Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth, Texas

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MIIMIESAMIEMIMMIMIntos 1 4 i 4 4 3 31 3 et Or i PAGE THREE Section Sit Thursday Evening June 7 1962 FORT WORTH STARTELEGRAM --I East Texans Want to Air Their Side of Well Probe Orn)etlecoEn) Zecaul) Stock Tiriding 2011(otfJelld II can come on your lease and to your operations without the owner's knowledge permission or consent This could very well bankrupt me" Thomas said the accident occurred after the sucker mds had been taken from the tubing and the Winnsboro firm had started to pull the tubing In collapsing the derrick bent the tubing and snapped the wellhead The lease is owned and operated by Owen Thomas of Kilgore The well was the No 2 Arthur Kennedy five miles south of here "In this police state we are living in I don't know who is going to replace my well" said Thomas who was unable to estimate the damage "It doesn't look like we have any rights any more when they Most Citt le Hold Steady Cows Lower Data tomm US WIA10111 SUSUMU 11 10110 'S it "I ION C00 1111k3 1 4111 01164 10 Uri mart I OS AM NI JwAA 7 1141 POO FM4 US MANI SWUM! I I r4 70 0 r( I ot En aI IN AM NI Jwoo 7 el 961 POO us UL MANI SUSUMU (DIlityfr 1 A 111 II 41 oo el Ao to rib 1 lirer am N' 46 lik Tooketweetwes 14 4 PA: 111 0 TeZed OP 44 tie' Ave 60 lo q14 1::3 70 f-ii umi Pi Mattlins CuMn21 kV low tompwootos Ispetted ''s 4 DO "move US WIA10111 SUSUMU 40 4 4P11110A it 0 4 0: 10 11 0 0 graft 41 1 60 1 I 0 0 'At 111A''' I uis CI 0 to' V7 urstuarart 1 Refinery Operations Up For Third Straight Week nblo or BY BOB MarTektram Flosasial Editor Stocks tapered off unevenly early Thursday as cision was displayed in slower trading The smaller volume was considered by some Wall Streeters to be another step in what they expect will be a stabilization process lasting many months Profits continued to be taken by traders on Wednesday's strong advance After the first hour the Dow-Jones 30-stock industrial average was up 075 at 60391 BREADTH OF THE WEDNESDAY advance was shown by the fact that 895 issues rose and 199 fell The Dow industrials were up around 13 points early in the day but late profit taking cut the gain to 895 points at 60391 at the close Volume slackened to 4190000 shares against 6140000 Tuesday i That was the slowest trading in two weeks and restored boardrooms to a more-or-less calm atmosphere However opinion still is sharply divided over whether an advance leading into a traditional summer rally can be without a real test of the May 28 lows of 57693 and 12235 in the industrials and rails respectively The Associated Press reported that the Wednesday ad: stance "was regarded as technical by most Wall All five auto stocks rose late Wednesday when news came that sales of new autos in May were the best for any month since September 1955 the industry's record year Alter two hours industrials were up 029 at 60420 ill-- SR Refinery operations went up for the third consecutive time during the week ended June I the American Petroleum Institute reported Wednesday rising 295000 to 11594000 barrels daily The three-week Increase R7r Una Friday amino Nom $how Low tmpoewe bpseed WA Friday Patnins fitiono Show Low tnlyitett000 bpseed amounted to 595000 barrels daily Gasoline production rose 915000 to 30477000 barrels The output of light and heavy fuel nil increased but the production of kerosene declined Gasoline stocks were up 265000 to 192032000 barrels Domestic oil production de (lined 60500 to 7218060 barrels daily Texas' flow was unchanged at 2523350 barrels daily Imports of crude and products increased 119900 to 1848200 barrels daily Imports of crude declined 100500 to 977900 barrels daily Imports of products climbed 220400 to 870300 barrels daily --Ametated Preiss Wirtopholn KILGORE June 7 group of East Texas independent oil producers is planning an organization to "tell the other side of the