 100 East Lake Drive Greensboro NC 27403 Telephone (919)273 4770 SALESLADY full time and part time Nancy Lynn ashions Selling experience with ladies ready towear necessary Call Manager 298 7211 AziawncemMlft taXl JLTj 3 PM mm I Pay Nurseries and Child Care 211 Positions Wanted Construction Service STONE WORK specializing in retainer walls fireplaces both rock and brick 298 5258 STONE MASONRY 'constructors corp The Stone Masonry People 258 2385 Electrical Service ALLEN HOLDEN ELECTRIC Call after 6 pm 298 2793 urniture Service JERRY'S Upholstery and Refinishing free estimates all work day 252 8453 night 252 l1z Heating Plumbing URNACE cleaning special one week only $15 one good used furnace Expert service phone 254 7564 URNACE and oil burners cleaned and repaired free estimates 24 hours 667 4531 or 667 1579 PLUMBING NEW AND REPAIRS 254 0467 Tree ServiceAAA TREE SERVICE TREES and hedges trimmed topped and removed Emergency work Lots cleared wood for sale 252 1047 Experienced Tree work hedge trimming light hauling' lawn work reasonable free estimates 252 8308 10 a jn 5 pm.
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