55" TCL 4K UHD HDR LED Roku TV (2024)


Monthly Payment:




/mo. for 12 months, plus tax

Today's Payment:$01*

Number of Payments:12

Cash Price:You can buy this product for this price at a participating Aaron’s retail location. Aaron’s does not offer a retail option online. 556.99

Cost of Lease ServicesThis is the amount in addition to the cash price you pay to cover all the benefits of leasing to own, including the ability to return the merchandise at any time without further obligation, lifetime reinstatement, and service and repair while leasing. +-137.11

Total Cost of Ownership (plus tax):This is your lease payment multiplied by the number of payments to ownership, plus applicable tax.TCO doesn’t include any late fees or other charges you may pay according to the lease agreement if payments are not made on time, or optional charges such as Aaron’s Club. 419.88

Payment information shown for zip 20147.Not your zip?

Your Lease Ownership Plan

Payments & availability for 20147 (change)

Weekly with EZPay


$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split('.')[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split('.')[1] ]]*

$[[ stylePricing(flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly, 0) ]].[[ stylePricing(flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly, 1) ]]*

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]]

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate) ]]

per week + tax

per month + tax

$[[ formatPrice(getFirstPaymentAmount) ]]due today*Understand Today's Payment

55" TCL 4K UHD HDR LED Roku TV (1)

EZPay autopay required for weekly payments. Avoid late fees & cancel anytime, no extra costs. Learn more about EZPay

Make weekly payments on your monthly lease agreement by signing up for EZPay autopay with no extra cost. You can sign up for EZPay in checkout with a debit/credit card.

Weekly with EZPay


$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[1] ]]*

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]]

per week + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[0] ]].[[ formatPrice(flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[1] ]]*

per week + tax

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate) ]]

per month + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

per month + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.firstPaymentAmount) ]] due today *Understand Today's Payment

55" TCL 4K UHD HDR LED Roku TV (2)

EZPay autopay required for weekly payments. Avoid late fees & cancel anytime, no extra costs. Learn more about EZPay

Make weekly payments on your monthly lease agreement by signing up for EZPay autopay with no extra cost. You can sign up for EZPay in checkout with a debit/credit card.

Today's Payment

$[[ noTabs ? formatPrice(flexterm.firstPaymentAmount) : formatPrice(flexterm.FirstPaymentAmount)]]*

Weekly EZPay Overview

Number of Payments to Ownership

[[ flexterm.NumberOfWeeklyPayments ]]

[[ flexterm.numberOfWeeklyPayments ]]

Enrollment Fee


Total Weekly Payment

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

Lease Ownership Plan

Ownership Plan

[[ flexterm.Term ]] months

Monthly Total

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate) ]] + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate) ]] + tax

Cash Price

Cash Price + Cost of Lease Services = TCO
Total Cost / Months = Monthly Payment

$[[ cashpriceval.toLocaleString().replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,').trim() ]]

Cost of Lease Services

This is the amount in addition to the cash price you pay to cover all the benefits of leasing to own, including the ability to return the merchandise at any time without further obligation, lifetime reinstatement, and service and repair while leasing.

+$[[ CostOfLeaseService(cashpriceval, flexterm.LeaseRate, flexterm.Term, flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate) ]]

Service and Repair During Lease


Delivery + Set Up


Total Cost of Ownership

This is your lease payment multiplied by the number of payments to ownership, plus applicable tax.TCO doesn’t include any late fees or other charges you may pay according to the lease agreement if payments are not made on time, or optional charges such as Aaron’s Club.

$[[ totalCostOfOwnership(flexterm.LeaseRate, flexterm.Term, flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate) ]]

Oops!something went wrong, please try again.

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Free Delivery: Estimated 5-7 business days

Similar items with free 2 - 3 day Express Delivery

    Scheduling: Delivery estimate is based on product location and availability. Your local store will contact you to schedule a date and time that works best for you.Learn more about our delivery process.

    Availability, payment, and delivery time are for delivery to20147.

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    Free Delivery: Estimated ' + deliveryMessage + '

    '); } else { // Your logic here if the condition is not met console.log('The delivery window does not meet the condition.'); }

    55" TCL 4K UHD HDR LED Roku TV (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Domingo Moore

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6193

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

    Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Domingo Moore

    Birthday: 1997-05-20

    Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

    Phone: +3213869077934

    Job: Sales Analyst

    Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.