story" of the well deviation controversy which has attracted wide attention Approximately 80 Independent producers met in Kilgore and informally discussed the formation of an organization to fight their battles it was announced by Yoachum of Kilgore temporary chairman "We are highly incensed at the 'police methods' being used by some state officials in attempts to obtain evidence" Yoachum said He said the group had reference to the attorney general's office and the department of public safety "As far as we know every producer present at our meeting who has received letters from the Railroad Commission (regarding well surveys) has expressed willingness to co-operate with the commission in its investigation" the chairman pointed out "Our group discussed the possibility of making its own investigation of the many facets of the state's investigation and the civil suits filed by some major oil companies" he said "We feel that the investigation should include major companies as well as independents" he continued "Evidence that some individ uals of our group has gathered lindicates that certain sensational disclosures may be in the offing" he said Pressed to be specific Yoachum said details would be made public at a press conference "in the near future" "Our group feels that only One side of the story has been told and our purpose is to tell the other side" he said A derrick collapsed Tuesday as a service crew hired by the Railroad Commission prepared to test an oil well for directional drilling No one was hurt but three vehicles were destroyed These belonged to the Winnsboro Well Servicing Company: the John Mobley Tank Company of Kilgore and the commission Rotary Rigs Have Decline Of 39 in Week MAPPING THE showers are expected Thursday night over portions of the Northern and Central Plains the Tennessee Valley and the middle Atlantic coastal states while hot weather will continue to dominate the south Atlantic and Gulf Coasts There will be little change in temperature elsewhere STATE WEATHER Cows were steady to 25c lower at the close here Thursday Other represented classes held steady Supplies were largely ee der classes with the bulk for the auction There were no slaughter steers Heifers: Few standard and good 514 to 830 pounds $21 to $2550 Cows: Utility and commercial $14 to $16 canner and cutter $1150 to $1450 shelly canner $8 to $1150 Bulls: Absent Calves: Good $24 to $2575 standard $21 to $24 Feeders: Medium steer calves $20 to $24 common 818 to $20 Lot good 520-pound heifers $21 Common and medium heifer calves $1750 to $22 Hog close 100: All represented classes generally fully steady Harrows and gilts: No 1 to 3 185 to 250 pounds $1525 to $16 few No 2 and 3 275 to 320 pounds $1450 to $15 few No 1 153 pounds $14 Others: Scattered lots No 2 and 3 300 to 525-pound sows $13 to $1350 small number No 2 350 pounds $1375 Few 230 to 570- pound boars $9 to $10 Sheep Close 2000: Small supply well cleaned up at generally fully steady prices Slaughter: Good to prime spring lambs 818 to $21 good and choice old crop shorn lambs mostly under 90-pound averages with No 1 and 2 pelts $15 to $1650 few cull spring and old crop lambs $8 to $10 Cull to good shorn ewes $450 to $550 Feeders: Small lots good and choice spring lambs $11 to $13 Estimated receipts compared to actual arrivals last Thursday were: Cattle 1500 and 1559 calves 100 and 148 hogs 100 and 56 sheep 2000 and 2431 This report is by the Department of Agriculture Grain Market Turns Softer Electric Power Output Ahead of 1961 Week NEW YORK June 7 til1-ElecEric power production by the nation's utility plants last week ran 114 per cent ahead of the like week of 1961 the Edison Electric Institute said Thursday Output amounted to 15471000- 000 kilowatt hours against 13- R67000000 in the corresponding week a year ago as all regions except one posted gains cloudy and warm through Friday with widely scattered thunder showers mainly in