A Kiss Before Dying movie review (1991) | Roger Ebert (2024)

Ambitious young men are almost always dangerous in the movies.

They hunger, and brood, and dream, and they will allow nothing to stand in their way. They're a familiar type, almost always achieved by overacting: Asked to project resentment, hurt and ambition, all at once, your average actor goes over the top. It is one of the strengths of James Dearden's "A Kiss Before Dying" that Matt Dillon is able to make his character self-contained, impassive, and so all the more dangerous.

Dillon plays Jonathan, a poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks, who as a child used to sit in his bedroom and gaze morosely at the endless freight trains rumbling past, all of them emblazoned with the logo of Carlsson Copper. One day, he apparently said to himself, those trains will be mine. We meet him next at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is dating Dorothy (Sean Young), one of two twin daughters of crusty old Thor Carlsson (Max von Sydow), a proud millionaire. And then the film springs a surprise on us, which I will not reveal, and even so, do not read any further unless you want to know that Dorothy is found dead, an apparent suicide.

Dorothy's twin is Ellen, also played by Sean Young, and soon she and Jonathan are in love. They both work in the same homeless rescue agency, picking up street kids and giving them counseling and a place to spend the night. But Jonathan doesn't see social work as a permanent career, and he ingratiates himself with the uncompromising old man, goes fishing with him, agrees with everything he says, and is eventually given a job in the family firm.

Ellen is in love, but she is obsessed with the notion that her twin did not commit suicide. There are all sorts of clues, if you know where to look: For example, Dorothy was wearing new shoes, purchased just before she died. Is that the action of a suicidal person? And then there are the mysterious deaths of Dorothy's former friends and co-students. Did they know something? Are their deaths a coincidence? Veteran filmgoers, familiar with the Rule of Economy of Characters, will have guessed that Jonathan is not in the film simply to stand by while Ellen finds the real killer. "A Kiss Before Dying" generates most of its suspense, in fact, by allowing us to know things about Jonathan that Ellen doesn't know. Dearden, the director, wrote "Fatal Attraction" and got substantial mileage out of the same idea - that a man is in mortal danger from the woman he is having an affair with. In "Fatal Attraction" there was an additional twist, in that the audience was not quite so sure of the facts, but the strength of "A Kiss Before Dying" is that the Matt Dillon character is so private, so controlled by inner needs no one else in the film is allowed to see, that he is almost two persons, all by himself.

This is Matt Dillon's first film since "Drugstore Cowboy," and demonstrates again that he is one of the best actors working in movies. He possesses the secret of not giving too much, of not trying so hard that we're distracted by his performance. Dillon was never trained as an actor, was a junior high school kid when he was cast in an unsung but powerful movie named "Over the Edge," and has turned out to have a natural affinity with the camera. There was a brief period when his career was endangered by quasi-Teen Idol status, but he just kept working, choosing interesting roles and good directors, and today he and the slightly older Sean Penn are the best actors in their age group.

About Sean Young I am not quite so sure. In her best work, like "The Boost" (1988), she is convincing - angry, obsessed, fearful. But here her character seems to know too much of the story; she has a detachment that's not appropriate, a way of seeming to know, like we do, what the real outcome is going to be. It undermines the concern we feel for her.

And yet "A Kiss Before Dying" works, in most of its scenes, because it is fueled by the need of the Dillon character. Dearden helps it work because he doesn't press his point. The film opens and closes with closeups of Dillon as a boy, looking at those trains going by, and Dillon is too good an actor to feel any need to improve on the emotions we associate with those wide little eyes.

A Kiss Before Dying movie review (1991) | Roger Ebert (2024)


What is the plot of the novel A Kiss Before Dying? ›

Now a modern crime classic, Levin's story centers on a charming, intelligent man who will stop at nothing, even murder, to get where he wants to go. His problem is a pregnant woman who loves him. The solution involves desperate measures.

What is the movie A Kiss Before Dying about? ›

Where was the movie A Kiss Before Dying filmed? ›

The film was the directorial debut of Gerd Oswald, and was filmed in Tucson, Arizona.

What is the meaning of the title A Kiss Before Dying? ›

The title is A kiss before dying. Bud, one of the main characters, pretends to love his victims before he kills them. A kiss is a symbol of love.

What happens at the end of A Kiss Before Dying? ›

Ellen suspects that Dorothy's death was not a suicide. Though this is at first an independent suspicion, she later connects it to Corliss and his reason for trying so hard to date her. When she approaches him, announcing that she knows he murdered Dorothy, he admits it, then kills her too.

What is the point of view of the kiss before dying? ›

The mystery is told in three parts, from the perspective of murderous schemer Bud Corliss and the two sisters of his first victim.

What is the theme of the kiss before dying? ›

Four main themes pervade in the novel A Kiss Before Dying by Ira Levin: Greed, Murder, Deception and Love and Marriage.

Why is it called the kiss of death? ›

For example, Some regard a royal divorce as a kiss of death to the monarchy . This term alludes to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, who kissed him as a way of identifying him to the soldiers who came to arrest him (Matthew 26: 47–49). It dates only from about 1940 but was previously called a Judas kiss .

What is the original kiss of death movie? ›

Kiss of Death is a 1947 American film noir directed by Henry Hathaway and written by Ben Hecht and Charles Lederer from a story by Eleazar Lipsky. The story revolves around an ex-con played by Victor Mature and his former partner-in-crime, Tommy Udo (Richard Widmark in his first film).

How are kisses filmed in movies? ›

The stage kiss: In this technique, one actor cups the other's face in a way that appears natural and romantic before drawing them in. Right before they connect, the former places their thumb over the latter's lips so that no direct mouth-to-mouth contact occurs.

Where was Kiss of Death filmed? ›


Vibrant direction by Henry Hathaway in the “semi-documentary” style—meaning shot on location in New York City. It remains one of the essential noirs.

What is the plot of the book A Lesson Before Dying? ›

Set in the rural south in the 1940s during Jim Crow laws and racial segregation, Gaines's eighth novel, A Lesson Before Dying, tells the story of a falsely-accused young black man on death row and a Louisiana-born, college educated teacher who visits him in prison and helps him regain his dignity.

What is the story behind the kiss of death? ›

Some believe it refers to the kiss of Judas which was given to Jesus to betray him to the soldiers seeking him out. Its use goes back to at least the early 19th century in Sicily.

What is the plot of the kiss? ›

The Kiss is a 1988 dark fantasy horror drama film directed by Pen Densham and starring Joanna Pacula and Meredith Salenger. The plot follows two young women who find themselves haunted by an ancient parasitic curse that was passed on to one of them by a kiss.

What is the theme of A Kiss Before Dying? ›

Four main themes pervade in the novel A Kiss Before Dying by Ira Levin: Greed, Murder, Deception and Love and Marriage.


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