north portion Southeast Texas Partly cloudy to cloudy and warm through Friday with widely scattered showers or thundershowers mostly Thursday afternoon and night Southwest Clear to partly cloudy and warm through Friday with a few widely scattered afternoon and night-time thunderstorms Extreme Southwest Fair through Friday except some cloudiness and widely scattered afternoon and evening thunder showers in east portion Not much change in temperature State forecast issued by the Weather Bureau Thursday: North Central Texas Partly cloudy and warm through Friday with scattered thunderstorms Thursday night Low Thursday night 66-74 High Friday 89-94 Northeast Texas Partly cloudy and warm through Friday with scattered night-time and early morning thundershowers in north portion Northwest Texas Partly cloudy to clear through Friday with scattered afternoon and evening thundershowers mainly in east portion Slightly cooler Panhandle Thursday afternoon and night South Central Texas Partly CHICAGO June 7 ain futures prices started off in weakness Thursday on the Board of Trade Wheat was Ime to 34c a bushel lower July $214 to $2141R: corn unchanged to 2c lower July $1121i to 8112: oats unchanged to 3isc lower July 6614c to 66c soybeans Itic to lower July $246 The market had steadied somewhat by the end of the first hour when wheat was to a bushel lower July 8214 corn to 7Re lower July $1111B oats qic to 1ic lower July 6618c rye 24e lower to 14c higher July 8133 soybeans 14c to lower July $24614 Olin Mathieson and Du Pont Merger Off Active rotary rigs in the United States and Canada declined 39 to 1730 during the week ended June 4 The United States had 1623 units in operation a decline of 50 while Canada gained 11 to 107 in comparison with the previous week Texas had 574 rigs in operation a decline of 30 Oklahoma gained three to 61 and New Mexico was up five to 99 Louisiana dropped five to 250 Following is a comparison by states for the two weeks: June 4 May 2R Chg Alabama 10 10 Alaska 11 11 Arizona 2 2 California offshore 4 4 California land 93 R9 4 Total California Colorado 25 26 1 Georgia I Illinois 42 4 5 Indiana 9 7 2 Kansas 100 106 6 Kentucky 5 5 La 30 31 1 La In wirs 91 96 5 La land 1 70 8 La offshore 5R 56 Total Louisiana 250 255 5 Michigan 14 16 2 Mussissioni 4R 55 Missouri I 1 Montana 24 22 4- 2 Nebraska 14 15 I New Mexico 99 94 5 North Dakota In 12 2 Ohio 5 5 Oklahoma 161 1M 3 Oregon 1 I Pennsidirania i South Dakota I Tennessee 1 1 In sirs 11 4- TelleGulf 14 155 173 TexikGulf Wish 2 2 North Texas 61 Panhandle 41 42 East Texas 46 50 West Central Texas 1411 150 1 West Texas 113 117 4 8 (Wish 2 North Texas 51 Panhandle 41 East Texas 46 West Central Texas 145 West Texas 113 1 4- 2 173 --18 2 61 3 42 I 50 4 50 4 159 2 117 4 NEW YORK June 7 liP)--Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation and Du Pont said they had been unable to agree on the purchase of part of Olin's Niagara Falls facilities by Du Pont Negotiations have been Louisiana Flow To Be Unchanged Central Alberta Has Strikes Indicated American Advances Livestock Receipts IIICHOLS 1199 Houston MA AMA CALGARY June 7 and gas discoveries have been indicated at British American Oil Company Ltd projects drilled in central Alberta The company scheduled production tests at No 1 Sylvan Lake kit 11 section 3537-3 west of fifth meridian after a drillstem test of Mississippian at 6986 to 1 1 BATON ROUGE June 7 Louisiana's daily oil allowable will remain unchanged through July and August Conservation Commissioner James Gill said Wednesday The current allowable is 1110- 566 barrels daily 45000 barrels below the March-April figure The exact July-August figure to be announced later this month will include additions for new production Gill said crude imports are continuing to increase and are substantially above those of a year ago SALABLE RECEIPTS ON 12 MARKETS CattleCalvesHoss Sheep Port Worth 100 100 2000 Kansas Cult 900 50 2100 200 Chicato 1000 25 9500 700 St Louis 900 200 8000 500 Omaha 1500 25 8000 700 Sioux Cite 2500 6500 800 81 Joseph 400 25 4200 1500 St Paul 3500 700 7500 1200 Denver 700 700 200 Indianapolis 250 25 6000 300 Sioux Palls 900 100 3000 400 Oklahoma CPT 2600 200 200 200 Tot Thursday 11100 1400 56400 8700 Tot Week Ala 100 2200 71400 16400 OTHER MARKETS CattleCalvecHogsSheep Wichita 1000 25 800 1500 San Antonio 400 100 100 x100 tAnd 100 twits After four hours Industrials were up 034 at 60425 rails off 009 at 12659 utilties down 053 at 11349 Volume dried up to only 'MO- 000 shares against 3010000 Wed nesday The Associated Press reported that a hesitant stock market stalled near dead center early Thursday afternoon as trading slowed to its quietest pace in 'more than two weeks t1 Reflecting the pause the AP average of 60 stocks at noon was unchanged at 22270 with indus trials up 40 rails off 30 and utilities off 10 Some of the uncertainty was linked with President Kennedy's news conference scheduled for after the New York market close Movements of most key stocks were fractional a few moving a point or so either way "Not much up not much down" commented one broker Nonferrous metals steels and electrical equipments helped the industrial section of the list nudge slightly higher hilt this was balanced by a softer ten dency among the rails and utili ties The market action was a logi cal follow-through to the profit taking which reduced Wednes day's large gain in late dealings and another step in what some Wall Stretters expect may be a stabilization process lasting weeks or months General Motors which dominated the auto sales picture traded about unchanged while Ford which recorded a 4 per cent drop in sales from 1961 rose nearly a point Chrysler dipped slightly American Motors held firm and Studebaker-Packard lost a fraction International Machines re couped around 8 points in routine move for this wide-swinging issue Litton Industries rose a couple of Points Volatile Xerox and Polaroid were up 'damn a point each modest for these Tobaccos showed little immediate reac- lion to the news that the surgeon general is naming a committee to study whether smoking has any impact on health Americen Tobacco wu up a fraction Lorillard eased Liggett Myers was about unchanged A I0000-share block of Dow Chernioalc off a fraction way the biggest early transaction A degree of Investment demand wits reflected by American Telephone's vain of a full point and edvances of slightly more than that by Eastman Kodak and 4 1 were made Gen eral Fractional International Paper Doug las Aircraft Anaconda and Homestake Montgomery Ward was up about a Point Bond prices advanced irregularly at the start of trading continuing the tone that developed late Wednesday Over the counter dealers in 101 ernment securities quoted intermediates and long bonds higher bY 232 to 433 although activity was limited Among corporates traded On the New 'York Stock Exchante industrials opened with a definitely higher trend Utilities trailed off and rails were mixed Total Texas 574 Utah 41 West Virginia 14 WVOMing 41 United States 1 823 Western Canada 108 Eastern Canada 1 Total 1730 4 31 01 Savings Loans 14 10 Federal Insurance QUARTERLY PAYMENTS Reprisonted Loudly By ARUM SOMMER CO 117 Taylor St ED 51361 -39 38 3 16 2 49 1673 -50 96 11) 041 1 7040 feet surfaced gas in two minutes at a maximum rate of 8300000 cubic feet per day Recovery was 80 feet of condensate and 40 feet of drilling mud Devonian reef oil production has been indicated at the company's No 1 Chigwell Isd 10 section 5-40-25 west of fourth meridian A drillstem test at 6615 to 6677 feet developed gas at the surface in four minutes at a rate of 69000 cubic feet per day Recovery was 940 feet of 39 gravity oil and 330 feet of black sulphur water Casing has been set for production tests The venture is two miles south of nearest oil production and six miles west of the Clive Devonian oil area Steel Orders pick Up July Buying Helps 176 i- --341 Chicago Livestock I NEW YORK June 7 Prices were generally higher on the American Stock Exchange in dull trading early Thursday afternoon Kawneer rose about 2 AerojetGeneral and Canadian Javelin more than a point Heli-Coil held a 1-point gain while Anken Chemical Occidental Petroleum Pacific Petroleums and Perfect Photo did less well Losers included Signal Oil Bruce and Mend Johnson American Stock Exchange prices at midmorning Thursday from Uhlmann lit Company 4th floor Fort Worth Club Office Bldg included: Aeralet 521? itaweckl Ch 2414 Am Flee 414 Mead Johnson 34 Ark La Gas 32 Microwave 1414 Audio Dev 1114 Muniz TV 41 Barnes Eng 1634 Nuclear Cp Cu El Pw 21 Occidental Pet 1514 Catalin Pt Pacific PM 1214 Cinerama 11 Perfect Photo Pi DYTIMit of A 1014 Polorad 53i Edo 12 Seebuts 12 Fargo Oils 2 Signal Oil 21 Pirth Steil 534 Syntex 33 Plying Tiger 1014 Technicolor 1114 Oen Develop 914 TriCont Wnr 30 Oray Mfg 5 Universal Coot 614 Hazel Bishop 9 Web Knap Jetronic In 2 Kale's JwIry 15 These New York Stock Exchange stocks are also from Uhlmann: 1M Bus Ma 371 Kerb Mn 15 Metro-O-M 343 Uptohn 38 Minn Honey 90 Woolworth 70 EEL AL2 CHICAGO June 7 hog prices were steady to weak Thursday as another large supolY of 9500 head went on MI lit! The offerings brought the total for the week to 34000 the largest for all comparable period this year and 3500 'above the total for last week's four trading clays A verv few mixed No I and 2 grades averaging 210 pounds brought the 91723 top Others in the 190 to 225pound range moved at 91950 to 917 Mixed I to 3 grades up to 270 pounds were 91525 to $1675 and mixed 2s and 3s weighing 260 to 325 pounds 1114 to $1525 Sows were 91260 to $IC Slaughter steers sold steady to strong for the small supply which Included only one load of 1370-pound high choice at the 926 top Mixed good and choice to 1100 high choice cleared at 92250 to 92575 In the sheep market a few choice and prime spring slaughter lambs brought 92450 With crices strong to 50e higher the mixed good and choice to mostly choice moved at 92150 to $24 NEW YORK June 7 UN Although steel production is still down orders are picking up the Iron Age said Thursday The metalworking weekly said buying for July delivery may he a little stronger than industry leaders expected Because shipments and output are still tailing off the recent slim boost in ordering was needed to support operations at the present 50 to 55 per cent of capacity range the magazine said "While some mills are encouraged by the recent July ordering others remain pessimistic about next month's sales" it added Large steel users still are relying heavily on large stockpiles built up in the first three months of the year before a new wage agreement was signed lifting the threat of a mid summer strike "How much recovery there is later in the third quarter depends largely on auto steel orders for 1963 model cars" the Iron Age said "The July tonnages seem earmarked for close-cuts of 1962 production runs" Man Robbed of Billfold Police Seize Suspect A Mexican dressed in western clothes and a string tie robbed Sam Dougherty 32 of 4360 Fry of his billfold and car keys late Wednesday in the 800 block of Monroe Dougherty said the robber stuck a gun in his face demanded money and then fled on foot after getting it Policeman Mathews arrested a 31-year-old Dallas man who fitted the robber's description at 15th and Houston The suspect who said he has served time for robbery was carrying Dougherty's billfold and car keys starring ElICWIRD Cnt IMBREILAID NYSTOCKS Cotton Prices Slant Lower co-starring RAY111011D IMSSEY Sears Reports May Sales Set Record I I n' A'we A 44kr: 1-1k 7 i E4 't-: "i4 -4- 18-- :444 -710- () 1- 1 i -7- ilif'''i I "1 1: I CHOOSE AMERICA'S COLDEST AIR CONDITIONER TOP RATED NO 1 IDeath Notices NEW YORK June 7 (Ai Cotton futures were unchanged to lower in early dealings Commission house liquidation was absorbed mostly through buying by spot firms Activity centered In near-by months Mid-morning prices were unchanged to 3 points lower than the previous close July 3477c October 346Ic and December 3450c bid Futures opened unchanged to 3 points lower Noon prices were 2 points higher to 3 lower than the previous close July 3479c October 346Ic and Dec 3452c PEAVLER DAVID WASHINGTON SR 1321 Hammond passed away Wedneadm Services 10 a Friday Owens-Bru lev Chapel Interment Laurel Land Ai rangenientc Owens-Brumley MORRIS MRS MAGGIE ELIZABETH R7 2104 Pearl passed ThursdaY Services 11:30 Friday Owens Brumlei Chapel Interment 3 Comanche Texaa Arrangements Owens-Brumiev V26Y78 CHICAGO June 7 'Roebuck Company reported Thursday its May sales surged e- to a new monthly record topping the record set last year by nearly 12 per cent Gross sales were $418972083 an increase of $44418855 or 119 per cent over sales of $74553228 in May 1961 Sales for the first four fiscal months February through May totaled $1419285032 also a new record This is a gain of $119258533 or 92 per cent over record sales of $1300026499 in the same period of last year MEANS MORE COOLING AT LOWER OPERATING COSTI BEST POWER FACTOR Tonight Dr Kildare literally falls for a pretty nurse and becomes a traction case Bache Company Fair Bldg reported at midmorning Thursdoy that Prices of these atocks were: Allied Chem 4114 Jones Lau 49 Allied Strs 57 Kennecott 71 Mum Ltd 21 Ling Temco 11131 Amerada Pet 93 Lockheed 411's Am Airlines 17 Lone Str 213) Am Broad 29 Lone Sir Os 211s Am Can 4231 Lorillard 45 Am Cynmid 41 Magma Cop 571) Mn 23 Martin Mar 20 Am Motors 14 Minn Ming 5211 Am Nat Gag 40 Meck 6811 Am Rad 14 Monsanto 39 Am 10931 Monts Ward 29 Am Tobacco 3432 Nat Distillers 26 Am Viscose 51 NY Central 13 Anaconda 42 Am AY 571) Armour 41 Outboard 1631 Ashland Oil 23 Pan Am Wld 1811 Atchison 23 Fenn RR 123) Atlantic Ref 4811 Pfizer 4311 Avon Mfg 20 Phillips Pet 47 Bethm Stl 36 6911 Boeing 4214 RCA 4914 Borg Warner 4014 Raytheon 3011 Burling Ind 21 Revlon 4314 Burroughs 3711 Rynolds Met 2531 Carrier 35 RYnolds 'Fob 46 Case fill 6 Rich Ild Oil 371) Caterpillar 34 Rohr Aire la14 Chmpin Oil 24 Royal Dutch 36 51 Safeway 443ig Chrysler 4314 Scott PR!" 30 Co Imb Bf 351's Sears 72 Co Imb Oita 2631 Shell Oil 3531 Cont Air 6 Sinclair 3314 Cont Oil 411) Soconv Mob 5011 Corn Prod 411 Sou Par 24 Crucible St 1511 Spartans In 19 Delta Mr 33 Sperrv 11-Lnd 1534 Dow Chem 49 SO Cal 541) Du Pont 1871) SO Ind 4634 Dreaser Ind 2311 so 513i Eastern Aid 19 Studebaker 7 Eatman Kod 97 Sunray Oil 25 El Nat 21 Swift 3f114 Fedders la Tandy 6 Ford 86 Ten Oas Tr 2114 Fniehauf 21 Texaco 521) On DYnm 24 Tex Prod 3914 Oen El 64 Tex 0 Sulph 13 On Foods 73 Tex Instrmnt 64 Gen Motors 50 Textron 25114 On Tire 23 TP 401) OettY Oil 1414 Tex utilities 4314 Ooodrich 5214 Thiokol 2211 Orumman 343k Tidewater la Goodyear 3411g Uni On Crbide 95 Ou If Oil 36 Union Pic 30 Halliburton 5o United Aire 43 Narver Ahn 2014 11 8 Rubber 45 IBM 3733) 8 Steel 5114 Int Rarvestr 51 24 11 l4 Nickel 631) Telegraph 29 Tnt Paper 2111) Westrighouse 2111 Int 3911 Woolworth 60'4 Johns-Man 45 Zenith 5311 Francis I 'DuPont COMIATM 709 Main St- reported these stocks at mid morning Thursday were-Allied Sup 12 Illinois Ceti 3714 Ani Pelt 1234 Litton 9034 Aria Pub Per 21111 Magnavox 34 Baxter Lab 22 Merritt-Chap 914 Bell At How We Nat Biscuit 39 Dentin' 56 Nat Can 1114 Brunswick 20'4 Nat Cash 89 Budd Co 11 Niagara Mow 42 caned Bag 221) Panhandle 51 Cities Set 50 Parke Dav 271) Collins Rail 23 Ralston Pur 3314 Cons Edison 7111 Royal McBee 9 Coot Can 401s Schering 41 Curtis Pub 715 So Cal Ed 27 Decea Rec 423 Spencer Chem 3031 Foremoat 931 'Union Par 30 Oen Tel 2114 Vs 3611 Gillette 37 SAVE '30 TO '70 PRITCHETT WILLIAM 40 rest dent of Houston missed away Wdenesday Mr Pritchett was a native of Waco Texas Survivors: three brothers James Pritchett Jr of Fort Worth Leslie 1 Pritchett Jack Pritchett both of Dallas: three sistere Mrs August Buchel of Dallas Mrs Curtis Scott of Fort Worth Mrs Kenneth Easterwood of Waco seven nephews Bye nieces Mr Pritchett will lie in state until noon Thursday at Ray Crowder Funeral Home I R05911 will be recited at 8 Thum day Wilkirson Hatch Funeral Home Waco Texas Requiem mass will be I celebrated at 10 a tn Friday Si Marv's Church of the Assumption Pallbearers: Thomas I Jr Phillip and Stephen 1 Douglas Pritchett James Buchel Kenneth Easterwood James Curl Arrangements Rev Crowder Waco Papers telettee copy On Brand New 1961 Models Rise in Net Reported By Collins Radio MDS Plans Separate Real Estate Operation NEW YORK June 7 VI--May Department Stores Company will enter the real estate business under a management proposal approved by stockholders May will form a separate real estate operation to be called May Realty Investment Company The new organization would buy May's six regional shopping centers and the buildings housing IO of its 50 department stores May Realty also would expand into other real estate operations not necessarily related to the parent company WALLACE GAIL ELAINE I veer residence 1407 Harrison Vernon Teyss passed rev in Wichita Falls hoop 1 Monday Survivors: parents Mr Mrs James Wallace of Vernon: grandmother Mrs Louise Wallace of Cairo 111 grandfather James Clevton of Henbrook Services 11:30 a et Thursday Owens-Brumley Chapel Inter ment Laurel Littld Arrenaements Owens-Hrumiev 425 Henderson ED 5- 4557 NO DOWN PAYMENT I LOW BANK RATES 0 112 0 MONT SAVE LIP zti To UV ON ELECTRIC COST FEDDERS Be sure to "Sing Along With Mitch" and all of the Sing Along Gang tonight at 9 DALLAS June 7 continued to improve in the third quarter of fiscal 1962 Collins Radio reported Thursday Net income for the three-month period ended April 30 amounted '4 to $778679 or 33c per common share on sales of $30802121 Net income for the same guar ter a year ago totaled $97895 or 4c per common share on sales of $51716972 "These results exceed those reported for the entire first six months and also represent a considerable improvement over the corresponding quarter a year ago' President Arthur Collins said Public Debt The public debt 1114 4 was $299539086223 vs $290336- P41770 a year Ago Yesterday's Cash Grain GROGAN 4 resiMAIre 311 West St Arlington Passed away Tuesday Mr Orogen was member of the Find Baptiat Church Arlington Survivors: wife: two sons James A Oran of Handley Bill Orogen of Richland Hills: two dgughters Mrs Mays of Dallas Mrs I Lingle of Everman tWo brothers William Orogen of Fort Worth Orogen of California: one sister Mrs Russell Johnson of Alabama seven grandchildren nine greatrrandchildren Services 3 Thursdai Moore Chanel Arlington Rev Marghall Sidebottom officiating Interment Park-dale Arrangements Hugh Moore Ss Sons Arlinaton Willigin Moore directing 711 Ainp-1 I 112 HP Plugs In like A Hand tree "Air Conditioning Center" ON THE NUMBER 1 NEWS STATION ON THE NUMBER 1 NEWS STATION 11) i 5 Grain priers were uneven at Fort Worth Wednesday Wheat-19 ears: le higher: No 1 hard domestic 1211 to $258 No 1 ordinary hard export 123114 to 12 3314 receipts: unchanged to 114c lower: No I yellow 1137 to 1139 nomi net No white SI 91 to 1111 nominal Oats-2 cars tutchanged No 2 1156c to 1174c nominal car unchanged No 2 1111 to 11 22 nonitnal goryhtims No receipts: unchanged No 2 Yellow $2 09 to 12 11 per ewt Prices are basis earloada on track or in storage freight paid to Texas corn MOTI points Interstate rate or Togas milt Porta tinmeetto rat Texas Poultry CAPPEL-ELLIG e0 WA 3-4422 brook Hwy PE 8-4422 I EloristsCemly Lots 01A I runeral fricmPrs Wrist flortpit 4070 JP' 1121S4 AUSTIN June I tatillt -Poultry Stead" Suppltes adenualt for the fair demand Movement good Priesa Rt the farm for 24 hours ending Thuraday brotters-frrers 3 to 311 14e I BB 1 6 I to.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.